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Steinberg Wavelab Elements 8 Manual

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Page 341

Plug-in Reference
Built-in Plug-ins
Out Ceiling
This is the maximum level of the output signal. Values range from 
 dB to 0 dB.
This governs the speed at which the signal becomes unaffected 
after limiting has been triggered on some samples. Values range 
from -5 to +5.
This plug-in provides a simple way of inserting a precise period of 
silence at the start or at the end of an audio file. Use this plug-in to add 
silence at the end of a file, so that the tail of a reverb plug-in...

Page 342

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
In WaveLab Elements there is no limitation to the use of VST plug-ins. 
They can be used wherever plug-ins can be inserted.
•You can specify which VST plug-ins should be available in the 
Effects pane and Dithering pane of the Master Section by using 
the Plug-in settings dialog.
• VST plug-ins have their own preset handling. You can save or load 
effect programs (presets).
This plug-in is a simple auto-pan effect. It can use...

Page 343

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Brickwall Limiter
This plug-in ensures that the output level never exceeds a set limit.
Due to its fast attack time, Brickwall Limiter can reduce even short audio 
level peaks without creating audible artifacts. Brickwall Limiter features 
separate meters for input, output, and the amount of limiting. Position 
this plug-in at the end of the signal chain, before dithering.
Threshold (-20 to 0 dB)
Only signal levels above the set threshold are processed....

Page 344

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
This plug-in is a single stage chorus effect. It works by doubling 
whatever is sent into it with a slightly detuned version.
The sweep rate can be set with the Rate knob, without sync to 
Determines the depth of the chorus effect. Higher settings 
produce a more pronounced effect.
Sets the stereo width of the effect. Turn clockwise for a wider 
stereo effect.
Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the wet...

Page 345

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
This plug-in reduces the dynamic range of the audio, making softer 
sounds louder or louder sounds softer, or both.
Compressor features separate controls for threshold, ratio, attack, hold, 
release, and make-up gain parameters. It also features a separate 
display that graphically illustrates the compressor curve shaped 
according to the Threshold and Ratio parameter settings. A Gain 
Reduction meter shows the amount of gain reduction in dB, Soft...

Page 346

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Hold (0 to 5000 ms)
Sets the time the applied compression affects the signal after 
exceeding the threshold. Short hold times are useful for DJ-style 
ducking, while longer hold times are required for music ducking, for 
example, when working on a documentary film.
Release (10 to 1000 ms or Auto mode)
Sets the time after which the gain returns to the original level when 
the signal drops below the threshold. If the Auto button is 
activated, Compressor...

Page 347

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Lets you select a frequency range to which to apply the distortion 
Changes the distortion characteristics of the left and right channel, 
thus creating a stereo effect.
Raises or lowers the signal going out of the effect.
Steinberg Gate
Gating, or noise gating, silences audio signals below a set threshold. As 
soon as the signal level exceeds the set threshold, the gate opens to let 
the signal through.
Threshold (-60 to 0 dB)...

Page 348

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Center (50 to 20000 Hz)
When the Side-Chain button is activated, this sets the center 
frequency of the filter.
Q-Factor (0.01 to 10000)
When the Side-Chain button is activated, this sets the resonance 
of the filter.
Monitor button
Allows you to monitor the filtered signal.
Attack (0.1 to 1000 ms)
Sets the time after which the gate opens after being triggered. 
Deactivate the Live button to make sure that the gate is already 
open when a signal above the...

Page 349

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
This plug-in is designed to ensure that the output level never exceeds a 
set output level, to avoid clipping in following devices.
Limiter can adjust and optimize the Release parameter automatically 
according to the audio material, or it can be set manually. Limiter also 
features separate meters for the input, output and the amount of limiting 
(middle meters).
Input (-24 to 24 dB)
Adjusts the input gain.
Output (-24 to 6 dB)
Determines the...

Page 350

Plug-in Reference
Steinberg VST 3 Plug-ins
Filter Lo
Affects the feedback loop of the effect signal and allows you to roll 
off low frequencies from 10Hz up to 800
 Hz. The button below the 
knob activates/deactivates the filter.
Filter Hi
Affects the feedback loop of the effect signal and allows you to roll 
off high frequencies from 20
 kHz down to 1.2 kHz. The button 
below the knob activates/deactivates the filter.
Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the wet signal. 
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