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Steinberg Nuendo 5 Manual

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Page 471

The Track Sheet
The track sheet provides a text-form “flow-chart” repre-
sentation of the Project. It lists all audio (and video) tracks 
and their contents, and can easily be printed out. 
To open the Track Sheet window, select “Track Sheet” 
from the Project menu.
The actual track sheet is displayed in the lower part of the 
window. It contains the following items:
•The leftmost time column contains a list of time posi-
tions in the display format selected in the Project Setup 

Page 472

The Track Sheet
Adjusting the view
The two sliders at the bottom of the Track Sheet window 
have the following functionality:
•The slider in the lower left corner is the scale slider.
Use this to adjust the actual size of the track sheet contents (including 
the font sizes). This will also affect the number of tracks and events 
shown on each page. 
•The slider in the lower right corner governs the display 
This affects how much of the track sheet is shown in the Track Sheet 
window – the...

Page 473

Export Audio Mixdown 

Page 474

Export Audio Mixdown
The Export Audio Mixdown function in Nuendo allows you 
to mix down audio from the program to files on your hard 
disk in a number of formats. In the Channel Selection sec
tion, you can choose which channels (or busses) to ex-
port. By activating the “Channel Batch Export” option you 
can choose to mix down several channels in one go. For 
each channel, an individual file will be created.
The following channel types are available:
•Output channels
For example, if...

Page 475

Export Audio Mixdown
6.In the File Location section at the top you can set up 
the naming scheme for the exported files and select a path 
for the mixdown files.
For details about the naming options, see “About the File Location sec-tion” on page 476.
7.Select an entry from the File Format pop-up menu and 
make additional settings for the file to be created.
This includes codec settings, meta data, sample rate, bit depth, etc. The 
available options depend on the selected file format, see 

Page 476

Export Audio Mixdown
About the Cycle Marker Selection section
If you have already setup cycle markers to organize your 
project (see 
“Cycle markers” on page 137), or if you want 
to export different subsections of a project in one go, it 
might be useful to define the export range based on cycle 
markers.  This is done in the Cycle Marker Selection sec
tion at the bottom left of the window.
•To select the export range, activate the “Export Cycle 
Marker(s)” option and select the desired marker(s)...

Page 477

Export Audio Mixdown
ÖBy combining the available naming elements, you can 
make sure that all the files of a batch are exported with 
unique names. If you have set up a naming scheme that 
would result in identical file names, a warning message 
appears when you click the Export button.
•To add an element, press the “+” button on the far right, 
and to remove an element from the naming scheme click 
the corresponding “-” button.
You can also remove an element by dragging it out of the Elements sec-...

Page 478

Export Audio Mixdown
About the Import into Project section
In this section you will find several options for importing 
the resulting mixdown files back into the existing or into a 
new project:
•If you activate the Pool checkbox, the resulting audio file 
will automatically be imported back into the Pool as a clip.
Use the Pool Folder option to specify in which Pool folder the clip will 
•If you activate the Audio Track option as well, an audio 
event that plays the clip will be created and...

Page 479

Export Audio Mixdown
AIFC files
AIFC stands for Audio Interchange File Format Com-
pressed, a standard defined by Apple Inc. These files sup-
port compression ratios as high as 6:1 and contain tags in 
the header. AIFC files have the extension “.aifc” and are 
used on most computer platforms. 
AIFC files support the same options as AIFF files.
Wave files
Wave files have the extension “.wav” and are the most 
common file format on the PC platform. 
Wave files support the same options as AIFF files and...

Page 480

Export Audio Mixdown
Ogg Vorbis files
Ogg Vorbis is an open source, patent-free audio encoding 
and streaming technology, offering compressed audio 
files (extension “.ogg”) of small size, but with compara
tively high audio quality.
In the File Format section you will find only one setting: the 
Quality fader. The Ogg Vorbis encoder uses variable bit 
rate encoding, and the Quality setting determines be
tween which limits the bit rate will vary. Generally speak-
ing, the higher the Quality...
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