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Steinberg Cubase SE 3 Operation Manual

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Page 451

The MIDI editors 21 – 451
The info line
The info line shows information about selected MIDI notes, just like in 
the Key and Drum Editors. You can edit all values on the info line us-
ing regular value editing (see page 412 for details).
•To hide or show the info line, click the “Show Info” button in the toolbar.
The extended toolbar
The extended toolbar (shown or hidden by clicking the “Show Tool 
Strip” button on the main toolbar) contains the following items:
Note value buttons
Click one of...

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21 – 452 The MIDI editors
The score display
The main area of the Score Editor window shows the notes in the 
edited parts on one or several staves. 
• If you are editing one or several parts on the same track, as much of them as 
possible is shown on several staves – one above the other – just as with a 
score on paper.
• If you are editing parts on several tracks, they are put on a grand staff (multiple 
staves, tied together by bar lines).
• The number of measures across the screen depends on...

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The MIDI editors 21 – 453
Score Editor operations
Opening the Score Editor
To open one or several parts in the Score editor you proceed much as 
with the other editors: select one or several tracks or any number of 
parts (on the same or different tracks), and select “Open Score Editor” 
from the Scores submenu on the MIDI menu. The default key command 
for this is [Ctrl]/[Command]-[R].
•You can also select the Score editor as your default editor, allowing 
you to open it by double clicking...

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21 – 454 The MIDI editors
Getting the score displayed correctly
When you open the Score Editor for a part recorded in real time, the 
score may not look as legible as you would first expect. The Score Ed-
itor can ignore the minor time variances in performance and make a 
neater score almost instantly. To achieve this, there are a number of 
Staff Settings that determine how the program displays the music.
• Note that the time signature follows the time signature(s) on the Tempo 
track and are...

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The MIDI editors 21 – 455
Staff Mode
This pop-up determines how the staff should be shown: 
•When set to “Single”, all notes in the part are shown in the same staff.
•When set to “Split”, the part is split on the screen into a bass and tre-
ble clef, as in a piano score. 
You use the Splitpoint value field to set the note where you want the split to occur. 
Notes above and including the split note will appear on the upper staff, and notes 
below the split note will appear on the lower staff....

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21 – 456 The MIDI editors
These are only display values used for the graphics in the Score Editor. 
They do not affect the actual playback in any way.
Here is a description of the functions:
Parameter Description
Notes Determines the smallest note value to be displayed and the “small-
est position” to be recognized and properly displayed. Set this to the 
smallest significant note position used in your music. 
For example, if you have notes on odd sixteenth note positions, you 
should set this...

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The MIDI editors 21 – 457
Key and Clef
The correct Key and Clef are set using the two scroll bars in the Key & 
Clef section.
If you activate the “Auto Clef” checkbox, the program attempts to guess the correct 
clef, judging from the pitch of the music.
•To set the clef and key for the lower staff, activate the “Lower Staff” 
checkbox in the Key/Clef section.
Display Transpose
Some instruments, for example a lot of brass instruments, are scored 
transposed. For this purpose, the Staff Settings...

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21 – 458 The MIDI editors
These provide additional options for how the score should be dis-
Parameter Description
Clean Lengths When this is activated, notes that are considered to be chords will 
be shown with identical lengths. This is done by showing the longer 
notes as shorter than they are. When Clean Lengths is turned on, 
notes with very short overlaps are also cut off; a bit as with No Over-
lap (see below), but with a more subtle effect. 
No Overlap When this is...

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The MIDI editors 21 – 459
Applying your settings
After you’ve made your settings, click Apply to apply them to the active 
staff. You can select another staff in the score and make settings for 
that, without having to close the Staff Settings dialog first – just remem-
ber to click Apply before you change staff, otherwise your changes will 
be lost.
•As in many other dialogs and property windows in Cubase SE, you 
can store your settings as presets.
This is done according to the usual...

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21 – 460 The MIDI editors
Selecting a Quantize Value
When you move the mouse pointer over the score, you will see that 
the position box on the toolbar tracks your movement and shows the 
current position in bars, beats, sixteenth notes and ticks.
Positioning on screen is controlled by the current Quantize value. If 
you for example set this to “1/8 Note” you can only insert and move 
notes to eighth note positions, at quarter notes, at half bars or at bar 
positions. It is a good strategy to...
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