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Steinberg Cubase Le 8 Manual

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Page 41

Project Window
Cross-Hair Cursor
Shuffle is useful when you want to change the order of adjacent events. If you 
have two adjacent events and drag the first one to the right, past the second 
event, the two events will change places.
The same principle works when changing the order of more than two events:
Dragging event 2 past event 4…
…changes the order of events 2, 3, and 4.
Magnetic Cursor
This grid type lets the project cursor become magnetic. Dragging an event 
near the cursor causes the...

Page 42

Project Window
Edit History Dialog
The cross-hair cursor works as follows:
• When the Object Selection tool or one of its subtools is selected, the 
cross-hair cursor appears when you start moving/copying a part/event, or 
when using the event trim handles.
Cross-hair cursor when moving an event.
• When the Object Selection tool, the Cut tool, or any other tool that makes 
use of this function is selected, the cross-hair cursor appears as soon as you 
move the mouse over the event display.
• The...

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Project Window
Edit History Dialog
Setting the Number of Maximum Undo Steps
You can limit the number of maximum undo steps. This is useful if you run out of hard 
disk space, for example.
1. Select File > Preferences > General.
2. Set the number in the Maximum Undo Steps field. 

Page 44

Project Handling
Creating New Projects
You can create empty projects or projects that are based on a template.
1. Select File > New Project.
Depending on your settings, either the Steinberg Hub or the Project Assistant 
dialog opens.
2. In the location options section, select where to store the new project.
• To use the default location, select Use default location.
• To choose another location, select Prompt for project location, click Create, 
and set the location in the dialog that...

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Project Handling
Steinberg Hub
Steinberg Hub
When you start Cubase or create new projects using the File menu, Steinberg 
Hub opens. Steinberg Hub keeps you up to date with the latest information and 
assists you with organizing your projects. It consists of the News and Tutorials 
section and the Projects section.
News and Tutorials section
The News and Tutorials section displays Steinberg news, tutorial videos as well 
as links to the user forum, downloads, and Knowledge Base.
Ensure that you...

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Project Handling
Project Assistant
Template list
When you click on one of the category items, the list below the category bar 
shows the available templates for this category. Any new templates that you 
create are added at the top of the corresponding list.
Location options
This section allows you to specify where the project is stored.
Open other
This button allows you to open any project file on your system. This is identical 
to using the Open command on the File menu.

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Project Handling
About Project Files
Template list
When you click on one of the category items, the list below the category bar 
shows the available factory templates for this category. Any new templates 
that you create are added at the top of the corresponding list.
Location options
This section allows you to specify where the project is stored.
Open other
This button allows you to open any project file on your system. This is identical 
to using the Open command from the File menu.
About Project...

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Project Handling
About Template Files
Template projects are not saved in project folders and therefore contain no 
subfolders and no media files.
• To open the location of a specific template, right-click a template in the 
template list and select Show in Explorer (Win) or Reveal in Finder (Mac).
Saving a Project Template File
You can save the current project as a template. When you create a new project, you 
can select this template as a starting point for your new project.
Remove all...

Page 49

Project Handling
Project Setup Dialog
Renaming Templates
1. In Steinberg Hub or the Project Assistant, right-click a template and select 
2. In the Rename dialog, enter a new name and click OK.
Project Setup Dialog
You can perform general settings for your project in the Project Setup dialog.
• To open the Project Setup dialog, select Project > Project Setup.
• To open the Project Setup dialog automatically when you create a new 
project, activate the Run Setup on Create New Project...

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Project Handling
Project Setup Dialog
The following options are available:
Allows you to specify a project author that is written into the file, when you 
export audio files and activate the Insert iXML chunk option. You can specify 
a default author in the Default Author Name field (File > Preferences > 
General > Personalization).
Allows you to specify a company name that is written into the file, when you 
export audio files and activate the Insert iXML chunk option. You can specify...
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