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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 1311

Creating tablature
Creating tablature manually
Normally, the program automatically decides on which string to display a note, by 
looking at the pitch and then putting the note at the lowest possible string. You can 
then either manually move a note to the correct string, or use the “MIDI Channel 
1–6” option to let the program move the notes automatically.
1. Many guitar synthesizers are able to transmit each string on a different MIDI 
channel. If you have such an instrument, set it up...

Page 1312

Creating tablature
Tablature number appearance
7. Set up whatever other parameters you need in the dialog, and click Apply.
8. Select the Insert Note tool and move the pointer over the score.
9. Press the mouse button and drag up and down until the note appears on the 
desired string with the correct fret number (you can also verify the pitch on the 
toolbar, as usual).
When you drag up and down, the program automatically selects the lowest possible 
string. If you want a fret number higher than 4...

Page 1313

Creating tablature
Note head shape
Moving notes
Moving notes in pitch in a tablature score is working the same way as entering notes 
manually, see above.
Editing on the info line
You can change the pitch of notes on the info line as usual. The string and fret 
number are updated automatically in the score.
Note head shape
If you only want to enter a fret number for your notes (Tablature mode off), you can 
use the Set Note Info dialog on regular notes.
1. Double-click on the head of a...

Page 1314

The score and MIDI playback
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
• How to use the Arranger mode to have the playback follow the structure of 
the score.
• How to use the “mapped” Dynamics symbols.
Cubase Pro only: You can also play back articulations in the Score using the 
Expression Map and Note Expression functions.
Expression maps (Cubase Pro only) on page 778
Note Expression on page 792
Scores and the Arranger mode
Repeats (bar lines) appear in all layouts, as...

Page 1315

The score and MIDI playback
Working with mapped dynamics
Working with mapped dynamics
Apart from the dynamics symbols found on the Dynamics tab, you can also use 12 
“mapped” Dynamics symbols. These make use of the Note Expression functionality 
in Cubase. Mapped Dynamics symbols can be played back using three different 
methods: by modifying the velocity values in percentages, by sending volume 
controller messages or by sending additional generic controllers. These methods 
can also be combined....

Page 1316

The score and MIDI playback
Working with mapped dynamics
In the dialog, you can make the following settings:
Change Velocities
You can create dynamics by defining different velocities for the different symbols.
1. Activate the “Change Velocities” checkbox in the lower section of the dialog.
2. Set up a percentage value (positive or negative) in the Velocity column to 
specify by how much the corresponding symbol will raise or reduce the 
current velocity value of a note.
Send Volume

Page 1317

The score and MIDI playback
Working with mapped dynamics
Send Controller
You can also send an additional MIDI controller (except MIDI controllers 7 and 11, 
which are used for the “Send Volume” function).
If you combine this with the “Send Volume” function, you can set up a sound which 
gets brighter as it gets louder, which is useful when working with strings or 
woodwind and brass instruments.
1. Activate “Send Controller” and specify the controller you want to use in the 
pop-up menu....

Page 1318

The score and MIDI playback
Working with mapped dynamics
• When you insert a crescendo symbol which is not preceded by a Dynamic 
symbol, the “assumed” start value is mezzo forte (mf).
• Likewise, if a crescendo symbol is not followed by a dynamic symbol, an end 
value will be calculated automatically.
For a crescendo, this is one value above the start value, and for a 
decrescendo one value below the start value.
Modifying/Editing dynamics symbols
You can change the settings for the dynamics...

Page 1319

Tips and Tricks
This chapter provides useful information about editing techniques and answers to a 
number of questions that might arise when you use the Score Editor. For more 
information about the functions referred to, please use the index and check the 
previous chapters.
Useful editing techniques
Use this section to find out more about some editing techniques that help you to 
use the score functions more efficiently.
Moving a note without transposing it
If you hold down...

Page 1320

Tips and Tricks
Useful editing techniques
4. Use the To Previous Staff or To Next Staff settings to specify the desired 
distance between the staves.
All selected staves are spaced according to your settings.
If you do this when the “Global staff Spacing with [Alt]/[Option]-[Ctrl]/[Command]” 
option is activated, all staves in the score are affected.
Polyphonic voicing
If you are working on a full score with more than one instrument in one staff (2 flutes, 
2 trumpets, etc.), you should use...
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