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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 1291

Designing your score: additional techniques
Moving bar lines
• To bring the bar back up to the previous staff, use the Glue tool to click on the 
last bar line on the upper of the two staves.
This in fact moves all measures in the lower staff to the upper staff.
Moving bar lines
The following operations can be made using the regular Object Selection tool or the 
Layout tool.
Moving a bar line
If you drag a bar line to the left or right, the surrounding bars are adjusted 
Moving bar...

Page 1292

Designing your score: additional techniques
Moving bar lines
Making an indent on one line
• To create an indent, simply drag the first or last bar line on a staff.
The sizes of all measures are adjusted proportionally.
Before and after dragging the first bar line on the first staff
Making indents on several lines
If you hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag the first or last bar line in a system, all 
following systems get the same indent. If you want all lines on all pages to be 
m o d i f i e d  i n...

Page 1293

Designing your score: additional techniques
Dragging staves
Dragging staves
For the following operations, you can use the Object Selection tool or the Layout 
Dragging staves can only be done in Page Mode.
Adding space between two grand staves
1. Locate the first staff in the lower of the two systems that you want to spread 
2. Click just to the left of the first bar line and keep the mouse button pressed.
The entire staff is selected.
3. Drag downwards until you have...

Page 1294

Designing your score: additional techniques
Dragging staves
Setting the same distance between all grand staves
1. Hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag the first staff of the second system, until 
you have reached the desired distance between this and the first system.
2. Release the mouse button.
The distances between all the systems are adjusted accordingly.
This operation affects the system you drag and all following systems.
Setting the distance between staves within a grand...

Page 1295

Designing your score: additional techniques
Dragging staves
Moving one staff only
You may want to move one staff without affecting any other staff in any way:
1. Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command].
2. Drag any staff as described above.
Moving staves between pages
By using the “Move to Next/Previous Page” commands on the Staff context menu, 
you can quickly edit the page breaks.
Moving staves to the next page
1. Locate and activate the staff you want to move to the top of the next page....

Page 1296

Designing your score: additional techniques
Adding brackets and braces
Adding brackets and braces
Brackets and braces are added on the Layout page of the Score Settings dialog. 
The settings you make are specific for the current layout, i.
 e. you can have different 
brackets or braces set up for different track configurations.
1. Open the Score Settings and select the Layout page.
In the track list, you can find columns for braces ( { ) and brackets ( [ ).
2. Click in one of the columns...

Page 1297

Designing your score: additional techniques
Auto Layout
2. To edit a chord symbol, double-click it.
Moving chord symbols in the staff only affects the display. The position of the chords 
on the chord track remains unaffected.
Layout settings on page 1279
Chord Functions on page 814
Auto Layout
This item on the Scores menu brings up a dialog with several options. Activating 
one of these makes the program “go through” the score and make adjustments to 
measure widths, staff...

Page 1298

Designing your score: additional techniques
Auto Layout
Move Bars
This option looks at the currently active grand staff, and attempts to adjust the 
measure widths, so that all notes and symbols get as much room as possible. The 
number of bars on the staff is not affected.
• You can perform this function for several staves in one go, by dragging a 
selection rectangle over their left edges, and then selecting Move Bars.
Move Staves
This changes the measure width (as with Move Bars) but also the...

Page 1299

Designing your score: additional techniques
Auto Layout
Move Bars and Staves
This is a combination of “Move Bars”, “Move Staves”, and “All Pages”, plus 
automatic calculation of the number of bars across the page – the function tries to 
optimize the number of bars across the page for each staff (with the maximum 
number of bars as set in the dialog).
Optimize All
All of the above in one fell swoop. This procedure might take some time but usually 
yields great results.
Other functions
In the lower...

Page 1300

Designing your score: additional techniques
Reset Layout
Reset Layout
This function allows you to delete invisible layout elements, which in effect restores 
the score to default settings.
1. Select “Reset Layout…” from the Scores menu.
The Reset Layout dialog appears.
2. Activate the items you want to delete or reset to standard settings.
3. Click on “This Staff” to clean up the active staff only, or on “All Staves” to 
clean up all staves in the score.
Reset Layout Options
Hidden Notes...
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