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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 1121

Transcribing MIDI recordings
Staff settings
Staff settings
The first thing to do after opening the Score Editor is to make initial staff settings. 
This is done in the Score Settings dialog, on the Staff page.
There are three ways to open the Score Settings dialog:
• Make the staff active, open the Scores menu and select “Settings…”.
• Double-click on the blue rectangle to the left of the staff.
If this does not work, the “Double-click on staff flips between full score/part” 
option may be activated...

Page 1122

Transcribing MIDI recordings
Inserting Display Quantize changes
This single note in the Key Editor is displayed as two tied notes in the Score Editor.
• Normally the program adds ties where necessary (if a note stretches over a 
beat), but not always. For a “modern” notation of syncopated notes (less ties) 
use the Syncopation feature.
The same note, without and with syncopation
• If you find that you want a long note to be displayed as two or more tied notes, 
you can achieve this with the Cut...

Page 1123

Transcribing MIDI recordings
Inserting Display Quantize changes
Select the Display Quantize tool to open the Display Quantize dialog.
2. Activate the flags you need and set the quantize values as desired.
3. If you want to restore the settings to the ones used in the Score Settings 
dialog (Staff page), click the “Restore To Staff” button.
4. Move the mouse over the staff where you want to insert a new Display 
Quantize value.
Use the Mouse Time Position display in the status line to find the exact...

Page 1124

Transcribing MIDI recordings
The Explode function
• If the Display Quantize dialog is already open, you can select any Display 
Quantize change event, adjust its settings in the dialog and click Apply.
• To remove a Display Quantize change, either click its marker to select it and 
press [Backspace] or [Delete], or click on it with the Erase tool.
Showing and hiding elements on page 1103
Adding Display Quantize changes
Very often, the score is fine except for a few bars somewhere. To...

Page 1125

Transcribing MIDI recordings
Using "Scores Notes To MIDI"
4. Use the options in the bottom section to set up the criteria for the split.
Choose from the following options:
5. Click OK.
A number of new tracks are now added to the score and the Project window.
Automatically – the Explode function on page 1170
Using "Scores Notes To MIDI"
For very complicated scores, there may be situations where you have tweaked the 
parameters for Display Quantize and...

Page 1126

Transcribing MIDI recordings
Using "Scores Notes To MIDI"
4. Select “Scores Notes To MIDI” from the Functions submenu on the Scores 
The notes are now “converted”.
5. Make whatever adjustments are needed to make the score read as intended.
Now that the notes have the exact lengths and positions that were previously only 
displayed, you can probably deactivate many of the options on the Staff page of the 
Score Settings dialog and delete Display Quantize settings, etc.
If you...

Page 1127

Entering and editing notes
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
• How to make various settings for how notes are displayed.
• How to enter notes.
• How to use tools and settings to make the score as legible as possible.
• How to set up a split (piano) staff.
• How to work with multiple staves.
Score settings
Before you start entering notes, you need to make some initial staff settings.
There are three ways to open the Score Settings dialog:
• Make the staff active, open the Scores menu...

Page 1128

Entering and editing notes
Score settings
Applying settings and selecting other staves
To make settings for another staff, simply make it active in the score (by clicking 
anywhere in the staff or by using the up/down arrow keys on the computer 
Always click Apply before making another staff active – otherwise your settings are 
Staff presets
When you want to reuse settings made for one track in other tracks, you can save 
some time by creating a staff preset.
There are a...

Page 1129

Entering and editing notes
Note values and positions
Clean Lengths
No Overlap
As required
As required
Auto Clef
Activate this if you want the program to select a treble or bass clef 
Display Transpose value
Options tab settings
As is
Polyphonic tab settings
Staff Mode: Single
Tablature tab settings
Tablature Mode deactivated
It is very important that you understand how the Display Quantize values for notes 
and rests interact with the score. If you...

Page 1130

Entering and editing notes
Note values and positions
Selecting a note value for input
You can choose the length for entering notes as follows:
• By clicking the note symbols on the extended toolbar.
You can select any note value from 1/1 to 1/64 and activate/deactivate the 
dotted and triplet options by clicking the two buttons to the right.
The selected note value is displayed in the Length Quantize field on the toolbar and 
also reflected by the cursor shape of the Insert Note tool.
• By selecting...
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