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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 1071

Export as Type 0
If this is activated, the MIDI file will be of Type 0 (all data on a single track, but 
on different MIDI channels). If you do not check this option, the MIDI file will 
be of Type 1 (data on separate tracks). Which type to choose depends on 
what you want to do with the MIDI file (in which application or sequencer it is 
to be used).
Export Resolution
You can specify a MIDI resolution between 24 and 960 for the MIDI file. The 
resolution is the number of pulses, or...

Page 1072

Import Controller as Automation Tracks
If this is activated, MIDI controller events in the MIDI file will be converted to 
automation data for the MIDI tracks. If this is deactivated, controller data for 
the MIDI parts will be imported.
Import to Left Locator
If this is activated, the imported MIDI file will be placed so that it starts at the 
position of the left locator - otherwise it will start at the beginning of the 
project. Note that if you choose to have a new project...

Page 1073

Import Karaoke Lyrics as Text
Activate this to convert karaoke lyrics in the MIDI file to text that can be 
displayed in the Score Editor. If this is deactivated, lyrics are only shown in 
the List Editor.
MIDI - MIDI Filter
This page allows you to prevent certain MIDI messages from being recorded and/or 
echoed by the MIDI Thru function (thruput). The page is divided into four sections:
Activating any of these options prevents the corresponding type of MIDI 
message from...

Page 1074

Allow Editing in Results List
Activate this to edit attributes also in the Results list. Otherwise, editing can 
only be done in the Attribute Inspector.
Show File Extensions in Results List
Activate this to display file name extensions in the Results list.
Scan Folders only when MediaBay is open
Activate this to scan Cubase for media files when the MediaBay window is 
open. Otherwise, the folders are scanned in the background even when the 
MediaBay window is closed.

Page 1075

To adjust the levels and colors, activate the channel meter or master meter option 
and proceed as follows:
• To specify the level for a color change, double-click a handle to the right of 
the meter scale and enter the level (dB) value. Note that for dB values less 
than 0, you must add a minus sign before the entered number. You can also 
click a handle and drag it to a specific level. Press [Shift] for more accurate 
positioning. Alternatively, you can nudge with the Arrow...

Page 1076

Create Audio Images During Record
If this option is activated, Cubase calculates the waveform image and displays 
it during the actual recording process.
This realtime calculation uses some extra processing power.
Record - Audio - Broadcast Wave
This page allows you to specify the Description, Author, and Reference text 
strings that are embedded in recorded Broadcast Wave files. The settings you 
make here also appear as default strings in the Broadcast Wave Chunk dialog...

Page 1077

Scores (Cubase Pro only)
Use the “Retrospective Record Buffer Size” setting to determine how much 
MIDI data can be captured in the buffer.
ASIO Latency Compensation Active by Default
This determines the initial state of the “ASIO Latency Compensation” button 
in the track list for MIDI or instrument tracks.
If you record live on a VST instrument, you usually compensate the latency of 
your audio card by playing too early. In consequence, the timestamps are 
recorded too early. By...

Page 1078

Scores (Cubase Pro only)
Double-Click Symbol to get Draw tool
When this is activated, you need to double-click with the Object Selection 
tool in a Palette to activate the Draw tool. When this is deactivated, a single 
click is enough to bring out the Pencil.
Keep Crescendo Symbols “Horizontal”
When this is activated, crescendo symbols are never “slanted”.
Keep moved Notes within Key
When this is activated, and you move notes vertically (to transpose them), you 
will be restricted to...

Page 1079

Scores (Cubase Pro only)
Snap Slurs when dragging
When this is activated, the endpoints of slurs will snap to notes when you 
draw or move them.
Unlock Layout when editing single parts
If there are more than one part on a track, and you open score edit for one of 
these parts, the other parts are displayed as “empty space” to preserve the 
layout. If this option is activated, this empty space is avoided, so you can print 
this single part without endless rests.
Note that this option...

Page 1080

Scores - Note Layer
If you are moving and editing notes, you might accidentally move other objects 
nearby. To avoid this, you can assign different types of objects to different Note 
Layers (up to three) and instruct Cubase to lock one or two of these layers, making 
them unmovable.
This page is where you specify to which layer each object type belongs. The actual 
locking of layers is done on the extended toolbar of the Score Editor.
This page contains options...
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