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Steinberg Cubase 6 Manual

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Page 151

The Mixer
Channel view sets
Channel view sets are saved configurations of the Mixer 
window, allowing you to quickly switch between different 
layouts for the Mixer. The following settings are stored in 
view sets:
• Settings for individual channel strips (e. g. narrow or wide 
mode and whether the channel strip is hidden or set to “Can 
• The global hide/show status for channel types.
• The panel hide/show status (fader panel, extended panel, 
routing panel).
• Configuration of the extended...

Page 152

The Mixer
Basic mixing procedures
Setting volume in the Mixer
In the Mixer, each channel strip has a volume fader. 
•For audio channels, the faders control the volume of the 
channels before they are routed (directly or via a group 
channel) to an output bus.
Cubase only: Each channel can in turn handle up to 6 speaker channels 
– see the chapter 
“Surround sound (Cubase only)” on page 217. 
•An output channel fader determines the master output 
level of all audio channels routed to that output bus....

Page 153

The Mixer
About the Input Gain control
Each audio-related channel and input/output channel fea-
tures an Input Gain knob. It controls the gain for the in-
coming signal, before EQ and effects.
The Input Gain knob is not meant to be used as a volume 
control in the Mixer, as it is not suited for continuous level 
adjustments during playback. However, it can be used to 
cut or boost the gain. This is useful in the following cir
•To change the level of a signal before the effects sec-...

Page 154

The Mixer
•Clicking the Solo button for a channel mutes all other 
A soloed channel is indicated by a lit Solo button, and also by the lit 
Global Solo icon on the common panel. Click the Solo button again to 
turn off Solo.
•Several channels can be soloed at the same time.
However, if you press [Ctrl]/[Command] and click the Solo button for a 
channel, any other soloed channels are automatically un-soloed (i.
 e. this 
Solo mode is exclusive).
•[Alt]/[Option]-clicking a Solo button...

Page 155

The Mixer
Audio-specific procedures
This section describes the options and basic procedures regarding audio channels in the Mixer. The following graphic 
shows different types of (non-extended) audio-related channels (from left to right): an audio track, a group channel, an 
instrument track, an FX channel, and a VST instrument channel: 
All audio-related channel types have the same channel 
strip layout, with the following exceptions:
• Only audio track channels have an Input Routing pop-up...

Page 156

The Mixer
•You also have the option of displaying four sends at a 
time (the Sends 1–4 and 5–8 menu items). 
These modes offer the additional benefit of displaying send levels as dB 
•Cubase only: The Panner section (where applicable).
If the channel is routed to a surround bus, you can view a compact ver-
sion of the SurroundPanner in the extended panel. Double-click on it to 
open the full SurroundPanner panel. 
•The Meter section.
Select the Meter option to view large level meters in the...

Page 157

The Mixer
•To select the (default) center pan position, hold down 
[Ctrl]/[Command] and click on the pan control.
•To view the pan settings in a separate window, where 
you can change the settings using sliders, double-click on 
the pan control.
About the three stereo pan modes (Cubase only)
By default, stereo pan controls the balance between the 
left and right channels. However, if you want to set pan in
dependently for the left and right channel, you can select a 
different pan mode.
If you...

Page 158

The Mixer
Panning Bypass
You can bypass the panning for all audio-related track 
types. To do this, press [Shift]–[Alt]/[Option] and click on 
the pan setting for the respective channel (on the fader 
panel or in the extended Mixer view).
When panning is bypassed for a channel, the following 
• Mono channels are panned center.
• Stereo channels are panned left and right.
• Surround channels are panned center (Cubase only).
ÖTo deactivate Panning Bypass, simply press [Shift]-

Page 159

The Mixer
Selecting a track in the Project window automatically 
selects the corresponding channel in the Mixer (and vice 
versa). If a Channel Settings window is open, this will im
mediately switch to show the settings for the selected 
channel. This allows you to have a single Channel Settings 
window open in a convenient position on the screen, and 
use it for all your EQ and channel effect settings.
You can also select a channel manually (thereby changing 
what is shown in the open Channel...

Page 160

The Mixer
The Equalizers + Curve pane in the Channel Settings win-
dow consists of four EQ modules with parameter sliders, 
an EQ curve display and some additional functions at the 
Using the parameter controls
1.Activate an EQ module by clicking its On/Off button.
Although the modules have different default frequency values and differ-ent Q names, they all have the same frequency range (20 Hz to 20 kHz). 
The only difference between the modules is that you can specify different 
filter types...
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