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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 341

The MIDI editors
At the bottom of the pop-up menu, there are two addi-
tional items:
If “Time Linear” is selected, the ruler, note display and 
controller display will be linear in relation to time.
This means that if the ruler shows bars and beats, the distance between 
the bar lines will vary depending on the tempo.
If “Bars+Beats Linear” is selected, the ruler, note display 
and controller display will be linear in relation to tempo.
This means that if the ruler shows bars and beats, the distance...

Page 342

The MIDI editors
Velocity values are shown as vertical bars in the controller 
display, with higher bars corresponding to higher velocity 
Each velocity bar corresponds to a note in the note display.
Events other than velocity values are shown as blocks, the 
heights of which correspond to the values of the events. 
The beginning of an event is marked by a curve point. To 
select an event, click on the curve point, so that it turns 
ÖUnlike notes, events in the controller display have no...

Page 343

The MIDI editors
If you press [Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging, you will 
get a vertical trim line, allowing you to set the same start or 
end time for all edited notes.
You can change the Trim tool key commands in the Prefe-
rences (Editing–Tool Modifiers page).
ÖNote that when you trim the beginning of a note in the 
List Editor, the note may move to a different position in the 
list (since other events may now begin before the edited 
ÖNote that the trimmed note ends or starts do not snap...

Page 344

The MIDI editors
Acoustic Feedback
If the speaker icon on the toolbar is activated, individual 
notes will automatically be played back (auditioned) when 
you move or transpose them, or when you create new notes 
by drawing. This makes it easier to hear what you’re doing.
In the Preferences dialog (MIDI page), you can specify 
whether the Acoustic Feedback function should also in-
clude any MIDI sends or inserts used for the track. Activate 
the option “Audition through MIDI Inserts/Sends” if you...

Page 345

The MIDI editors
If you click once, the created note will have the length 
set on the Length Quantize pop-up menu on the toolbar.
You can create a longer note by clicking and dragging. The length of the 
created note will be a multiple of the Length Quantize value.
Drawing notes with the Line tool
The Line tool can be used for creating series of contigu-
ous notes. To do so, click and drag to draw a line and then 
release the mouse button.
ÖThe Line tool has several different modes.
To select one of...

Page 346

The MIDI editors
Selecting notes
Selecting notes is done using any of the following methods:
Use the Arrow tool.
The standard selection techniques apply, like selecting by clicking on the 
note or using a selection rectangle. Note that when you press [Shift] and 
click on notes or draw a selection rectangle, these notes will be added to 
the overall selection. When you press [Ctrl]/[Command] and click on 
notes or draw a selection rectangle, these notes will be removed from 
the overall selection...

Page 347

The MIDI editors
Moving and transposing notes
To move notes in the editor, use any of the following me-
Click and drag to a new position.
All selected notes will be moved, maintaining their relative positions. If 
Snap is activated, this determines to which positions you can move the 
notes, see “Snap” on page 344.
Use the up and down arrow keys on the computer key-
This method allows you to transpose the selected notes, without risking 
to move them horizontally. You can also use the...

Page 348

The MIDI editors
Resizing notes
To resize a note, use one of the following methods:
Position the arrow tool at the start or end of the note, so 
that the pointer takes on the shape of a small double ar-
row. Click and drag to the left or right to resize the note.
This method allows you to resize the note from either direction.
Click with the Pencil tool within the note box and drag 
to the left or the right (to make the note shorter or longer, 
With both these methods, the resulting...

Page 349

The MIDI editors
You can edit the values on the info line using regular value 
editing. This allows you to move, resize, transpose or 
change velocity of events in a very precise manner. It is 
also possible to click the Pitch or Velocity field in the info 
line and play a note on your MIDI keyboard – the pitch or 
velocity will be adjusted according to the note you played.
ÖIf you have several events selected and change a value, 
all selected events will be changed by the set amount.
ÖIf you have...

Page 350

The MIDI editors
3.Use the note buttons on the toolbar to decide which 
properties should be changed by the MIDI input.
You can enable editing of pitch, note-on and/or note-off velocity.
With this setting, the edited notes will get the pitch and velocity values 
of the notes input via MIDI, but the note-off velocities will be kept as 
they are.
4.Play a note on your MIDI instrument.
The note selected in the editor will get the pitch, velocity and/or note-off 
velocity of the played note.
The next...
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