Sony Nex 5 Service Manual
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A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-16 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description DISASSEMBLY 101 4-190-951-01 COVER, SIDE (210) (BLACK) 101 4-190-951-11 COVER, SIDE (210) (SILVER) 101 4-190-951-21 COVER, SIDE (210) (RED) 101 4-190-951-31 COVER, SIDE (210) (WHITE) * 102 4-190-953-02 PLATE (L), BOTTOM GROUND (210) * 103 4-190-955-01 PLATE (G), TOP GROUND (210) * 104 4-190-954-01 PLATE (L), TOP GROUND (210) * 105 4-190-957-01 LIGHT (MS), GUIDE (210) 106 4-186-573-01 INSULATING SHEET B (SY) (Note1) 107 A-1782-442-A SY-258 BOARD, COMPLETE (SERVICE) 108 4-191-035-01 SHEET (SY) (210), RADIATION (Note3) MIC902 1-542-757-61 MICROPHONE UNIT (Note2) #2 2-635-562-31 SCREW (M1.7) (RED, BLACK) (Note4) #10 2-599-475-31 SCREW (M1.7) (SILVER, WHITE) (Note4) #12 3-080-204-21 SCREW, TAPPING, P2 #192 4-188-736-01 SCREW (TP1.4), P2 1. Remove to numerical order (4 to 5) in the left figure. 4 #12 X 1 Note 2-2-3. MAIN BOARD SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) 5 #192 X 4 Screw Note3: Refer to “Assembly-18 : Radiation Sheet (SY) (210) putting position (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note3: 組立時は“Assembly-18: Ra diation Sheet (SY) (210) putting position (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Back View #192 Note1: R e f e r t o “ A s s e m b l y - 1 0 : I n s u l a t i n g S h e e t B ( S Y ) p u t t i n g position” when you assemble.Note1: 組立時は“Assembly-10: Insulating Sheet B (SY) putting posi- tion” を参照してください。 Note2: Refer to “Assembly-11 : Routing of Microphone Harness” when you assemble.Note2: 組立時は“Assembly-11: Ro uting of Microphone Harness”を 参照してください。 #12Back View #12: M1.7 X 5.0 (Tapping) (Black) 3-080-204-21 1.7 5.0 #10: M1.7 X 4.0 (Silver) 2-599-475-314.0 1.7 #2: M1.7 X 4.0 (Black) 2-635-562-31 4.01.7#192: M1.4 X 4.0 (Tapping) (Black) 4-188-736-01 4.0 1.4 Note4: R e f e r t o “ T H E C O M B I N AT I O N O F C A B I N E T ’ S C O L O R AND SCREW (NEX-3A/3D/3 K)” on page 2-12 about the combination of cabinet’s color and screw. Note4: キャビネット色とネジの組合わせについては,2 - 12 ページ の“THE COMBINATION OF CABINET’S COLOR AND SCREW (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 A 106 (Note1) 108(Note3) Solder 5�107 4�101 102104 103 MIC902 (Note2) 105 BT / RL Section (See Page 2-17) #2 #10 (Note4)#192#192 #12 B B B B A SY-258
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-17 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description DISASSEMBLY 151 X-2548-284-1 BASE ASSY, SHOE COVER (210B) (BLACK) 151 X-2548-285-1 BASE ASSY (210S), SHOE COVER (SILVER) 151 X-2548-286-1 BASE ASSY (210R), SHOE COVER (RED) 151 X-2548-287-1 BASE ASSY (210W), SHOE COVER (WHITE) 152 X-2548-283-1 FRAME ASSY, TOP (210) 153 4-186-543-01 PLATE, LOGO (BLACK) 153 4-186-543-11 PLATE, LOGO (SILVER) 153 4-186-543-21 PLATE, LOGO (RED) (RED) 153 4-186-543-31 PLATE, LOGO (S) (WHITE) 154 A-1782-349-A CABINET FRONT BLOCK ASSY (SERVICE) (BLACK) (including CP001 (CMOS imager) and IS-077 complete board) (Note6, 7) 154 A-1782-350-A CABINET FRONT BLOCK ASSY (SERVICE) (SILVER) (including CP001 (CMOS imager) and IS-077 complete board) (Note6, 7) 154 A-1782-351-A CABINET FRONT BLOCK ASSY (SERVICE) (RED) (including CP001 (CMOS imager) and IS-077 complete board) (Note6, 7) 154 A-1782-352-A CABINET FRONT BLOCK ASSY (SERVICE) (WHITE) (including CP001 (CMOS imager) and IS-077 complete board) (Note6, 7) * 155 4-190-956-01 WINDOW (AF) (210) 156 X-2548-253-1 FRAME ASSY, BT (210) 157 A-1782-456-A RL BLOCK ASSY (SERVICE) 158 X-2548-279-1 CABINET (UPPER) ASSY (210B) (BLACK) (Note3) 158 X-2548-280-1 CABINET (UPPER) ASSY (210S) (SILVER) (Note3) 158 X-2548-281-1 CABINET (UPPER) ASSY (210R) (RED) (Note3) 158 X-2548-282-1 CABINET (UPPER) ASSY (210W) (WHITE) (Note3) 159 1-881-629-11 BT-063 FLEXIBLE BOARD 160 A-1773-791-A CN-439 BOARD, COMPLETE (Note5) * 161 4-186-447-01 INSULATING SHEET (MS) 162 4-191-036-01 SHEET (CN) (210), RADIATION (Note4) 163 1-881-628-11 FP-1246 FLEXIBLE BOARD 164 4-186-569-01 INSULATING SHEET, LC FLEXIBLE (Note9) * 165 4-190-950-01 SCREW, TRIPOD (210) 0 BT900 1-756-813-11 LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERY (Note8) 0 BT901 1-780-858-11 TERMINAL BOARD BATTERY MIC901 1-542-757-61 MICROPHONE UNIT (Note2) #2 2-635-562-31 SCREW (M1.7) (RED, BLACK) (Note10) #10 2-599-475-31 SCREW (M1.7) (SILVER, WHITE) (Note10) #12 3-080-204-21 SCREW, TAPPING, P2 #23 3-080-204-11 SCREW, TAPPING, P2 #71 3-208-537-01 0+Z M1.4X2 NEW TORASUTA #192 4-188-736-01 SCREW (TP1.4), P2 1. Remove to numerical order (6 to 0) in the left figure. 6 #71 X 1 Note 2-2-4. BT / RL SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) Screw Note1: Refer to “Assemb ly-17: Note on Alignme nt of the Flexibl e B o a r d w h e n a s s e m b l i n g S Y H o l d e r B l o c k A s s y ( N E X - 3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble. Note1: 組 立 時 は “A s s e m b l y -17: N o t e o n A l i g n m e n t o f t h e F l e x - ible Board when assembling SY Holder Block Assy (NEX- 3A/3D/3K)” を参照してください。 7 #12 X 2 8 #12 X 19 #12 X 3 Note2: Refer to “Assemb ly-20: Routing of Microph one Harness (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note2: 組立時は“A s s e m b l y -20: R o u t i n g o f M i c r o p h o n e H a r n e s s (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Note3: Refer to “Assemb ly-21: Assembl e Cabinet (Upper) Assy (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note3: 組 立 時 は“A s s e m b l y -21: A s s e m b l e C a b i n e t ( U p p e r ) A s s y (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Note4: Refer to “Assemb ly-22: Radiati on Sheet (CN) (210) putting position (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note4: 組立時は“Assemb ly-22: Radiation Sheet (CN) (210) putting position (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Caution Danger of explosi on occurs if battery is incorre ctly replace d. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions. Caution 電池の交換は,正しく行わないと破裂する恐れがあります。電池を交 換する場合には必ず同じ型名の電池又は同等品と交換してください。 使用済み電池は,取扱指示に従って処分してください。 #71 Back View #12 Back View Note5: Refer to “Assemb ly-32: How to handle the Shutter Flexibl e Board (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note5: 組立時は“Assemb ly-32: How to handle the Shutter Flexible Board (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 #12 Back View #12 Back View #12: M1.7 X 5.0 (Tapping) (Black) 3-080-204-21 1.7 5.0 #23: M1.7 X 4.0 (Tapping)(Black) 3-080-204-11 4.01.7#71: M1.4 X 2.0 (Red) 3-208-537-01 2.0 1.4 #10: M1.7 X 4.0 (Silver) 2-599-475-31 4.0 1.7 #192: M1.4 X 4.0 (Tapping) (Black) 4-188-736-01 4.0 1.4 #2: M1.7 X 4.0 (Black) 2-635-562-31 4.01.7 Note:6 Precautions for Replacement of Cabinet Front Block Assy (Service) As Cabinet Front Block Assy (Servic e) may be damaged by static electricity from its structure, handle it carefully like for the MOS IC. In addition, ensure that the receiver is not covered with dusts nor exposed to strong light. Note6: 前キャビネットAssy (サービス)交換時の注意 前キャビネットAssy (サービス) は構造上,静電気により破壊される 恐れがあるため,MOS ICと同様に注意して取り扱ってください。 また,受光部にはゴミの付着,および強い光がはいることのないよ うに注意してください。 Note7: Refer to “PRECAU TION ON REPLACI NG THE CABINET FRONT” on page 1-1 when replaci ng Cabinet Front Block Assy (Service). Note7: 前キャビネットA s s y (サービス)を交換する場合,1 - 1 ペー ジの“PRECAUTION ON REPLACING THE CABINET FRONT”を 参照してください。 Note8: Refer to “Assembly-15: Lithium Rechargeable Battery putting position” when you assemble.Note8: 組立時は“Assembly-15: Lithium Rechargeable Battery putting position”を参照してください。 Note10: R e f e r t o “ T H E C O M B I N A T I O N O F C A B I N E T ’ S C O L O R AND SCREW (NEX-3A /3D/3K)” on page 2-12 about the combination of cabinet’s color and screw. Note10: キャビネット色とネジの組合わせについては,2 - 12 ページ の“THE COMBINATION OF CABINET’S COLOR AND SCREW (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Imager Block Section (See Page 2-18) (including CP001 (CMOS imager) and IS-077 complete board) 154(Note6, 7) : BT900 (LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERY)Board on the mount position. (See page Level3 6-34) SolderSolder #23 #12 #12 #12 #71 6�160(Note5) 159 161 162 (Note4) 163 152 151 7�SY Holder Section (See Page 2-21) (Note1) 153 8�158(Note3) 157 9�156 155 MIC901 (Note2) BT901BT900 (Note8) CN-439 164 (Note9) #2 #10 (Note10) #1920�165 Note9: Refer to “Assembly-35: Method of attachment of LC Flexible Insulating Sheet (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note9: 組立時は“Assembly-35: Method of attachment of LC Flexible Insulating Sheet (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 0 #2 / #10 X 1 → #192 X 1 #2 #10 #192 The changed portions from Ver.1.1 are shown in blue. Ver.1.2 2010.07
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-18 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description 2-2-5. IMAGER BLOCK SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K)DISASSEMBLY 0 201 A-1773-803-A MB CHARGE UNIT 0 202 1-487-619-11 SHUTTER UNIT (H094) * 203 Selection Parts IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (Note1, 2) * 204 Selection Parts IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (Note1, 2) * 205 Selection Parts IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (Note1, 2) 206 4-185-968-02 MB TAPE, MASK SHEET (Note3) 207 4-185-966-01 MB SHEET, MASK (Note3) #148 3-057-082-21 SCREW (M1.7), NEW TRU-STAR, P2 (NEX-3A/3D/3K) #191 4-188-735-01 SCREW (M1.7) #197 4-185-990-01 MB SCREW, CHARGE UNIT FIXED 1. Remove to numerical order (qa to qd) in the left figure. Note qa #191 X 3qs #148 X 3 Screw Note2: Refer to “Assembly-2 3: IM Adjust Washer (A, B, C) putting position” when you assemble.Note2: 組立時は“Assembly-23: I M Adjust Washer (A, B, C) putting position”を参照してください。 Note3: Refer to “Assembly-2 4: Method of attachment of MB Mask Sheet” when you assemble.Note3: 組立時は“Assembly-24: M ethod of attachment of MB Mask Sheet”を参照してください。 #148 Back View Note1: The type of these parts should be selected when performing adjustments. Refer to "2-3. SELECTION PARTS" on page 2-23 . Note1: これらの部品は調整によって種類を選択する必要があります。 2 - 23ページの“2-3. SELECTION PARTS”を参照してください。 #191 Back View #148: M1.7 X 3.0 (Silver) 3-057-082-21 3.0 1.7 #197: M1.6 X 4.5 (Tapping) (Silver) 4-185-990-01 4.5 1.63.5 1.7 #191: M1.7 X 3.5 (Black) 4-188-735-01 206(Note3) #197 202 qs�201 #148 qa�Imager Unit Section (See Page 2-22)#191 203(Note1, 2) 204(Note1, 2) 205(Note1, 2) 207(Note3) qd�Cabinet Front Section (See Page 2-19) Claw Claw The changed portions from Ver.1.0 are shown in blue. Ver.1.1 2010.07
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-19 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description 251 4-185-964-03 MB N PLATE (A) * 252 4-185-962-01 MB N PLATE (B) * 253 4-185-963-01 MB N PLATE SP (Note1) 254 4-189-512-01 RING (210), ORNAMENTAL * 255 4-186-534-01 BUTTON, L LOCK (BLACK) * 255 4-186-534-21 BUTTON, L LOCK (RED) * 255 4-186-534-31 BUTTON, L LOCK (WHITE) * 255 4-186-534-41 BUTTON, L LOCK (SILVER) * 256 X-2547-937-1 PIN ASSY, L LOCK * 257 4-186-538-01 SPRING, LENS LOCK 258 4-189-412-01 GRIP (210) (BLACK) (Note5) 258 4-189-412-11 GRIP (210) (SILVER) (Note5) 258 4-189-412-21 GRIP (210) (RED) (Note5) 258 4-189-412-31 GRIP (210) (WHITE) (Note5) 259 4-189-413-01 SHEET (210), GRIP ADHESIVE 260 X-2548-232-1 CABINET (FRONT) ASSY (210B) (BLACK) (Note3) 260 X-2548-233-1 CABINET (FRONT) ASSY (210S) (SILVER) (Note3) 260 X-2548-234-1 CABINET (FRONT) ASSY (210R) (RED) (Note3) 260 X-2548-235-1 CABINET (FRONT) ASSY (210W) (WHITE) (Note3) * 261 4-196-544-01 TAPE (AS (210)) * 262 4-189-417-01 BRACKET (L), STRAP (210) * 263 4-193-982-01 WASHER, MF 264 A-1773-802-A MB CONTACT UNIT, N (Note2, 4) #23 3-080-204-11 SCREW, TAPPING, P2 #148 3-057-082-21 SCREW (M1.7), NEW TRU-STAR, P2 #195 3-197-324-01 M1.7X2.5X3GF (D4X0.5) #198 4-186-545-01 M1.7X4 SPIN #199 4-195-871-01 SCREW, 0+Z M1.7 Note 2-2-6. CABINET FRONT SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) ns: not supplied Screw Note1: Refer to “Assembly-27 : Apply grease on MB N Plate SP” when you assemble.Note1: 組立時は“Assembly-27: Apply grease on MB N Plate SP”を参 照してください。 Note2: Refer to “Assembly-28: MB N Contact Unit holding position” when you assemble.Note2: 組立時は“Assembly-28: MB N Contact Unit holding position” を参照してください。 #23: M1.7 X 4.0 (Tapping) (Black) 3-080-204-11 4.01.7#148: M1.7 X 3.0 (Silver) 3-057-082-21 3.0 #195: M1.7 X 2.5 (Silver) 3-197-324-014.0 1.7 #198: M1.7 X 4.0 (Silver) 4-186-545-013.0 1.7 #199: M1.7 X 3.0 (Black) 4-195-871-01 #23 257 256 255 254 253 (Note1) 252 251 #195 #198 258(Note5) 259 260(Note3) #148 #148 264(Note2, 4) 263 #199 262 261ns ns ns Claw Note3: Refer to “PRECAUTION ON REPLACING THE CABINET FRONT” on page 1-1 when replacing Cabinet (Front) Assy.Note3: 前キャビネットAssyを交換する場合,1 - 1 ページの “PRECAUTION ON REPLACING THE CABINET FRONT”を参照 してください。 Note4: Refer to “PRECAUTION ON REPLACING THE CABINET FRONT” on page 1-1 when replacing MB N Contact Unit.Note4: MB N 接点ユニットを交換する場合,1 - 1 ページの “ PRECAUTION ON REPLACING THE CABINET FRONT ” を参照 してください。 Note5: グリップ(210)を取り外す場合, 爪を破損しない為に,分解 手順 9BTフレームAssy(210)を取り外してから作業を行って ください。Note5: To avoid damaging the claws, remove 9 BT Frame Assy (210) before removing Grip (210).
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-20 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description 301 X-2548-251-1 FRAME ASSY (210) * 302 4-186-555-01 LIGHT (LC), GUIDE, 0 303 A-1779-038-A PANEL BLOCK ASSY (BLACK) 0 303 A-1779-732-A PANEL BLOCK ASSY (SILVER) 0 303 A-1779-733-A PANEL BLOCK ASSY (RED) 0 303 A-1779-734-A PANEL BLOCK ASSY (WHITE) * 304 4-190-763-01 BRACKET (G), STRAP (210) 305 4-186-571-01 SHEET, LC LIGHT INTERCEPTION * 306 4-195-258-01 SHAFT, CUSHION (MF) (Note1) #148 3-057-082-21 SCREW (M1.7), NEW TRU-STAR, P2 #192 4-188-736-01 SCREW (TP1.4), P2 #196 4-178-124-01 SPECIAL (M1.4 (D2.75)) (RED, BLACK) (Note2) #201 4-178-124-21 SPECIAL (M1.4 (D2.75)) (SILVER, WHITE) (Note2) Note 2-2-7. MAIN FRAME SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) ns: not supplied Screw Note1: Refer to “Assembly-8: Shaft Cushion (MF) putting position” when you assemble.Note1: 組立時は“Assembly-8: Sh aft Cushion (MF) putting position” を参照してください。 Note2: R e f e r t o “ T H E C O M B I N AT I O N O F C A B I N E T ’ S C O L O R AND SCREW (NEX-3A/3D/3 K)” on page 2-12 about the combination of cabinet’s color and screw. Note2: キャビネット色とネジの組合わせについては,2 - 12 ページ の“THE COMBINATION OF CABINET’S COLOR AND SCREW (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 #148: M1.7 X 3.0 (Silver) 3-057-082-21 3.0 1.7 #192: M1.4 X 4.0 (Tapping) (Black) 4-188-736-01 4.0 1.4 #196: M1.4 X 2.0 (Black) 4-178-124-01 2.0 1.4 #201: M1.4 X 2.0 (Silver) 4-178-124-21 2.0 1.4 #196 #201 (Note2) #148 304 302 305 #192 ns ns 301 306 (Note1)303
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-21 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description 351 X-2548-275-1 HOLDER ASSY, SY (210B) (BLACK) 351 X-2548-276-1 HOLDER ASSY (210S), SY (SILVER) 351 X-2548-277-1 HOLDER ASSY (210R), SY (RED) 351 X-2548-278-1 HOLDER ASSY (210W), SY (WHITE) 352 X-2548-655-1 LID ASSY (210B) (SERVICE), BT (BLACK) 352 X-2548-656-1 LID ASSY (210S) (SERVICE), BT (SILVER) 352 X-2548-657-1 LID ASSY (210R) (SERVICE), BT (RED) 352 X-2548-658-1 LID ASSY (210W) (SERVICE), BT (WHITE) 353 X-2548-292-1 COVER ASSY, HDMI (210B) (BLACK) 353 X-2548-293-1 COVER ASSY (210S), HDMI (SILVER) 353 X-2548-294-1 COVER ASSY (210R), HDMI (RED) 353 X-2548-295-1 COVER ASSY (210W), HDMI (WHITE) 354 X-2548-288-1 COVER ASSY, USB (210B) (BLACK) 354 X-2548-289-1 COVER ASSY (210S), USB (SILVER) 354 X-2548-290-1 COVER ASSY (210R), USB (RED) 354 X-2548-291-1 COVER ASSY (210W), USB (WHITE) 355 4-190-890-01 CLAW, BT LOCK (210) * 356 4-186-558-01 PLATE, SHOE COVER * 357 4-190-893-01 SHAFT (210), BT LID 358 4-186-475-01 SPRING, BT LID OPEN (Note1) 359 4-190-961-01 LABEL (210), MS * 360 4-209-617-01 HOLDER,SHEET(SY) Note2-2-8. SY HOLDER SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) ns: not suppliedNote1: Refer to “Assembly-6: Method of attachment of BT Lid Assy” when you assemble.Note1: 組立時は“Assembly-6: Method of attachment of BT Lid Assy” を参照してください。 356 360 353 ns 359 357 351 358 (Note1) 352355 354
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-22 Ref. No. Part No. DescriptionRef. No. Part No. Description * 401 4-185-996-01 IM PLATE, IMAGER 402 A-1773-805-A IM PLATE UNIT, LOWPASS RETAINER 403 1-856-102-11 OPTICAL FILTER BLOCK (OFB-01-09) (Note1, 5) 404 4-193-875-01 CUTTER, IM FLARE (S) 405 4-185-993-01 IM SHEET, SPACER 406 4-194-127-01 IM TAPE, SPACER FIXED (S) * 407 4-186-454-01 RADIATION SHEET (IS) (Note4) * 408 4-189-415-01 HEAT SINK (210) (Note2) 409 1-880-963-11 IS-075 FLEXIBLE BOARD (Note3) 410 1-880-964-11 IS-076 FLEXIBLE BOARD #27 2-662-396-11 SCREW (M1.4), NEW, TRUSTAR, P2 #191 4-188-735-01 SCREW (M1.7) Note 2-2-9. IMAGER UNIT SECTION (NEX-3A/3D/3K) ns: not supplied Screw #27: M1.4 X 2.0 (Black) 2-662-396-11 2.0 1.43.5 1.7 #191: M1.7 X 3.5 (Black) 4-188-735-01 #27 #191 ns 401 402 405 406 410 407 (Note4) 409(Note3) #27 408(Note2) 403(Note1, 5) 404 Note2: Refer to “Assembly-2 9: Note when assembling Heat Sink” when you assemble.Note2: 組立時は“Assembly-29: Note when assembling Heat Sink”を 参照してください。 Note3: Refer to “Assembly-3 0: Prior Insertion of IS-075 Flexible Board (NEX-3A/3D/3K)” when you assemble.Note3: 組 立 時 は“ A s s e m b l y -30: P r i o r I n s e r t i o n o f I S -075 F l e x i b l e Board (NEX-3A/3D/3K)”を参照してください。 Note4: Refer to “Assembly-31: Radiation Sheet (IS) putting position” when you assemble.Note4: 組立時は“Assembly-31: Radiation Sheet (IS) putting position” を参照してください。 Note5: Refer to “3-2. CLEANING PROCEDURE OF OLPF” on page 3-5 for method of cleaning the OLPF.Note5: OLPFの清掃方法は3-5ページの“3-2. CLEANIN G PROCEDURE OF OLPF”を参照してください。 Note1: Refer to the following statements when replacing the Optical filter block. Method of Removal (1) Pour resolvent (alcohol or cleaning agent) between the imager and the IM spacer sheet. * Wait for that the adhesive power of the IM spacer fixed tape weakens. (2) Remove the IM spacer sheet from the imager. Pour resolvent (alcohol or cleaning agent) between the imager and the IM spacer sheet. Method of Attachment (1) Attach the IM flare cutter and the Optical filter block by aligning them with the outer shape of the IM spacer sheet evenly. * The two-layer side of the Optical filter block is on the imager side. (2) Attach the IM spacer fixed tape by aligning it with the outer shape of the IM spacer sheet evenly. The two-layer side is on the imager side. Mount Side Imager Side Optical Filter Block Peel off the released paper. Peel off the released paper. Peel off the released paper. IM Flare CutterIM Spacer Sheet IM Spacer Fixed Tape (3) Set the Optical filter block in its attachment jig (J-6082-737-A), with the attached IM spacer fixed tape facing upward. (4) Press the imager down into the jig as shown below to attach it to the Optical filter block. J-6082-737-A Imager Peel off the released paper. Note1: 光学フィルタブロックを 交換する際は、下記を参照してくだ さい。 取り外し方 (1) イメージャとIM間隔板の間に溶剤(アルコールまたは クリーニング液)を流し込む。 * IM間隔板固定テープの粘着力が弱くなるのを待 ってくだ さい。 (2) イメージャからIM間隔板を取り外す。 Ý”´ßq´ Xwt9N ïžç¯”ç‡hx«æ”Çï¬÷ð›v`‰{ 取り付け方 (1) IM間隔板に対し、上下左右が均一になるようにIMフレア カッターおよび光学フィルタブロックを貼り付ける。 * 光学フィルタブロックは2層側がイメージャ側になり ます。 (2) IM間隔板に対し、上下左右が均一になるようにIM間隔板 固定テープを貼り付ける。 ù ÚU Ý”´ß Ú¢ïÄ Ý”´ß «¶ÑŸç»Òé¿« #m´› #Ub #m´› #Ub #m´› #Ub Ñ螧¿»” ´ X´ X {Â”Ó (3) 貼り付けたIM間隔板固定テープが上になるように、光学 フィルタブロック貼付け治具(J-6082-737-A)にセットする。 (4) イメージャを図のように治具に押え付け、光学フィルタ ブロックに貼り付ける。 ôý÷ÿùôþúþô Ý”´ß #m´› #Ub The changed portions from Ver.1.0 are shown in blue. Ver.1.1 2010.07
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 2-23E Checking supplied accessories. Note: This item is supplied with the unit as an accessory, but is not prepared as a service part. 4-185-999-01 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.05) 4-185-999-11 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.1) 4-185-999-21 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.15) 4-185-999-31 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.2) 4-185-999-41 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.25) 4-185-999-51 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.3) 4-185-999-61 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.35) 4-185-999-71 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.4) 4-185-999-81 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.45) 4-185-999-91 IM WASHER (C), ADJUST (t = 0.495) Part No. Description 4-185-998-01 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.05) 4-185-998-11 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.1) 4-185-998-21 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.15) 4-185-998-31 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.2) 4-185-998-41 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.25) 4-185-998-51 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.3) 4-185-998-61 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.35) 4-185-998-71 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.4) 4-185-998-81 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.45) 4-185-998-91 IM WASHER (B), ADJUST (t = 0.495) 4-185-995-01 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.05) 4-185-995-11 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.1) 4-185-995-21 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.15) 4-185-995-31 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.2) 4-185-995-41 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.25) 4-185-995-51 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.3) 4-185-995-61 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.35) 4-185-995-71 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.4) 4-185-995-81 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.45) 4-185-995-91 IM WASHER (A), ADJUST (t = 0.495) Part No. Description Part No. Description 2-3. SELECTION PARTS Ref. No.203 Select the optimum thickness of washer. Ref. No.204 Select the optimum thickness of washer. Ref. No.205 Select the optimum thickness of washer. The changed portions from Ver .1.1 are shown in blue. Ver.1.2 2010.07 The CD-ROM supplied contains all of language version of theHandbook (PDF)for printing.~The printed matter is not supplied. If required, please order it with the part number below. ~(Only for destination Japanese model)ç ÔŠºtmMoxÔŠ wˆU¹npw æ ¼™…Dópb{ Power cord (mains lead) 0 1-832-121-51 (CH) (NEX-5CK) 0 1-837-421-11 (UK, E (Saudi, Hong Kong)) 0 1-837-422-11 (JE) 0 1-837-427-11 (AEP, E (EXCEPT Saudi, Hong Kong)) 0 1-837-428-11 (KR) 0 1-837-429-11 (AUS) Recharge able battery pack (NP-FW50) (Note) USB cable 1-829-868-31 Shoulder strap 4-188-538-01 Body cap 4-188-536-01 Handbook (PDF) CD-ROM - Application Software for camera - Handbook NEX-3A/3D/3K 4-191-926-01 NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H 4-191-823-01Battery charger (BC-VW1) 01-487-907-11 (J) 0 1-487-907-21 (US, CND) 0 1-487-907-41 (EXCEPT US, CND, J) Conversion (2P) Adaptor 01-569-008-33 (E (Southeast Asia, Taiwan & Latin Area)) 4-183-855-01 (JAPANESE) * 4-183-855-11 (ENGLISH) * 4-183-855-21 (FRENCH) * 4-183-855-31 (ITALIAN) * 4-183-855-41 (SPANISH) * 4-183-855-51 (PORTUGUESE) * 4-183-855-61 (GERMAN) * 4-183-855-71 (DUTCH) * 4-183-855-81 (TRADITIONAL CHINESE) * 4-183-855-91 (SIMPLIFIED CHINESE) * 4-189-192-11 (RUSSIAN) * 4-189-192-21 (ARABIC) Conversion (2P) Adaptor 01-569-007-12 (JE) Flash A-1774-691-A Flash case4-186-787-01 * 4-189-192-31 (PERSIAN) * 4-189-192-41 (KOREAN) * 4-189-192-51 (POLISH) * 4-189-192-61 (CZECH) * 4-189-192-71 (HUNGARIAN) * 4-189-192-81 (SLOVAK) * 4-189-192-91 (SWEDISH) * 4-189-193-11 (FINNISH) * 4-189-193-21 (NORWEGIAN) * 4-189-193-31 (DANISH) * 4-189-193-41 (THAI) * 4-189-193-51 (UKRAINIAN) Instruction Manual (Only for destination Japanese model) ÔŠ |ó | |¤ wˆ æ ¼™…Dópb{ 4-183-856-01 (JAPANESE) 4-183-856-11 (ENGLISH) * 4-183-856-22 (FRENCH, ITALIAN) * 4-183-856-31 (SPANISH, PORTUGUESE) * 4-183-856-42 (GERMAN, DUTCH) * 4-183-856-51 (TRADITIONAL CHINESE, SIMPLIFIED CHINESE) (E) * 4-183-856-61 (RUSSIAN) * 4-183-856-71 (ARABIC, PERSIAN) 4-183-856-81 (KOREAN) 4-183-856-91 (SIMPLIFIED CHINESE) (CH) (NEX-5CK) * 4-183-857-11 (POLISH) Extender A-1787-305-A (AEP, E, AUS, KR) (NEX-5H) Case, EX 4-199-652-01 (AEP, E, AUS, KR) (NEX-5H)
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 3-1 3. ASSEMBLY Frame Assy Before assembling Frame Assy, temporally secure FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board. FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board Edge of Frame Assy Assembly-2: Temporally secure FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board Assembly-3: Insulating Sheet A (SY) putting position Insulating Sheet A (SY) Align with the upper edge of the connector. Align with the right edge of the connector. Align with the lower edge of the ground. Assembly-4: LC Flexible Insulating Sheet putting position Ground FP-1237 Complete Board LC Flexible Insulating Sheet Assembly-5: LC Connector Insulating Sheet, LC Flexible Insulating Sheet putting position LC Connector Insulating Sheet LC Flexible Insulating Sheet Without running on the edge. LC Cabinet (Rear) Assy BT Lid Assy Assembly-6:Method of attachment of BT Lid Assy BT Lid Shaft Cabinet (Rear) Assy BT Lid Open Spring B A AB Tighten the four screws in sequence of 1 to 4 as shown below. Cabinet (Rear) Assy Cabinet (Front) Assy Assembly-7: Screw tightening sequence when assembling the exterior parts (NEX-3A/3D/3K) Tighten the two screws in sequence of 1 to 2 as shown below. Grip (210) 1 2 Tighten the five screws in sequence of 1 to 5 as shown below. Front Cabinet Assy Rear Cabinet Assy 1 2 34 5 Side Cover (210) 1 23 4 Assembly-8: Shaft Cushion (MF) putting position Frame Assy Without running on the mold part. Shaft Cushion (MF) Assembly-1: Method of attachment of Cabinet (Rear) Assy Open the LCD as shown below. Fit the Cabinet (Rear) Assy along the angle of LCD. Incline Cabinet (Rear) Assy while turning it counterclockwise, then fit it in LCD.
A6CCCE74558B3E905AD2CEF677F08944E4F80AE9D638E1A7EC0B95815DA1F3ED NEX-3A/3D/3K/5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H_L2 3-2 LC Flexible Insulating Sheet Without running on the black printing area on FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board Without running off the edge of FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board FP-1237 Flexible Complete Board Assembly-9:LC Flexible Insulating Sheet putting position Insulating Sheet B (SY) SY-258 Complete Board Without running on the chip. Assembly-10:Insulating Sheet B (SY) putting position Assembly-11: Routing of Microphone Harness Insert the surplus part into the Front Cabinet. Pass the harnesses through the corner of SY-258 Complete Board. SY-258 Complete Board Microphone Harness CN-439 Complete Board BT Frame Assy Insert Gasket (MS) between BT Frame Assy and CN-439 Complete Board without evagination. Assembly-12: Inserting Gasket (MS) (NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H) Gasket (MS) BT Holder Block Assy Shutter Unit Assembly-13: Assemble BT Holder Block Assy (NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H) Shutter Flexible Board Assembly-14: Routing of Microphone Harness (NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H) SP Holder Route the part shown with broken line inside SP Holder. RL Block AssyMicrophone Harness NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H Assembly-15: Lithium Rechargeable Battery putting position NEX-3A/3D/3K Printing shows position of Lithium Rechargeable Battery Printing shows position of Lithium Rechargeable Battery Soldering Soldering RL-103 Complete BoardLithium Rechargeable Battery Lithium Rechargeable Battery RL-101 Complete Broad Note: Make sure that the PW Knob is turned to OFF position when assembling RL Block Assy. RL Block Assy PW Knob Assembly-16: Note when assembling RL Block Assy (NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H) Assembly-17: Note on Alignment of the Flexible Board when assembling SY Holder Block Assy (NEX-3A/3D/3K) SY Holder Block Assy Outside SY Holder Block Assy Under SY Holder Block Assy Above SY Holder Block AssyBetween Shutter Unit and SY Holder Block Assy Under SY Holder Block Assy Radiation Sheet (SY) (210)SY-258 Complete Board Attach Radiation Sheet (SY) (210) on SY-258 Complete Board without running off more than two corners of the IC. Assembly-18: Radiation Sheet (SY) (210) putting position (NEX-3A/3D/3K) Jack Cover Base Under Jack Cover Base Above Jack Cover Base Assembly-19: Note on Alignment of the Flexible Board when assembling Jack Cover Base (NEX-5A/5D/5K/5CK/5H) The changed portions from Ver.1.1 are shown in blue. Ver.1.2 2010.07