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Smeg St337 Instruction Manual

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    User instructions   
    NOTES AND REFERENCES  Only  run the soak program with half loads.  Options  cannot be used with the soak program. 
    * Standard programme under EN 50242. 
    **  See information sheet provided 
    ***  For 3 digit models, see display. 
    **** IEC/DIN reference programme. 
    ***** Reference program for laboratories: Detergent: 
    20g in the  dispenser  + 10g  in the 
    door  or tablet.  Configuration : see photo in “Using the baskets”. 
    (1) Program  consumption  and  duration  figures  have  been  measured  in 
    accordance  with  the  EN  50242  standard.  Values  may  vary  depending  on 
    intake  water  and  room  temperatures  and  the  type  and   quantity  of  dishes 
    (2)  Some models feature an intermediate rinse. 
    (3)  1 or 2 cold rinses depending on the model.  
    REFERENCES  for the ENERGY LABEL  supplied with the dishwasher: 
    -  Annual energy consumption is based on  280 standard wash cycles with cold 
    water  and  consumption  of  low-energy  operating  modes .  Actual  consumption 
    depends on the way in which the appliance is used. 
    -  Water  consumption  is  based  on  280  standard  wash  cycles.  Actual 
    consumption depends on the way in which the applian ce is used. 
    -  Information  refers  to  the
     EN  50242  STANDARD   programme  (identified  in  the 
    programmes  table),  which  is  the  most  effective  in  t erms  of  combined  energy 
    and  water  consumption.  The  programme  is  recommended   for  dishes  with  a 
    normal level of dirt. 
    -  Drying  efficiency  class  on  a  scale  from  “G”  (minimum  efficiency)  to  “A” 
    (maximum efficiency). 
    User instructions   
    1.2  Washing programs   
     Before starting a washing program make sure that:  
    ·  The water supply tap is  open. 
    ·  The softener  container contains regenerating salt . 
    ·  The  correct amount of detergent  has been added to the 
    ·  The baskets have been  correctly loaded. 
    ·  The  spray  arms  are  able  to  rotate  freely  and  without 
    ·  The dishwasher door is securely closed.     
    Options are selected by pressing the relative butto n by the symbol of the 
    option  required;  the  light  comes  on  to  confirm  that   the  option  has  been 
    ·  It  is  not  possible   to  select  any  options  when  the  soak 
    program  is being used. 
    ·   All  options  except Flexi  Tabs   are  disabled   at  the  end of the 
    wash  cycle.  To  disable  the  “Flexi  Tabs”  option,  press   the 
    relative button (the light goes out). 
    ·   All  options,  including     Flexi  Tabs    are disabled  when  a 
    program is  CANCELLED  after it has begun. 
    Some  models  feature  additional  options,  activated  b y pressing  two 
    buttons  simultaneously .  In  this  case,  two  lines  in  the  control  panel 
    graphics link the symbol of the additional option t o the two  buttons to be 
    pressed  simultaneously  to  enable  it.  (e.g.  “Flexi  Tabs”  in  this 
    User instructions   
    QUICK TIME OPTION  Select  this  option  together  with  any  washing  progra m  (except  the  soak 
    program)  to  SHORTEN the  cycle
    .  To  activate  this  option,  press  button  
    (light comes on) after selecting the program requir ed. 
    The option is automatically deactivated at the end  of the program.
    Flexi Tabs 
    Press  buttons 6  +  8  (QUICK  TIME  PROGRAMS   button  + ENERSAVE  
    option  button)   simultaneously  to  activate  the Flexi  Tabs  option;  the 
    respective light comes on to confirm the selection.  
    Specifically  for  washing  with  combination  detergent s  in tablets ,  which 
    also  contain  salt  and  rinse  aid   (3in1)  or  other  agents  such  as  glass 
    protector,  steel  rinse  aids,  etc.  (4in1,  5in1…).  Wh en  this  option  is 
    selected,  salt  and  rinse  aid  will  not  be  dispensed  even  if  the  relative 
    compartments  contain  them.  If  the  containers  are  em pty,  the lights  will 
    remain  on. 
     If  the  option  is  not  provided ,  we  recommend  the  use of conventional 
    products   (separate  detergent,  salt  and  rinse  aid),  because  with 
    conventional  washing  cycles,  combined  products  migh t  create  problems 
    such as a white deposit, poor drying results and re sidues left on dishes. 
     For further information, refer to the detergent pack.  
    when  no  longer  required,  the  option  must  be   deactivated  by  pressing 
    the relative  button (the light goes out). 
    These products are not suitable for use with excessively “hard” water. 
    If  the  hardness  level  set  is  higher  than  H3,  when  the  option  is  activated 
    the  relative  light  flashes  to  indicate  that  the  pro duct  is  being  used 
    incorrectly;  the  dishwasher will  still  work,  but  washing  results  may  be 
    The  ULTRA  CLEAN   program  prolongs  the  final  hot  rinse  to  ensure  a 
    further  reduction  in  the  bacteria  level.  If  the  tem perature  in  the  tank  falls 
    during  this  stage  of  the  program  (e.g.  because  the  door  is  opened  or  due 
    to a power blackout), the light of the option and t he program lights (2) flash 
    to  warn  that  the  additional  washing  phase  has  not  b een  completed 
    successfully.  This  does  not  mean  that  the  wash  prog ram  has  been  less 
    effective than usual.
    User instructions   
    Suitable  when  there  are not many  dishes  to  be  washe d,  it saves  energy 
    and  reduces  the  program  duration.    Place  dishes  in  both  baskets  then 
    load  the  detergent  dispenser  than  less than  the nor mal  amount  for a  full 
    DELAYED START  The  start  of  the  washing  program  can  be  delayed  to  program  the 
    dishwasher to operate at the preferred time of day  (e.g. overnight).  Press 
    the  PROGRAM DELAY  button to activate the option and display a  1 hour 
    delay.  Keep  pressing  to  select  the  delay  required,  which  may  be up  to  9, 
    12 or 24 hours depending on the model.  
    When  the  door  is  closed,  the  appliance  will  prewash   the  dishes,  after 
    which the program delay set will come into effect .
     CANCELLING THE CURRENT PROGRAM  ·  To  cancel  the  currently  selected  program  open  the  door  and  hold 
    down  the  PROGRAM  SELECTION  (3)   button  for  a  few  seconds 
    until  the    indicator  lights   for  programs  4  and  5 illuminate 
    simultaneously  (marked end). 
      ·   Close the door. 
    ·   After approximately 1 minute the dishwasher will a dvance to the end 
    of cycle. 
     CHANGING THE PROGRAM  To  change  the  program  in  progress,  simply  open  the  door  and  select  a 
    new program. When the door is closed the dishwasher  will automatically 
    select the new program.
    User instructions   
    ·  Always try to run the dishwasher  fully loaded. 
    ·  Do not wash the dishes in running water. 
    ·  Use  the  washing  program  that  is  most  appropriate  for  each  type  of 
    ·  Do not carry out any preliminary rinsing. 
    ·  If available, connect the dishwasher to a hot water  supply up to 60°C. 
    THE ENVIRONMENT  The  phosphates  contained  in  dishwasher  detergents  are  harmful  to  the 
    environment.  To  avoid using  excessive  amounts  of  detergent  and  to  save 
    on electricity, observe the following:  ·  separate  the  more  delicate  items  from  dishes  that  are  more r esistant 
    to aggressive detergents and high temperatures; 
    ·  do not pour   the detergent directly on the dishes.    
     If  the  door  has  to  be  opened  while  washing  is  in  pr ogress,  the  program 
    will  be  interrupted.  The  relative  light  will  keep  flashing  and  a  beeper  will 
    signal  that  the  cycle  has  not  been  completed.  You  m ust  wait  about 1 
    minute before closing the door to restart the program. Wh en the door is 
    closed  the  program  will  continue  from  where  it  was  interrupted.  This 
    operation  should only  be  carried  out  if  strictly  necessary ,  because  it 
    might cause problems in execution of the program.  
    At the end of the washing cycle the dishwasher  
    gives  a  short  acustic  signal  and  the  program  
    indicators   nr 4  and  5  start  blinking  (the  word 
    end is displayed on the window). 
    To  switch  off  the  dishwasher,  open  the  door  and  pre ss  the ON/OFF 
    button  (1). 
    At  the  end  of  the  washing  program,  wait  at  least  20  minutes before 
    removing  the  dishes,  to  allow  them  to  cool  down.  To   prevent  any  water 
    droplets  on  the  upper  basket  from  falling  on  the  di shes  in  the  lower 
    basket,  it  is  advisable to  unload  the  lower  basket  first,  and  then  the 
    upper basket. 
    User instructions   
    2.  Operating instructions      
    Once  the  dishwasher  has  been  correctly  installed,  p repare  for  use  as 
     ·   Adjust the water softening system; 
    ·   Add the regenerating salt; 
    ·   Add the rinse aid and detergent. 
    2.1  Using the water softening system  
         The  amount  of  scale  contained  in  the 
    water  (water  hardness  index)  can  cause  
    whitish  staining  on  the  dry  dishes,  which  
    tend  to  become  dull  over  time.  The 
    dishwasher  is  equipped  with  an  automatic 
    softening  system  which  uses  a  special 
    regenerating  salt  to  reduce  the  hardness  
    of the water.  
    The  dishwasher  is  factory  set  for  water  
    hardness  level 
    (average  hardness      
    41-60°dF – 24-31°dH ).   
    When  using  water  of  medium  hardness,  the  regenerati ng  salt  container 
    should  be  refilled  after  approximately  20  washing  cycles.  The  salt 
    container can  hold  approximately  1.7  Kg  of  salt  in  grains.  The  container 
    is  situated  at  the  bottom  of  the  dishwasher.  After  removing  the  lower 
    basket,  unscrew  the  salt  container  cap  by  turning  i t  anticlockwise  and 
    pour  in  the  salt  using  the  funnel  supplied  with  the   dishwasher.  Before 
    replacing the cap, remove any salt residues from ar ound the opening. 
     ·  When using the dishwasher for the first time, in ad dition to the salt it 
    is also necessary to add one litre of water to the container.  
    ·  Each  time  the  salt  container  is  refilled,  make  sure   that the  cap  is 
    securely  closed .  The  mixture  of  water  and  detergent  must  never 
    penetrate the salt container, as this would comprom ise the operation 
    of  the  regeneration  system.  In  the  event  of  this  oc curring,  the 
    warranty will be invalidated.  
    ·  Only   use  regenerating  salt  specially  formulated  for  dom estic 
    dishwashers.  If  using  salt  tablets, do  not  fill  the  container 
    User instructions   
    ·  Do  not  use  table  salt   as  it  contains  insoluble  substances  which, 
    over time, may damage the water softening system.  
    ·  When  necessary,  refill  the  regenerating  salt  contai ner before 
    starting  the  washing  program .  In  this  way,  the  excess  saline 
    solution  will  be  immediately  removed  by  the  water;  the  prolonged 
    presence of salt water inside the tank may lead to corrosion.   
     Be  careful  not  to  confuse  the  salt  and  detergent  pa ckages;  adding 
    detergent to the salt container will  damage the water softening system.     
    ADJUSTING THE WATER SOFTENING SYSTEM  The  dishwasher  is  equipped  with  a  device  which  allo ws  the  softener 
    setting  to  be  varied  to  suit  the  hardness  of  the  ma ins  water.  The 
    hardness is set using the  PROGRAM SELECTION BUTTON (3) . 
    To access the setting function, hold the button dow n for more than 15 
    (4)  flashes, while the  SELECTED PROGRAM INDICATOR LIGHTS (2)  
    show the current setting. Each pressure on the butt on changes the 
    setting following the sequence in the table below: 
    User instructions   
    SETTING German degrees (°dH) French Degrees (°dF) 
    0 - 4 0 - 7 All lights off (no salt)  
    5 - 15 8 - 25 One light on  
    16 - 23 26 - 40 Two lights on  
    24 - 31 41 - 60 Three lights on  
    32 - 47 61 - 80 Four lights on  
    48 - 58 81 - 100 Five lights on     Contact  your  local  water  board  for  information  on  the  hardness  of  your 
    water supply. 
      After adjustment or display of the current setting , simply do not touch the 
    button  for  a  few  seconds;  the  dishwasher  will  autom atically  return  to 
    standard mode, quitting the adjustment mode. 
    2.2  Using the rinse aid and detergent dispensers 
      The  detergent  and  rinse  aid  dispensers  are  situated  on  the  inner  
    part  of  the  door:  the  detergent 
    dispenser  is  on  the  left,  and  the 
    rinse aid dispenser  is on the right. 
     With  the  exception  of  the  SOAK  program,  before  every  washing  cycle  it 
    is  necessary  to  add  the  required  amount  of  detergen t  to  the detergent 
    dispenser .  The  rinse  aid,  on  the  other  hand,  should    only  be   added  as 
    User instructions   
    ADDING THE RINSE AID  The  rinse  aid  helps  the  dishes  dry  faster  and  
    prevents  the  formation  of  scale  deposits  and  
    staining;  it  is  automatically  added  to  the  water 
    during  the  final  rinse  cycle,  from  the  container 
    situated on the inner side of the door.   
    To add rinse aid:  ·  Open the door. 
    ·   Rotate the container cap anticlockwise by ¼ of a t urn and remove it. 
    ·   Add  the  rinse  aid  until  the  container  is  full  (app roximately  140  cc). 
    The  optical  level  indicator  on  the  side  of  the  cap  should  be 
    completely  obscured.  Refill  the  rinse  aid  when  the  optical  level 
    indicator  becomes  clear  again,  or  when  the  rinse  ai d  warning  light 
    ·   Replace the cover and turn it in a clockwise direc tion. 
    ·   Use  a  cloth  to  remove  any  spillage  of  rinse  aid  wh ich  might  lead  to 
    the formation of excess foam.
    ADJUSTING THE RINSE AID DISPENSER SETTING  The  dishwasher  is  factory  set  for  medium  water  hard ness.  However  it 
    possible  to  change  the  setting  by  turning  the  dispe nser’s  selector  to  the 
    desired position: the amount of rinse aid dispensed  is proportional to the 
    selector position. 
     ·   To  adjust  the  rinse  aid  setting,  rotate  the  dispen ser  cap  through  a 
    quarter turn in an anticlockwise direction and remo ve it. 
    ·   Then use a screwdriver to rotate the rinse aid sel ector to the desired 
    ·   Replace the cap, turning it clockwise. 
     ·   The  amount  of  rinse  aid  must  be  increased  if  the  washed  dishes 
    appear dull or feature circular stains. 
    ·  If,  on  the  other  hand,  the  dishes  are  sticky  or  hav e  white  streaks,  it 
    is necessary to reduce the rinse aid setting.    
    User instructions   
     ADDING THE DETERGENT  To  open  the  detergent  dispenser  cap,  lightly  press  
    the  button  P.  Add  the  detergent  and  close  the  cap 
    During  the  washing  cycle,  the  dispenser  will  be 
    opened automatically. 
     ·   When  a  program  with  hot  prewash  is  selected  (see  pr ogram  table), 
    extra  detergent  must  be  placed  in  the  cavity G/H  (depending  on 
    ·  Use  only detergents specially formulated for dishwashers. F or optimal 
    washing results it is important to use a good quality detergent. 
    ·  The  detergent  packs  must  be  sealed  and  stored  in  a  dry  place  to 
    prevent  the  formation  of  lumps  which  may  negatively  affect  washing 
    results.  Once  opened  the  detergent  packs  should  not  be  kept  for  too 
    long, otherwise the detergent loses its effectiveness. 
    ·  Do  not  use  detergents  formulated  for  washing  dishes   by  hand, 
    because they produce a great deal of foam and may negatively affect 
    the operation of the dishwasher. 
    ·  Add  the  correct  amount  of  detergent.  An  insufficien t  amount  of 
    detergent  will  result  in  a  partial  removal  of  dirt from  the  dishes, 
    whereas  an  excessive  amount  is  wasteful  and  does  no t  improve  the 
    washing results. 
    ·  The market offers liquid and powder detergents with  differing chemical 
    compositions,  which  may  contain phosphates,  or  be  phosphate-free 
    but contain natural enzymes . 
    -  Detergents  containing  phosphates  are  more  effective  against 
    grease and starch at  temperatures above 60°C . 
    - Enzyme  detergents,  on  the  other  hand,  are  also  effective  a t  lower 
    temperatures  (from  40  to  55°C )  and  are  more  easily 
    biodegradable.  With  enzyme  detergents  it  is  possibl e  to  obtain  at 
    low  temperatures  comparable  results  to  those  which  can  only  be 
    achieved at 65°C using traditional detergents.  
    For  the  safeguarding  of  the  environment  we  recommen d  the  use  of 
    phosphate- and chlorine free detergents.    
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