Sharp R-1850a Owners Manual
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RESCOMPUBAKE 3 1 ro~~~ J 00.. PREHERT Touch START! URNT~eLE oncCX)!( ~ElP TOUCH ONpad After CompuBake preheatcycleends, 4tones will sound. Thedisplay willindicate I PREHERrl1 em! I Iy I PLRfE II FOGe I []jJ I OJ/EN I. Open door.Place the cake paninside. Closedoorandtouch START! TOUCH ONpad. 4 I ~~N J 00 .. 40.00 1 FOOD I TouchSTARTfTOUCH rUANTA6LE 011COOK ~ ON pad. After COMPU BAKEcycleends, 1long tone willsound, and I EttD I will bedisplayed. 1113X3X2 ... ........ II rtETAL 11 nN u 11 RR[X II p-u)n uuu 11 eVErt )1 STRRT SPECIAL FEATURES COMPUBAKE CompuBake CompuBake automatically bakescakes, b muffins andFrench fries. Suppose youwant tobake a13x9x2 cak PRESS) Procedure Display 1 Touch COMPU BAKE pad. Note: Turntable functionis automatically turnedOFF. I 5ELEC1l I [{UnBER I 2 [RXE USE :lfCH Touch number pad.(Ex: for cake, touch ill). PRlt ~ Nnl ~ N ) nt CompuBake Chart Pan size/Qly, 1. Cake 13x9x2 2. Brownies 13 x goo x 2 3. Muffins 12cup Muffin pan French fries3to 24 oz. Cookie sheet to hold 4. LowUsefrozen prepared Frenchfries. No preheat isrequired forthe French friesbaking procedure. Place French friesoncookie sheetonlow rack. For shoestring potatoes,touchPOWER LEVELpadtwice to enter lesstime before touching STARTpad. 21

SPECIALFEATURES COMPUBROIL Setting Food Amount PrQ£edure 1. Hamburgers 1-8 pieces Usethissetting tobroil hamburger patties.Placeonlow rack. 1/4 lb.each 2. Chickenpieces 0.5to3.0 Ibs. Arrange piecesonlow rack. Ahercooking. letstand, 3-5minutes. Dark meat should be180F., andwhite meatshould be170F. 3. Steaks 0.5to2.0 Ibs. Usethissetting tobroil steaks from3/4toIthick. Individual boneless steaksbroilevenly. Placesteakonlow rack. Forwell done, touch POWER LEVELonce;forrare, touch POWER LEVEL twice. 4. Fishsteaks 0.5to2.0 Ibs. Usethissetting tobroil fishsteak which is3/4 toIthick. Place on low rack. ,..I CompuBroil Compu8roil automatically broilshamburgers, chicken pieces, steaksandfishsteaks. Suppose youwant tobroil 2hamburgers. / Procedure Display 1 ( COMPl:) 1 5ELECTII FOGO I BROIL I [funSER I Touch COMPU BROIL pad. 2 [J] 1 HRn- 11 BURGER51 1 U5E 11 LOU I Touch number pad. 1 RRCK I (Ex: forhamburgers, touch [j]). 1 HGtJ II nR,f:J I 1 PRE55 11 ffU,1BER 1 3 [f] 1 2 I Touch number pad I PRE5511 5TRRT I to enter quanthy. 1 ro II FOCLl I (Ex: jgJ). Follow 1:r: II a/./Bf I information in display forcooking 1 FOR II tiED/Un I information. 1 PRE55 I1 STRRT I For well done orrare burgers, touchPOWER LEVEL padtoselect Moreforwell done orLess for rare. SeeMorelLess TimeAdjustment onpage 23. - CompuBroil Chart 4 I ~~6,. J ~PREHERT Touch STARTfTOUCH TUFlNT~DlEON COCM< HELP ON pad. Aher brOilprehe,t cvcleeids, 41~ng toleswillsound. PREHERT aER II PLRCE FCmIN lOt-1ft! II PRESS I ·1~c.Jwili bedisplayed repeatedly. Openthedoor and place hamburgers intooven. Closethedoor. S I rcfu~~ J cos .. 13, nn I ,UU Touch STARTfTOUCH TUFlNTSl1 {}

KitchenTimer OTHER CONVENIENT FEATURES Multiple Sequence Cooking The oven canbeprogrammed forupto4automatic cooking sequences forthe microwave modeand3automatic cooking sequences forconvection mode,switching from one setting toanother automatically. Sometimes cookingdirections tellyou tostart onone power level andthen change toadifferent powerlevel.Youroven can dothis automatically. • Suppose youwant tocook roastbeeffor5minutes at90% and then continue tocook tor30minutes at50%. Procedure I 1 iPOWERl Touch POWER LEVEL 1 ! LEVEL padonce. 2 [2J Touch POWER LEVEL number (Ex: 90% ). 3 !1][QJ[QJ Enter cooking time. (Ex: 5minutes). 4 fpOWERl Touch POWER LEVEL LEVEL padagain. 5 ~ Touch POWER LEVEL number (Ex: 50% ). 6 @][Q][Q][Q] Enter cooking time. (Ex: 30minutes ). 7 ~ Touch START! ON TOUCHONpad. NOTE: 1.If POWER LEVELpadistouched twice, I HIGH I will bedisplayed. 2. If100% isselected asthe final sequence, a is not necessary totouch thePOWER LEVELpad 3. Ifyou wish toknow power level,simply touchthe POWER LEVELpad.Aslong asyour finger is touching thePOWER LEVELpad,thepower level willbedisplayed. More/Less Time Adjustment I More I Should youdiscover thatyoulike any ofthe COMPU DEFROST, COMPUROAST,COMPU BAKE,COMPU BROIL, SENSOR COOKorINSTANT SENSORsettings slightly moredone, touchthePOWER LEVELpadonce after touching yourchoice ofpads. I Less I Should youdiscover thatyoulike any ofthe COMPU DEFROST. COMPUROAST,COMPU BAKE,COMPU BROIL, SENSOR COOKorINSTANT SENSORsettings slightly lessdone, touchthePOWER LEVELpadtwice after touching yourchoice ofpads. • • Suppose youwant totime a3 minute longdistance phone call, 1 lKITCHEj Touch KITCHEN TIMER! TIMER TIMERpad. 2 ~[Q][]J Enter time. 3 ~ Touch START pad. 00 Minute Plus Minute Plusallows youtocook foraminute at1OO%by simply touching theMINUTE PLUSpad.Youcanalso extend cooking timeinmultiples of1minute byrepeatedly touching the MINUTE PLUSpadduring manual cooking using microwave, convection, mixorbroil. • Suppose youwant toheat acup ofSoup forone minute. Procedure Touch MINUTE PLUSpad. 1 NOTE: 1.Touch MINUTE PLUSpadwithin 1minute after cooking. closingthedoor, touching theSTOP! CLEAR padorduring cooking. MinutePluscannot be used tostart theoven if any program ison display. 2. Minute Pluscannot beused withSPECIAL FEATURES. Touch On Touch Onallows youtocook at100% power bytouching the START/TOUCH ONcontinuously. TouchOnisideal for me~ing cheese, bringingmilktojust below boiling etc. The maximum cookingtimeis3minutes. • Suppose youwant tomelt cheese onapiece oftoast. Procedure Continuously touchSTART! 1 [ START J TOUCH ONpad. TOUGH ON Thecooking timewillbegin counting up. When thecheese ismelted todesired degree, 2 remove fingerfromSTART /TOUCH ONpad. Oven stops immediately. NOTE: 1.Note time a takes forfrequently usedfoods and program thattime inthe future. 2. Touch TOUCH ONpad within 1minute after cooking, openingandclosing thedoor ortouching the STOP/CLEAR pad. 3. Touch Oncan only beused 3times inarow. If more times areneeded, openandclose dooror touch STOP!CLEAR. 23

U INt:.H l;UNVt:.NIENT FEATURES Demonstration Mode To demonstrate, touchCLOCK. @]and STARTffOUCH ON pad. HoldtheSTARTffOUCH ONpad forthree sec- onds.! DElfj II art jj SHRI?P II 5:,jPL~lcmo []£ill will appear inthe display. Cooking operations andspecial features cannow bedemonstrated withnopower inthe oven. For example. TouchMINUTE PLUSandthedisplav willshow ! LCD Iand countdown quicklyto [QJ and the I Et.D i To cancel, touchCLOCK. thenumber@] andSTOP!CLEAR. Custom Help CUSTOM HELPprovides 5features whichmakeusingyour oven easybecause specificinstructions areprovided inthe interactive display. Safety Lock The Safety Lockprevents unwanted ovenoperation such as bysmall children. Note:Safety Lockisnot applicable to Hood FanandHood Lightbuttons. The oven canbeset sothat thecontrol panelis deactivated or locked. Toset, touch CUSTOM HELP,thenumberITl and STARTfTOUCH ONpad. Should apad betouched, I LOCK I will appear inthe display. To cancel, touchCUSTOM HELP,thenumber[Ij andSTOP! CLEAR. Audible SignalElimination If you wish to have theoven operate withnoaudible sig- nals. touch CUSTOM HELP.thenumber[II andSTOP! CLEAR. To cancel andrestore theaudible signal.touchCUSTOM HELP, thenumber [IIand STARTffOUCH ON. Auto Start If you wish toprogram youroven tobegin cooking automati- cally atadeSignated timeofday. follow thisprocedure: * Suppose youwant tostart cooking astew for20minutes at 4:30. Before setting. checktomake suretheclock is showing thecorrect timeofday. Procedure \ 1 C CUSTOM) TouchCUSTOM HELPpad. HELP 2 [I] Touch thenumber. 3 !Il[I][QJ Enter thestart time. I 4 l SiART j Touch theCLOCK pad. TOUCH ON Enter cooking program or cooking time. 5 6 I START TOUCH ON Touch STARTfTOUCH ON pad. NOTE: 1. Auto startcanbeused formanual cooking, CompuBroil! Roast/Bake ITclock isset. 2. Ifthe oven doorisopened afterprogramming AutoStart, it is necessary totouch theSTART padforthe time ofday to appear inthe readout sothat theoven will automatically beginprogrammed cookingatthe chosen Auto Starttime. 3. Be sure tochoose foodsthatcanbeleft inthe oven safely until theAuto Starttime. Baked potatoes areoften agood choice. Language Selection The oven comes setforEnglish language. Tochange, touch CUSTOM HELPandthenumber m. Continue totouch the number ~until your choice isselected fromthetable be- low. Then, touchSTARTfTOUCH ONpad. Number[1J Language ~ , Once English I £.tffd.tS.H I Twice Espanol IE5PRttDLI 3 Times French I r~ I WeightlTemp Selection The oven comes setforU.S. Customary Unit-pounds. To change, touchCU~TOM HELPandthenumber ~. Continue totouch thenumber @J until your choice isse- lected fromthetable below. Then,touchSTARTfTOUCH ON pad. Number ill ;,tandard ofWeighl ~ and Temg;erS!ture Once LB.F CIEE Twice KGC I 6Gr Help Each setting ofCompuDefrost, CompuBroil,CompuRoast, CompuBake andSensor Cookhasacooking hint. If you wish tocheck, touchCUSTOM HELPwhenever HELPis lighted inthe interactive display. 24

SERVICECALLCHECK Please checkthefollowing beforecalling forservice: 1. Placeonecupofwater inaglass measuring cupinthe oven andclose thedoor securely. Operata theoven fortwo minutes aHIGH 100%. A. Does thelight ceme oninthe oven? YES NO B. Does thecooling fanwork? YES (Put your hand overthetop ventilation openings.) NO C. Does theturntable rotatewhentheTURNTABLE ON/OFF pad istouched andTURNTABLE ONisinthe display? YES (It is normal forthe turntable toturn ineither direction when TURNTABLE ONisin the display.) NO D. Isthe water inthe oven warm? YES NO 2. I CONVEC I Remove thewater fromtheoven andprogram: 450°F START A. Do CONV andCOOK light? YESNO B. After theoven shuts off,isthe inside ofthe oven hot? YES NO If NO isthe answer toany ofthe above questions, pleasecheckelectrical outlet,fuseand/or circuit breaker, If either orboth arenotfunctioning properly,CONTACT YOURNEAREST SHARPAUTHORIZED SERVICER.A microwave ovenshould neverbeserviced byado -lt-yeurself repairperson. NOTE: Iftime appearing inthe display isceunting downveryrapidly, checkDemonstration Modeonpage 24and cancel. SPECIFICATIONS R-1850A I R-1851A I R-1852A AG Line Voltage: AC Power Required: Output Power: Microwave Convection Heater: Frequency: Outside Dimensions: Cavity Dimensions: Oven Capacity: Cooking Uniformity: Weight: Single phase120V,60Hz,AConly 1600 watts 13.2amps. 850 watts (IEG-705-1988 TestProcedure) 1400 watts 2450 MHz 2915/16 (W)x16 11132 (H)x15 9132 (D) 171/8 (W)x81/t6 (H)x1313/16 (D) 1.1 cu. It. Turntable & Stirrer Fan Approx. 71Ibs. ·The International Electrotschnical Commissionsstandardizedmethodformeasuring outputwattage. Thistestmethod is widely recognized. In compliance withstandards setby: FCC -Federal Communications CommissionAuthorized. DHHS -Complies withDepartment ofHealth andHuman Services (DHHS)rule,CFR, Title21,Chapter I,Subchapter J. ® -This symbol onthe nameplate meanstheproduct islisted byUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc. 25 •

AUTO-TOUCH®GUIDE For more complete information andsafety precautions, refertothe inside instructions. SET CLOCK If ~ ~I TI~M§5i I MANUALOPERATION 1 [JJ13l 0 ~!TIE!1E][l1!l[] I CLOCK I HighPower Cooking I.... ~[]] ~ IS In the display, .. first touch STOP/CLEAR 1.Enter cooking timebytouching START . m 121131 i(jl numberpads. TOUCHON 1. Touch CLOCK pad. L::J L:J LJ ~ (Ex:1min. 30sec.) 2. Entercorrecttime ofday by 2.Touch STARTfTOUCH ONpad. touching numbersinsequence. I CLOCK I (Ex: 12:30) 3. Touch CLOCK padagain. INSTANT SENSOR POPCORN Touch Popcorn pad.Touch once for regular size andtwice forsnack size. Seepage 14. INSTANT SENSOR REHEAT Touch SENSOR REHEATonce. The oven willstart automatically. SENSOR REHEATcanbe programmed wlthturntable onor off. See Instant Sensor ReheatChart on paoe 14. Variable PowerCooking 2. Mer Step1above, touchPOWER LEVEL pad. 3. Select power level(Ex:5for 50%) and Touch STARTfTOUCH ON pad. MINUTE PLUS Touch MINUTE PLUSforone minute at100% power ortoadd additional minutes. TOUCH ON Continuously touchSTART/ TOUCH ON for 100% power cooking. Removefinger and oven willstop instantly. See CompuRoast, BakeandBroil Charts onpages 19,20 and 21. TO COOK WITH AUTOMATIC MIX 1. Touch LOWMIXBAKE pad, enter desired cooking timeand touch STARTfTOUCH ONpad. Follow information onthe display. TINSEB199MRROSTART TOUCH ON 5. Enter cooking timeby touching numberpads. (Ex: [1J [QJ[QJ[QJ ) illQQJ 1 PRESS 1 STRRT 1 Yourovencanbeprogrammed tocombine preheating and automatic mixcooking operations. Seepage 19for information. STARcT TOUCH ON START TOUCH ON ITJ [IJ[I] COMPU DEFROST I I I SENSOR COOK 1.Touch COMPU DEFROST pad 1. Touch SENSOR COOKpad. ( S~~~~R) r]l (Ex:three times forasteak.) 2. Select desired SENSOR 8 2.Enter weight bytouching COOK setting. (Ex:1). I START J numberpad.(Ex:~and [Q].) 3.Touch STARTfTOUCH ONpad. I TOUCH OS 3.TouchSTARTfTOUCH ONpad. See Sensor CookChart, page15. Duringdefrosting, ovenwillstop. TO PREHEAT AND Checkfood. COOK WITH SeeCompuDefrost Charton12. I I SELECT 11 PREHERT 1 I CONVECTION 11 TEnp 1 COMPUROAST 1. Touch PREHEAT pad. I 350F II PRESS I orCompuBake orCompuBroil ~ t.TouchdesiredCOMPU pad. ~I OR1 ,....,,.....,.....-.- ii .-,.....~ ,.-,... I 2.Select desired Compusetting. (Ex: Touch [j]for chicken). 3. Touch number padforweight or quantity. 4. Touch STARTfTOUCH ONpad. START TOUCH ON 325F 1 EftTER 1 r.=;==Cl TItlE I 2. Touch number padfordesired temperature. (Ex:touch pad[[) for 350°F.) 3. Touch CONVEC pad. i PRESS II START I Printed inU.S.A. 4. Touch number padfor desired temperature.(Ex: [[) for 325°F). I PREHERT 6. Touch STARTfTOUCH ON pad. When theoven reaches theprogrammed temp., it will automatically holdatthe preheat temperature for30minutes and then thedisplay willchange tothe time ofday. Whenever STOP/CLEAR istouched duringthis30minute period, PRESS CONVEC orPRESS MIXwillbedisplayed and coeking modeandtime canbeentered. For more information onconvection cooking,Seepages 18 and 19. SHARP. SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Sharp Plaza,Mahwah, NJ07430-2135