Sharp R-1850a Owners Manual
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SHAR~ ~a(ousel® o V ER THE RANGE MICROWAVE OVEN 1 ,! I .~ OPE RAIl 0N MAN UA L Read all instructions carefullybeforeusingtheoven.

PRECAUTIONS TOAVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY (a) Donot attempt tooperate thisoven withthedoor open since open-door operationcanresult inharmful exposure tomicrowave energy.Itis important nottodefeat ortamper withthesafety interlocks. (b) Donot place anyobject between theoven frontfaceandthedoor orallow soilorcleaner residueto accumulate onsealing surfaces. (c) Donot operate theoven ifit is damaged. Itis particularly importantthattheoven doorclose properly and thatthere isno damage tothe: (1)door (bent), (2)hinges andlatches (broken orloosened), (3) door seals andsealing surfaces. (d) The oven should notbeadjusted orrepaired byanyone exceptproperly qualified servicepersonnel. FOR CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE To aid inreporting thismicrowave ovenincase ofloss ortheft, please recordbelowthemodel number andserial number located onthe unit. Wealso suggest yourecord allthe information listedandretain forfuture reference. MODEL NUMBER SERIALNUMBER _ DATE OFPURCHASE _ DEALER SERVICER TELEPHONE _ TELEPHONE TO PHONE: DIAL 1-800- BE-SHARP (237-4277) for: SERVICE (foryour nearest SharpAuthorized Servicer) PARTS (foryour authorized partsdistributor) ADDITIONAL CUSTOMERINFORMATION DIAL 1-800-642-2122 for: ACCESSORIES andCOOKBOOK DIAL (201)529-8703 for: COOKING ASSISTANCE TO WRITE: Forcooking andoperation questions: Susan EdwardsfTest Kitchen Sharp Electronics Corporation Sharp Plaza, Box650 Mahwah, NJ07430-2135 For service problems, warrantyinformation, missingitemsandother assistance: Sharp Electronics Corporation Customer Assistance Center -1300 Naperville Drive Romeoville, IL60441-1091 Please provide thefollowing information whenyouwrite orcall: model number, serialnumber, dateofpurchase, yourcomplete mailing address (including zipcode), yourdaytime telephone number(including areacode) anddescription ofthe problem. TO ACCESS INTERNET:

• CONTENTS R-1850AIR-1851A IR-1852A INTERACTIVE COOKINGSYSTEM Precautions toAvoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave EnergyInsideFrontCover For Customer Assistance InsideFrontCover Contents................. 1 Limited Warranty..................................... .....2 Product Information Card....... 2 Important SafetyInstructions..... 3 Unpacking Instructions 4 Accessories.... . 4 Grounding Instructions Information YouNeed toKnow .. About YourOven ... 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 About Food . About Microwave Cooking .. About Safety .. About Children andtheMicrowave About Untensils andCoverings .. Part Names . TOUCh Control Panel.. .. .. Before Operating. To Set theClock Stop/Clear...... ...... Manual Operation.. .... Turntable On/Of!. . Hood Light/Hood Fan .. Time Cooking Microwave. Keep Warm .. Special Features CompuDefrost.. CompuDefrost Chart Manual Defrost.. Sensor Cooking . Instant Sensors .. Instant Sensor Reheat.. Instant Sensor Popcorn .. Popcorn Chart .. Instant Sensor Chart.. Sensor Cook.. Sensor CookChart.. The Interactive CookingSystemoffersstep-by-step instructionsinthe display forusing theoven, fromsetting theclock to programming eachfeature. Italso includes CustomHelpforinstructions onusing Safety Lock,Audible Signal Elimination, AutoStartandHelp. There isachoice ofEnglish, Spanish orFrench andachoice ofU.S. Customary Unit- pound orMetric-kilograms. TouchCUSTOM HELPandfollow thedirections displayedorcheck page24. . Sensor CookRecipes 16-17 Convection Operation..................................... 18 ConvectiOn/Automatic MixCooking 18 To Cook withConvection............................... 18 To Preheat andCook withConvection 18 ToBroil............ . 18 ToSlowCook 18 Automatic MixCooking.... ..19 To Cook withAutomatic Mix..... 19 To Preheat andCook withAutomatic Mix.....19 CompuRoast........ . 20 CompuRoast Chart... .20 CompuBake............... ..21 CompuBake Chart.. 21 CompuBroil 22 CompuBroil Chart.......... .22 Other Convenient Features .23 Multiple Sequence Cooking ..23 More/Less TimeAdjustment 23 Kilchen Timer.. .23 Minute Plus . 23 Touch On 23 Custom Help 24 Demonstration Mode.. 24 Safety Lock....................... 24 Audible SignalElimination 24 Auto Start.. 24 Language Selection.. Weight/Temp Selection Help .. Service CallCheck . Specifications .. Cleaning andCare .. THE ULTIMATE ACCESSORY .. 24 24 24 25 25 26-27 28 Guia Auto Touch .............. ParteInterior dela Cubie rtaTrasera . ... Back Cover Auto-Touch Guide . 1

SHARPELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrantstothe first consumer purchaser thatthisSharp brandproduct (the Product), whenshipped inits original container, willbefree from defective workmanship andmaterials, and agrees thatitwill, atits option, eitherrepairthedefect orreplace thedefective Productorpart thereof withanew or remanufactured equivalentatno charge tothe purchaser forparts orlabor forthe period(s) setforth below. This warranty doesnotapply toany appearance itemsofthe Product nortothe additional excludeditem(s)set forth below nortoany Product theexterior ofwhich hasbeen damaged ordefaced, whichhasbeen subjected to misuse, abnormal serviceorhandling, orwhich hasbeen altered ormodified indesign Of construction. In order toenforce therights underthislimited warranty, thepurchaser shouldfollowthesteps setforth below and provide proofofpurchase tothe servicer. The limited warranty described hereinisinaddition towhatever impliedwarranties maybegranted topurchasers by law. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDINGTHEWARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR USEARE LIMITED TOTHE PERIOD(S) FROMTHEDATE OFPURCHASE SETFORTH BELOW Some states donot allow limitations onhow long animplied warranty lasts,sothe above limitation maynotapply toyou. Neither thesales personnel ofthe seller norany other person isauthorized tomake anywarranties otherthan those described herein,ortoextend theduration ofany warranties beyondthetime period described aboveon behalf ofSharp. The warranties describedhereinshallbethe sole andexclusive warranties grantedbySharp andshall bethe sole andexclusive remedyavailable tothe purchaser. Correctionofdefects, inthe manner andforthe period of time described herein,shallconstitute completefulfillment ofall liabilities andresponsibilities ofSharp tothe purchaser withrespect tothe Product, andshall constitute fullsatisfaction ofall claims, whether basedoncontract, negligence, strictliability orotherwise. Inno event shallSharp beliable, orinany way responsible, forany damages or defects inthe Product whichwerecaused byrepairs orattempted repairsperformed byanyone otherthan an authorized servicer.Norshall Sharp beliable Of inany way responsible forany incidental orconsequential economic orproperty damage. Somestates donot allow theexclusion ofincidental Of consequential damages,so the above exclusion maynotapply toyou. THIS WARRANTY GIVESYOUSPECIFIC LEGALRIGHTS. YOUMAYALSO HAVEOTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATETOSTATE. R-1850A,R-1851AandR-1852A HomeUseCarousel Microwave Oven. (Be sure tohave thisinformation availablewhenyouneed service foryour Product.) Two (2)year parts andlabor in-home service.Forin-home service,theservicer will come tothe units location. Ifitis necessary toremove theunit forrepair, the servicer willreinstall theunit atno extra charge. Thewarranty period continues foranadditional five(5)years, foratotal ofseven (7)years, with respect tothe magnetron tubeinthe Product forparts only.Labor isnot pro- vided freeofcharge forthis additional period. Additionalltem(s) ExcludedfromAccessories, rubberorplastic parts,theturntable, lightbulbs, glasspartsor Warranty Coverage lifany): anyprinted materials. Your Product ModelNumber & Description: Warranty Periodfor this Product: Where toObtain Service: From aSharp Authorized ServicerlocatedInthe United States. Besure to have Proof ofPurchase available.Tofind thelocation ofthe nearest Sharp Authorized Servicer,callSharp tollfree at1-800-BE-SHARP (1-800-237-4277). TO OBTAIN SUPPLY, ACCESSORY ORPRODUCT INFORMATION, CALL1-800-BE-SHARP. The product information cardwhich ison the inside ofthe microwave ovencarton should becompleted withintendays of purchase andreturned. Wewillkeep iton file and help youaccess theinformation incase ofloss, damage ortheft. This will also enable ustocontact youinthe unlikely eventthatanyadjustments ormodifications areever required foryour oven. Saveproofofpurchase asitis needed shouldyouroven everrequire warranty service. 2

IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIPNS When usingelectrical appliances basicsafety precautions shouldbefollowed, includingthefollowing: WARNING -To reduce therisk ofburns, electric shock,fire,injury topersons orexposure toexcessive microwave energy: . 1. Read allinstructions beforeusingtheappliance. 2. Read andfollow thespecific PRECAUTIONS TOAVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGYoninside frontcover. 3. This appliance mustbegrounded. Connectonlytoproperly grounded outlet.SeeGROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS onpage 4. 4. Install orlocate thisappliance onlyinaccordance withtheprovided installation instructions. 5. Some products suchaswhole eggsandsealed containers --for example, closedglassjars--may explode andshould not be heated inthis oven. 6. Use thisappliance onlyforitsintended useasdescribed inthis manual. Donot use corrosive chemicals orvapors inthis appliance. Thistype ofoven isspecifically designedtoheat, cookordry food. It is not dssiqned forindustrial orlaboratory use. 7. Aswith anyappliance, closesupervision isnecessary whenusedbychildren. 8. Do not operate thisappliance if it has adamaged cordorplug, if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged or dropped. 9. This appliance shouldbeserviced onlybyqualified servicepersonnel. ContactnearestSharpAuthorized Servicerfor examination, repairoradjustment. 10. Donot cover orblock anyopenings onthe appliance. 11. Donot store oruse this appliance outdoors.Donot use this product nearwater--for example,nearakitchen sink,inawet basement ornear aswimming pool,andthelike. 12. Donot immerse cordorplug inwater. 13. Keep cordaway fromheated surfaces. 14. Donot letcord hang overedge oftable orcounter. 15. See door surface cleaning instructions onpage 26. 16. Toreduce therisk offire inthe oven cavity: a. Donot overcook food.Carefully attendappliance ifpaper, plasticorother combustible materialsareplaced insidethe oven tofacilitate cooking. b. Remove wiretwist-ties frompaper orplastic bagsbefore placing baginoven. c. Ifmaterials insidetheoven should ignite,keepoven doorclosed, turnoven offand disconnect thepower cord or shut offpower atthe fuse orcircuit breaker panel. d. Donot use thecavity forstorage purposes. Donot leave paper products, cookingutensilsorfood inthe cavity when not inuse. 17. Clean ventilation openingsandgrease filtersfrequently -Grease shouldnotbeallowed toaccumulate onventilation openings, hood(louver) orgrease filters. 18. Usecare when cleaning thelouver andthegrease filters.Corrosive cleaningagents,suchaslye-based ovencleaners, may damage thelouver andthegrease filters. 19. When foodsflame underthegrease filters,turnthefan offbypushing theFAN button, rt possible, orby turning poweroff at the circuit breaker box.Thefancannot beturned offmanually ifithad started asaresult ofheat rising fromrange units or burners. Thefan, ifoperating, mayspread theflame. 20. This appliance issuitable foruse above bothgasandelectric cooking equipment 36wide orless. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 3

Remove:1. allpacking materials frominside theoven cavity. Checktosee that there are Installation Instructions, WallTemplate andTop Template. Readenclosures and SAVE theOperation Manual. 2. the feature sticker, ifthere isone, from theoutside ofthe door. Check theoven forany damage, suchasmisaligned orbent door, damaged door seals andsealing surfaces, brokenorloose doorhinges andlatches anddents inside the cavity oronthedoor. Ifthere isany damage, donot operate theoven andcontact your dealer orSHARP AUTHORIZED SERVICER. See Installation Instructions formore details. Door seals and sealing surfaces UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS Unpacking andExamining YourOven Carefully removeovenfromcarton. SAVETHECARTON ASITMAY MAKE INSTALLATION EASIER. ACCESSORIES Two accessories areavailable forthis oven: 1. Charcoal FitterKit(RK-220). Thisisrequired whenhoodexhaust isrecirculated. SeeCharcoal FitterKrton page 27. If your dealer doesnotstock thisitem, rtcan beordered bycalling 1-800-BE-SHARP. 2. Filler Panel Kit.Foruse when theoven isinstalled ina36-inch or42-inch wideopening. Themetal fillerpanels comeinpairs, each 3.inches wide.Forinformation contact: Modern-AireManufacturing Corporation 7319 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA91605 Phone: (818)765-9870 or(213) 875-1350 Fax(818) 765-4916 GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This appliance mustbegrounded. Thisoven isequipped withacord having agrounding wirewithagroundin9 plug.Itmust be plugged intoawall receptacle thatisproperly installedandgrounded inaccordance withtheNational Electrical Codeandlocal codes andordinances. Inthe event ofan electrical shortcircuit, grounding reducesriskofelectric shockbyproviding anescape wire forthe electric current. WARNING -Improperuseofthe grounding plugcanresult inarisk ofelectric shock. Electrical Requirements Check Installation Instructions forproper location forthe power supply. The electrical requirements area120 volt60Hz, AConly, 15amp. ormore protected electrical supply.Itis recommended thataseparate circuitserving onlytheoven be provided. The oven isequipped witha3-prong grounding plug.Itmust beplu9ged intoawall receptacle thatisproperly installed andqrounded. DONOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CUTORREMOVE THEGROUNDING PINFROM THEPLUG. 3-Prong Plug ~ 1 Grounding Pin Ground Receptacle Box Note: 1. If you have anyquestions about thegrounding orelectrical instructions, consultaqualified electrician orserviceperson. 2. Nerther Sharpnorthe dealer canaccept anyliability fordamage tothe oven orpersonal injuryresuhing fromfailure toobserve the correct electrical connection procedures. Radio orTV Interference Should therebeany interference causedbythe microwave oventoyour radio orTV, check thatthemicrowave ovenison a d~lerent electrical circuit,relocate theradio orTV asfar away fromtheoven asfeasible orcheck position andsignal ofreceiving antenna. 4

INFORMATION YOUNEED TOKNOW ... About YourOven • .. Your oven comes withanoperation manualandanOver- the-Range Convection MicrowaveCookbook. Readthem carefully andalways saveforreference. Should youdesire acookbook formicrowave onlycooking principles, techniques, hintsandrecipes, seetheorder form on page 28for ordering theUltimate Accessory, theSHARP CAROUSEL MICROWAVE COOKBOOK. NEVER usetheoven without theturntable andsupport nor turn theturntable oversothat alarge dishcould beplaced in the oven. Theturntable willturn both clockwise andcoun- terclockwise. Seepage 10for turntable on/offinstructions. ALWAYS havefoodinthe oven when itis on toabsorb the microwave energy. When usingtheoven atpower levelsbelow 100%, youmay hear themagnetron cyclingonand off. The fanwill automatically startwhen heatrises fromrange surface unitsorburners andwhen convection, highmix,low mix orthe broil settings areused. Condensation isanormal partofmicrowave cooking.Room humidity andthemoisture infood willinfluence theamount of moisture thatcondenses inthe oven. Generally, covered foods willnotcause asmuch condensation asuncovered ones. Ventilation openingsmustnotbeblocked. The oven isfor food preparation only.Itshould notbeused to dry clothes ornewspapers. The R-1850A, R-1851AandR-1852A arerated at850 watts using theIEC-705-1988 method.Inusing recipes orpack- age directions, checkfoodaminute ortwo before themini- mum timeandaddtime accordingly. ... About Food FOOD DO DONT Eggs,fruits, •Puncture eggyolks before cooking to • Cook eggsinshells. vegetables & prevent explosion. • Reheat wholeeggs. sausages • Pierce skinsofpotatoes, apples,squash, hot dogs andsausages sothat steam escapes. Popcorn • Use specially baggedpopcorn forthe * Pop popcorn inregular brownbagsorglass microwave oven. bowls. • Listen whilepopping cornforthe popping * Exceed maximum timeonpopcorn to slow to1or 2seconds oruse package. POPCORN pad. Baby food • Transfer babyfoodtosmall dishand •Heat baby foodinoriginal jars. heat carefully, stirringoften.Check temperature beforeserving. • Put nipples onbottles afterheating and • Heat disposable bottles. shake thoroughly. Wristtestbefore • Heat bottles withnipples on. feeding. General • Cut baked goods withfilling afterheating • Heat orcook inclosed glassjarsorairtight to release steamandavoid burns. containers. • Stir liquid briskly before andafter heating * Can inthe microwave asharmful bacteria to avoid eruption. may notbedestroyed. • Use deep bowl, when cooking liquidor •Deep fatfry. cereal, toprevent boilovers. • Dry wood, gourds, herbsorwet papers. 5

...About Microwave Cooking • Arrange foodcarefully. Placethickest areastoward outside of dish. • Watch cooking timeclosely. Cookforthe shortest amount of time indicated andadd more asneeded. Foodseverely overcooked cansmoke orignite. · Cover foodswhilecooking. Checkrecipeorcookbook for suggestions: papertowels, waxpaper, microwave plastic wrap ora lid. Covers prevent spattering andhelp foods to cook even Iy. • Shield withsmall flatpieces ofaluminum toil any thin areas of meat orpoultry toprevent overcooking beforedense, thick areas are cooked thoroughly. • Stir foods fromoutside tocenter ofdish once ortwice during cooking, if possible. ... About Safety - Turn foods overonce during microwaving tospeed cooking ofsuch foods aschicken andhamburgers. Large items likeroasts mustbeturned overatleast once. , Rearrange foodslikemeatballs halfwaythrough cooking both from toptobottom andfrom thecenter ofthe dish tc the outside. * Add standing time.Remove foodfrom oven andstir, if possible. Coverforstanding timewhich allows thefood to finish cooking withoutovercooking. * Check fordoneness. Lookforsigns indicating thatcooking temperatures havebeen reached. Donenesssigns include: * Food steams throughout, notjust atedge . .. Center bottom ofdish isvery hottothe touch. , Poultry thighjoints moveeasily. • Meat andpoultry shownopinkness. , Fish isopaque andflakes easilywithafork . TEMP FOOD 160°F .. .tor fresh pork,boneless whitemeat of poultry, groundmeat,fish, seafood, eggdishes andfrozen prepared food. 165°F ._. for leftover, ready -to-re heat refrigerated anddeliand carry-out fresh food. 170°F ...white meatofpoultry. 180°F ... dark meat ofpoultry. - , Check foodstosee that they arecooked tothe United States Department ofAgricultures recommended temperatures. ... About Children andthe Microwave • Children belowtheage of7should usethe microwave withasupervising personverynearto them. Between theages of7and 12,the supervising person should beinthe same room. , The child must beable toreach theoven comfortably; if not, he/she shouldstandonasturdy stool. .. At no time should anyone beallowed tolean onor swing onthe oven door. \ , ALWAYS usepotholders toprevent burnswhenhandling utensils thatareincontact withhotfood. Enough heat from thefood cantransfer throughutensilstocause skin burns . .. Avoid steam burnsbydirecting steamawayfrom theface and hands. Slowlyliftthe farthest edgeofadishs covering and carefully openpopcorn andoven cooking bagsaway from theface. * Stay neartheoven while itsinuse and check cooking progress frequently sothat there isno chance of overcooking food. NEVER usethecavity forstoring cookbooks orother items. , Select, storeandhandle foodcarefully topreserve itshigh quality andminimize thespread offoodborne bacteria. .. Keep wave guide cover clean. Foodresidue cancause arcing and/orfires. , Children shouldbetaught allsafety precautions: use potholders, removecoverings carefully,payspecial attention topackages thatcrisp foodbecause they may beextra hot. .. Dont assume thatbecause achild hasmastered one cooking skillhe/she cancook everything. .. Children needtolearn thatthemicrowave ovenisnot a toy. 6

...About Utensils andCoverings It is not necessary tobuy allnew cookware. Manypieces already inyour kitchen canbeused successfully inyour new microwave convection oven.Thechart below willhelp youdecide whatutensils andcoverings shouldbeused ineach mode. Utensils and MicrowaveOnly Convection Broil, HighMix/Roast Coverings SlowCook Low Mix/Bake Aluminum foilYes Small flatpieces ofaluminum foilplaced YesForshielding. YesFor shielding smoothly onfood canbeused toshield areas from cooking ordefrosting tooquickly. Keepfoil at least 1 inch from walls ofoven. Aluminum YesCanbeused if3/4!illed withfood. Keep 1 Ves Broil-No cover. YesCanbeused if314 containers inchaway fromwalls anddonot cover withfoil. !illedwithfood. Keep 1 inch away fromwalls and do not cover withfoil. Browning dishYesDonot exceed recommended preheating No No time. Follow manufacturers directions. Glass ceramic YesExcellent. YesExcellent. YesExcellent (Pyrocerams) Glass, heat- YesExcellent. YesExcellent. YesExcellent. resistant Glass, non- No NoNo heat-resistant Lids, glass Yes YesBroil-No cover. Yes Lids, metal No YesBroil-No cover. No Metal No YesYes Donot use cookware metalcoverings. Metal, misc: No No No dishes with metallic trim,etc. Metal twist-ties. Oven cooking YesGood forlarge meats orloods thatneed YesBroil-No YesDONOT use bags tenderizing.DONOT usemetal twistties. metal twist-ties. Paper plates YesForreheating. NoNo Paper towels YesTo cover forreheating andcooking. Do No No not use recycled papertowels whichmay contain metalfilings. Paper, Yes YesFortemperatures YesFortemperatures ovenable upto400F. Donot upto400F. use forbroiling. Microwave- YesUseforreheating anddefrosting. Follow No No safe plastic manufacturers directions. containers Plastic, Yes Yes Areheat resistant Yes Thermoset; upto425F. Donot use forbroiling. Plastic wrap YesUsebrands specially markedformicrowave No No use. DONOT allow plastic wraptotouch food. Vent sosteam canescape. Pottery, stone- YesCheck manufacturers recommendation Yes YesMust bemicro- ware, porcelain forbeing microwave-safe. wave-safeandovenable. Slyroloam YesForreheating. No No Wax paper YesGood covering forcooking andreheating. No No Wicker, wood, Yes May beused forshort periods oftime. Do No No straw not use with high fatorhigh sugar content foods. Couldchar. DISH CHECK. Ifyou wish tocheck ifadish issafe lormicrowaving, placetheempty dishinthe oven andmicrowave onHIGH for30seconds. If the dish beccmes veryhot,DONOT useitfor microwaving. ACCESSORIES There aremany microwave accessories availableforpurchase. Evaluatecarefullybeforeyoupurchase sothat they meet yourneeds. A microwave-safe thermometerwillassist youindetermining correctdoneness duringmicrowave cookingonlyandassure you thatfoods have been cooked tosafe temperatures. Sharpisnot responsible forany damage tothe oven when accessories areused. 7

PARTNAMES 12 ~16 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 2 6 (FrontofMicrowave) 13 14 BOTTOM VIEW 10. Auto-Touch controlpanel. 11. Time display: Digitaldisplay, ggminutes ggseconds. 12. Ventilation openings. 13. Light cover. 14. Grease filters. 15. Removable ceramicturntable. The turntable willrotate clockwise orcounterclockwise. Only remove forcleaning. 16. Removable turntablesupport. Place theturntable supportonthe floor ofthe oven cavity and theturntable onthe turntable support. 17. Removable lowrack forbroiling andmeat andpoultry roasting. 18. Removable highrackfortwo level baking. 1. Oven doorwithsee-through window. 2. Door hinges. 3. Wave guidecover. 4. Turntable motorshaft. S. Oven light. It will light when ovenisoperating ordoor isopen. 6. Safety doorlatches. The oven will notoperate unlessthedoor is securely closed. 7. One touch DOOR OPENbutton. Push toopen door. 8. FAN HI/LObutton. Push forhigh~ow/off. 9. LIGHT button. Push foron/oil. 8