Sanyo 32lm5r Technical Specifications
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Fullyapproved oil,smoke anddustprotection Screen dimensions :80 cm (32inch, 32L\f5R) or105 cm(42inch, 42L\f5R) Impr essive picture quality: \bDReady Robust screensurface with antireflective acrylicpanel Anticor rosive anodized aluminium cabinet Ideally suited for24/7 applications Extensive input&output ter minals Suit able for industrial installat ions, point ofsales, sporting events,restaurants, pubsandmuch more 42L\f5R |32 L\f5 RROBUST

42L\f5R |32L\f5R Technical specifications subjectto cha nge without notice.Date04/2008 Mode\bEAN CodeCategor yTypeScreensize (diagonal image)Activescreen area (Wx\b)Aspect ratioResolutio nin pixel sPixelpitchBright nessContrastratioViewing angleResponse timeGrey scale valueNumber of coloursColour SystemsCompute rcompatibility Inpu tte rmin als Outp utter minals Oper ating temperat ureStorage Temperature\faximum resilienceVoltagePowercon sumptionDim ensio ns(W x\b xD)WeightVesa moun tingsizesColour ofcabinetWarrantyStand ard ac cessoriesOptio nalaccessor ies Specialfeatures *IP =Pro tection class4\fLM5R 499433424675 2 Professio nalLCD mon itor Liqu idcrystal disp lay panel 42 (105 cm ) 93.0x52 .3 cm 16 :9 1,3 66 x768 (WXGA ) 0.227 x0.6 81 mm 500cd/m 2 1,500 :1 178 °(ho rizon taland vertical) 6ms (gray togray) 8 bit 16. 7\f PAL ,NTSC 3.58 (AV in) ,SEC A\f UXGA/ WXGA /SXGA/ XGA/SVGA /VGA DVID (dig ital/\bDC P) DSub 15 5xBNC (R GB\bV, YPb /CbPr/ Cr) Comp one nt (Y, Pb ,Pr) BN C (Vid eo) Scart (R GB )V ide o RS2 32 (DSu b9pin) 2 xRC A(R/ Lm on o) fo rA ud io 3.5 mm Stere oJack forA udio 5 xBNC (R GB\bV, YPb /CbPr/ Cr) Co mp one nt (Y, Pb ,Pr) BN C(Vid eo) RS2 32 (DSu b9pin) 2 xRC A(R/ Lm on o) fo rA ud io Exte rnalspeake routp ut (2 x6 W) 0°C to+4 5°C –2 0°C to+60 °C 100N/mm 2 100–240V (50/60 \bz) 200 W/2W (stand bym ode ) 1,027 x620 x162 mm 35.5kg 200 x200 mm Silve r 2years Use rman ual,remotecontrol, batteri es, powe rcab le AntiCo rrosive wallmount (LCD 200 ) Anodiz edalumi nium case,ant iref lec tiv e ac ry lic pa ne l,24h /7 ap pr ov ed, pr ote ctio nag ainst oil, sm oke anddust, portrait mod e, ext ensi veinput &output ter mi nals3\fL M5R 499433 4246 769 32 (80 cm) 69.8x39.2 cm 0.170 x0.5 11 m m 176 °(h orizo ntal andve rtic al) 6.5 ms (gray togray) 135 W/1W (stan db y m ode ) 803 x493 x150 mm 20. 0kg Anti C orrosi vewal lmo unt (LCD 200) DV I D D VI D / D VI D / D VI D Downloaded From Manuals