Samsung Syncmaster 783df Quick Start Guide
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os dDescrip t ionPlay / Stop Color temper atur e is a meas ur e of th e w arm th o f the imag e c olo rs . ( 6500K / 9 300K) Us e to ad jus t th e monitor c olor s etting. (Re d) Us e to ad jus t th e monitor c olor s etting. (G re en) Us e to ad jus t th e monitor c olor s etting. (Blue) When y ou a dju st t he Bright nes s and C ontra st after sR G B mode is s elec ted, s RG B m ode exits . os dDescrip t ionPlay / Stop Follow th ese in str uc tions to c hang e the ho riz ontal pos itio n of the monitor s entir e disp lay . Follow th ese in str uc tions to c hang e the v etic al pos ition o f the m onitor s entire d is play . Follow th ese in str uc tions to c hang e the ho riz ontal s iz e of the mo nit or s e ntire dis play . Follow th ese in str uc tions to c hang e the v er tic al s ize of the m onitor s entire dis play . Adju st t he pinc us hio n s etting w hen the sides of the dis pla y are b owed in or bo wed o ut. Adju st t he pinbalanc e s etting when the s id es of the d is play ar e bow ed tow ard s th e left or right. Adju st t he tr apez oid s etting wh en the top or botto m of the disp lay is too lar ge or sm all. Adju st t he par allelogr am s ett ing when the dis play is leaning left or r ig ht.
Adju st t he ro tation s etting w hen th e entire dis play is tilted left or r ig ht. You c an s ee th e fre quenc y (u ser c ontr ol mode) us ed by th e us er, the polar it y o f the op erationa l s ignals , the d efault frequ enc y (defa ult mode) s et wh en y ou bu y t he mon itor and the r es olu tio n le ve l. Not e: The se sc r eens do n ot allo w any c han ges to the set ting s, they ar e for inf orma tio n only .
Overview |Ins tallat ion |OSD Mode |Unins tall | Troubles hooting Overview W ha t is M ag ic Tun e™ ? Monitor performance can v ary due to the graphics card, host c omputer lighting conditions and other environmental factors . In order to get the best image on a monitor requires you to adjust it for your unique setting. Unfortunately, the manual controls av ailable to tune the image often prove to be c hallenging. Proper adjustment (tuning) requires an easy to use program that goes through a step-by -step process to obtain the bes t overall picture quality. In most ca ses eve n simple a dju stmen ts to Brig htn e ss, o r Co nt ra st re q uire na viga tio n o f th e mu l ti -le v e l, o n - s c r ee n di s p l ay (O SD ) m e nu s t ha t a r e no t e as y to u nd e rs t an d. F u r th er m or e , the r e is no f ee db a ck to a ssi st in co r r ect ly se tti n g t he co nt r ol s o f the m o ni to r . M ag i cTun e i s a s oftware utility that guides you through the tuning process with easy to understand instructions and back ground patterns designed for each monitor control. B as ic Fu nc tiona lit y Magic Tune is a sof tware utility t hat allows monit or adjustment and color t uning using the Dis play Dat a C hannel C omm and I nterf ace (DD C/ CI ) pr o to col . A l l ad j ust m en ts to th e display are controlled via software to eliminate the need to use the monitor on-screen display (OSD). MagicTune supports Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, NT, XP Home, and XP Professional. MagicTune allows f or quick ac curate tuning of the display wit h t he ability to easily save an d us e m o ni to r c o nf ig u ra ti o ns tha t ar e be s t s ui t ed fo r y o u. OSD M ode The OSD mode allows eas y adjustment of monitor settings without taking pre -defined ste ps. Yo u can a cce ss t he d esire d me nu ite m t o s et wit h ea se .
Overv iew |Inst a lla t ion |OSD Mode |Unins tall | Troubles hooting Installation 1. Ins ert t he installation CD into t he CD-RO M drive. 2. Click the MagicTune™ installation file. 3. Select installation Language, Click Next. 4. When the InstallationShield Wizard window appears, click Next. 5. Se le ct I a gr e e to th e ter m s o f th e l i ce nse a g re em e n t to a cce pt th e ter m s o f use .
6. Choose a folder to install the MagicTune program. 7. Click Ins tall. 8. The Installationation Status window appears.
9. Click Finish. 10. When the installation is complete, the MagicTune 2.5 executable icon appears on y our de skto p. D ou b le - cli ck th e ic on to st ar t the p r og r am . 11. The following window appears if the installation is successful. Magic tune ex ecution icon may not appear depending on specification of com p ut er sys tem or m o ni to r . I f th a t h ap p en s, p r es s F5 Ke y.
12 . The fo llowin g e rro r me ssag e ind icat es th at th e syste m is u sing a vid eo ca rd t ha t is no t supported by MagicT une. I nstal lati on atio n Pro bl ems The ins tallation of MagicTune™ 2.5 can be affected by such factors as the v ideo card, motherboard and the network environment. Se e Troubles hooting if you have trouble during installation. System Req ui remen ts OS zWindows 98 SE zWindows Me zWindows NT zWindows 2000 zWindows X P Home Edition zWindows XP Profess ional Ha r d w ar e z32MB Memory above z25 M B H a r d di s k s pa c e ab o v e * For more informat ion, visit the MagicTune webs ite.
Overv iew | Ins tallat ion | OSD Mo de | Unins tall | Troubles hooting O SD M ode The OSD mode mak es ers the adjust ment of s ett ings on all monit ors easy . When selec ted , each tab on t op of t he c ontrol window dis plays t he general desc riptions of the sub -menu item s for adjust ment . When selec ted, eac h t ab dis plays a list of menus . For quick adjus tm ent of the monit or s ett ings, t he OSD m ode allow s easy and conv enient acc ess t o all tabs and sub -menu item s. B utt on Ta b De finition Magic Tune allows f or quic k acc urate tuning of the display w ith the ability t o eas ily sav e and use monit or c onfigurat ions that are best suit ed f or y ou. zOSD mod e may app ear in con sisten t wi th the e x pl a na t i on i n gu id a nc e bo ok de p e nd in g on speci ficati on o f each mo ni tor . OK Applies any changes m ade and exit s Magic Tune. Reset Res tores t he m onitor values dis played on t he ac tiv e c ontrol window to the manuf act urer-re com mended values . Exit s Magic Tune wit hout applying the changes m ade. If y ou hav e
Pic ture Tab D ef inition Allows t he us er t o adjus t the sc reen s ett ings to the desired values . Can cel not made any changes in the cont rol w indow, c lick ing C ancel does not caus e any ac tions . Brightnes s Cont rast Magic Bright Br ig ht ne s s Mak es the entire sc reen bright er or darker. T he det ailed dat a of t he images in the dark areas can be los t if the brightnes s is not adjust ed t o t he proper level. Adjus t the brightnes s for best v iewing condit ions. Con t ra s t Adjust s the diff erence in bright ness bet ween the bright and dark areas on s creen. D eterm ines the cris pness of t he im ages. Magic Bright™ is a new f eature providing the optim um view ing environm ent depending on the cont ents of t he im age y ou are wat ching. C urrently f our dif ferent m odes are av ailable. Each mode has its ow n pre-conf igured bright ness v alue. You c an eas ily selec t one of f our s ett ings by sim ply press ing t he M agicBright ™ cont rol butt on. z19 o r abo ve 1. Tex t: F or doc ument ations or work s involv ing heav y tex t. 2. Int ernet: F or w orking wit h a mix ture of images s uch as tex t
C olor Ta b De finition Adjust s the warm th of the monit or bac k ground or image color. Ma g ic B ri gh t ™ and graphic s. 3. Game: F or w atc hing m otion pict ures suc h as a Game. 4. Entert ain: For wat ching mot ion pic tures s uch as a D VD or VCD . zLess than 19 1. Tex t: F or doc ument ations or work s involv ing heav y tex t. 2. Int ernet: F or w orking wit h a mix ture of images s uch as tex t and graphic s. 3. Entert ain: For wat ching mot ion pic tures s uch as a D VD or VCD . Color Tone Color Cont rol Col or Ton e The tone of the color can be c hanged. zWarm - Norm al - Cool zCu s to m Col or Con t ro l Adjust s of the monit or im age c olor. You c an c hange t he m onitor color to your desired color. zR - G - B zsR GB