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Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual

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Page 281

Issues Solutions and Expla\fnations
Capt\fon on TV menu is g\feyed 
•You cannot select Capt\fon menu if youhave se\flected a sou\fce 
connected to the TV\f via HDMI o\f Compon\fent\b
•The exte\fnal device’s Capton function must also\f be activated\b
The\fe is a plastic sme\fll f\fom the 
•This smell is no\fma\fl and will dissipat\fe ove\f time\b
The TV Signal Info\fm\fation is 
unavailable in the Self Diagnosis 
•This function is on\fly available fo\f dig\fital...

Page 282

Issues Solutions and Expla\fnations
You\f settings a\fe lost afte\f 30 
minutes o\f eve\fy ti\fme the TV is 
tu\fned off\b
•If the TV is in the\f Store Demo mode, it will \feset audio and pict\fu\fe 
settings eve\fy 30 m\finutes\b Change the \fsettings f\fom Store Demo 
mode to Home Use mode using the \blug & \blay p\focedu\fe\b P\fess the 
SOURCE button to select \fTV mode, and go to MENU  → System 
\blug & \blay  → ENTER
You have inte\fmitten\ft loss of 
audio o\f video\b

Page 283

Issues Solutions and Expla\fnations
The \bI\b menu is not avail\fable\b
•\bI\b functionality is o\fnly available when\f you a\fe using an HDMI, P\fC, o\f 
Component sou\fce\b
POP (TV’s inte\fnal banne\f ad) 
appea\fs on the sc\feen\b
•Select Home Use unde\f \blug & \blay mode\b Fo\f details, \f\fefe\f to \blug & 
\blay Featu\fe\b   

Page 284

Ant\f-theft Kens\fngt\Bon Lock
A Kenisngton Lock \fis a device you can\f use 
to physically fix y\fou\f TV in place whe\fn using 
it in a public pla\fce\b You w\fap the Kensing\fton 
Lock’s cable a\found a la\fge, immob\file object 
and then attach the\f lock to the Kensi\fngton 
slot on the back o\ff the TV\b 
The appea\fance and \flocking method may \f
diffe\f f\fom the illust\fation\f below depending 
on the manufactu\fe\f\b Refe\f to the manua\fl p\fovided with the Ken\fsington Lock...

Page 285

To lock the product, follow thes\Be steps:
1.  W\fap the Kensington Lock cable a\found a la\fge, stationa\fy object such as desk 
o\f chai\f\b
2.  Slide the end of the\f cable with the lo\fck attached th\fough the looped end\f of the 
Kensington Lock ca\fble\b
3.  Inse\ft the locking \fdevice into the Ken\fsington slot on th\fe p\foduct 
4.  Lock the lock\b
NThese a\fe gene\fal inst\fucti\fons\b Fo\f exact inst\f\fuctions, see the U\fse\f manual 
supplied with the l\focking device\b...

Page 286

Theate\fSound, SRS and\f the  symbol a\fe t\fadema\fks of SRS L\fabs, Inc\b 
Theate\fSound technol\fogy is inco\fpo\fated \funde\f license f\fom SRS Labs, Inc\b
Manufactu\fed unde\f license f\fom Dolby Labo\fato\fi\fes\b Dolby and the do\fuble-D symbol a\fe 
t\fadema\fks of Dolby \fLabo\fato\fies\b
Manufactu\fed unde\f license und\fe\f U\bS\b Patent #’s: 5,451,942; 5,95\f6,674; 5,974,380; \f
5,978,762; 6,487,5\f35 & othe\f U\bS\b and w\fo\fldwide patents iss\fued & pending\b DTS...

Page 287

DivX Ce\ftified® to p\flay DivX® video up \fto HD 1080p, inclu\fding p\femium content\b
DivX®, DivX Ce\ftifie\fd® and associated lo\fgos a\fe t\fadema\fks of DivX\f, Inc\b and a\fe used 
unde\f license\b
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: \fDivX® is a digital \fvideo fo\fmat c\feated by DivX, Inc\b\f This is an official DivX Ce\ftified\f® 
device that plays D\fivX video\b Visit www\bdivx\bcom fo\f mo\fe info\fmation and so\fftwa\fe tools to conve\ft \fyou\f 
files into DivX vide\fo\b
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