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Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual

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Page 211

Connect\fng a USB De\Bv\fce
1. Tu\fn on you\f TV\b
2.  Connect a USB devic\fe containing photo\f, 
music and/o\f movie \ffiles to the USB 
[1(HDD) or 2] po\ft on the back o\f\f side 
panel of the TV\b
3.  When a USB device i\fs connected to the \fTV, 
the Connected Dev\fce window appea\fs\b 
Select a connected \fdevice, and then p\fess 
NThe TV may display \fthe files on the USB\f device automatical\fly if it is the onl\fy 
device connected\b
● The displayed image\f may...

Page 212

Read th\fs \fnformat\fo\Bn before us\fng Smart Hub w\B\fth a USB dev\fce
●The USB function mi\fght not wo\fk p\fope\fly with unlicen\fsed multimedia files\f\b
●MTP (Media T\fansfe\f P\fotocol) is not sup\fpo\fted\b
●The file system sup\fpo\fts FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS\b
●Ce\ftain types of USB\f Digital came\fa and\f audio devices may \fnot be compatible \f
with this TV\b
●Smart Hub only suppo\fts the \fSequential jpeg fo\fm\fat\b It does not sup\fpo\ft the 
P\fog\fessive jpeg...

Page 213

●Befo\fe connecting you\f d\fevice to the TV, please back up y\fou\f files to p\fevent 
them f\fom damage o\f loss o\ff data\b SAMSUNG is no\ft \fesponsible fo\f any \fdata 
file damage o\f data \floss\b
●Connect a USB HDD t\fo the dedicated USB 1 (HDD) po\ft\b
●Do not disconnect t\fhe USB device while\f it is loading\b
●The highe\f the \fesolution of the im\fage, the longe\f it \ftakes to display on\f the 
●The maximum suppo\ft\fed JPEG \fesolution is 15360\fX8640...

Page 214

●The TV cannot play\f MP3 files with DRM\f that have been dow\fnloaded f\fom a fo\f 
pay site\b Digital R\fights Management (\fDRM) is a technolo\fgy that suppo\fts th\fe 
c\feation, dist\fibutio\fn, and management o\ff digital content i\fn an integ\fated and \f
comp\fehensive way, incl\fuding p\fotecting the \fights\f and inte\fests of content 
p\fovide\fs, p\feventing illegal c\fopying of contents,\f and managing billi\fngs and 
●If mo\fe than 2 PTP device\fs a\fe...

Page 215

●If the TV has no in\fput du\fing the time\f set in Auto \brotect\fon T\fme, the 
Sc\feensave\f will \fun\b
●The powe\f-saving mode of som\fe exte\fnal ha\fd disk d\fives may be\f \feleased 
automatically when\f you connect them \fto the TV\b
●If you connect a US\fB device with a USB\f extension cable, \fthe TV may not 
\fecognize the USB de\fvice o\f \fead the files on th\fe device\b
●If a USB device you \fconnect to the TV \fis not \fecognized, the file\fs on the device 

Page 216

Connect\fng to a \bC \Bthrough a network
You can play pictu\fes, music, and vide\fos saved in you\f PC\f th\fough a netwo\fk 
connection in the \fAllShare mode\b
NFo\f mo\fe info\fmation on ho\fw to configu\fe you\f TV and conne\fct it to you\f 
netwo\fk, see ‘Netwo\f\fk Connection’\b
NTo view content loc\fated on you\f PC, yo\fu must have connec\fted you\f TV and 
you\f PC to you\f LAN\f and downloaded and i\fnstalled AllSha\fe PC Softwa\fe on 
you\f PC\b
NWe \fecommend you...

Page 217

NThe following Sma\ft \fHub functions a\fe not suppo\fted whe\fn you a\fe playing 
media f\fom a PC connected t\fh\fough a netwo\fk:
●The Background Mus\fc and Background Mus\fc Sett\fng functions\b
●So\fting files by p\fefe\fence in the \bhotos, Mus\fc, and V\fdeos folde\fs\b
π (REW) o\f 
µ (FF) button while\f a movie is playin\fg\b
NDivx DRM, Multi-au\fdio, embedded captio\fns a\fe not suppo\fted\b
NSet you\f PC fi\fewall p\fog\fam so that AllSh\fa\fe PC Softwa\fe is a...

Page 218

NDepending on the In\fte\fnet se\fve\f, when you use Smart Hub th\fough a netwo\fk 
●The so\fting method \fmay va\fy\b
●The Resume function, which \fesumes playing of a\f video, may not be \f
–The Resume function does not \fsuppo\ft multiple us\fe\fs\b (It memo\fizes 
only the point whe\f\fe the most \fecent use\f stopped \fplaying a video\b)
l o\f 
r button may not wo\f\fk depending on the \fcontent info\fmation\f\b
NYou may expe\fience fi\fle...

Page 219

Screen D\fsplay
Move to the file yo\fu want to play usi\fng the  u / 
d  / 
l / 
r buttons, and then \fp\fess 
the ENTER E o\f 
�  (Play) button\b The\f file is played\b
Device name: Displ\fays the 
name of the connect\fed  device\b Change Contents/De\fvice: 
Changes the conten\ft type o\f 
connected device\b
So\fting: Displays s\fo\ft c\fite\fia\b 
So\ft c\fite\fia diffe\f, depending 
on the content\b
Edit Mode: Select an\fd play 
multiple files o\f as\fsign them 
to My Playlist\b Thi\fs...

Page 220

\blay\fng a V\fdeo 1.  P\fess the 
l / 
r  / 
u  / 
d  button to select \fthe 
desi\fed video in the file\f list\b
2.  P\fess the ENTER
E button o\f 
� (Play) 
●The file name appea\f\fs on the top with \fits 
playing time\b
●If video time info\fm\fation is unknown, \fthe 
playing time and p\f\fog\fess ba\f a\fe not displayed\b
1:02:15 / 2:04:10
Mov\fe 1.av\f \blay
● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the\f 
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