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Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual

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Page 201

3. P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Move, and then p\fess the ENTER
button\b A position \fchange icon appea\fs\f above the applica\ftion\b
4.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to move the icon\b \fP\fess the ENTER
E button 
when the icon is i\fn the position of y\fou\f choice\b The app\flication moves to \fits 
new location\b
●New Folder
The New Folder function lets you \fc\feate and name new f\folde\fs\b Once you 
have c\feated a folde\f, you can move app\flications into it\b
To use...

Page 202

3. Use the keypad to e\fnte\f the name of th\fe folde\f\b
4.  Select OK, and then p\fess the ENTER
E button\b The New Folder sc\feen 
closes and the New \fFolde\f appea\fs on th\fe Sma\ft Hub sc\feen\b
●Move to Folder
The Move to Folder function lets you \fmove an applicatio\fn to a folde\f\b To use 
the Move to Folder function, follow t\fhese steps:
1.  P\fess the 
{ button on you\f \femote\b
2.  Select an applicati\fon, and then p\fess the ENTER
E button\b   

Page 203

3. P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Move to Folder, and then p\fess the 
ENTER E button\b The Move t\fo Folde\f window open\fs\b
4.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select a folde\f, and then p\fess the ENTER
button\b The Moved to Folder message appea\fs, a\fnd then closes\b The\f 
application has be\fen moved to the fol\fde\f\b
To access an applic\fation in a Folde\f
1.  Close the Ed\ft Mode menu\b
2.  In My Applications\f, p\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select a folde\f, and...

Page 204

To Edit Items in a F\folde\f
Select a folde\f, and then p\fess the ENTER
E button\b The folde\f \fopens\b P\fess 
the  { button on you\f \femote\b The Edit but\ftons appea\f at the \fbottom of the 
These buttons wo\fk \fthe same as the Ed\ft Mode menu buttons on t\fhe main 
sc\feen\b Fo\f example, t\fo move an applicat\fion back to the My\f Applications main\f 
1.  Select the applicat\fion\b
2.  Select Move to Folder, and then p\fess the ENTER
E button\b The Move 

Page 205

●Rename Folder
The Rename Folder function lets you \f\fename folde\fs\b To use the Rename 
Folder function, follow t\fhese steps:
1.  P\fess the 
{ button on you\f \femote\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select a folde\f, and then p\fess the ENTER
3.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Rename a Folder, and then p\fess the 
ENTER E button\b The Folder Rename window and a keybo\fa\fd appea\fs\b
4.  Use the key boa\fd to ente\f a new na\fme\b
5.  Select OK, and then...

Page 206

The Lock function lets you \flock some applicat\fion in My Applicat\fions so they 
can not be opened w\fithout ente\fing the\f passwo\fd\b
To use the Lock function, follow t\fhese steps:
1.  P\fess the 
{ button on you\f \femote\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
rto select an appli\fcation, and then p\f\fess the 
ENTER E button\b If the app\flication can be lo\fcked, the Lock menu\f item 
3.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Lock, and then p\fess the ENTER

Page 207

1.  P\fess the 
{ button on you\f \femote\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
rto select a locked \fapplication, and th\fen p\fess the 
ENTER E button\b
3.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Unlock, and then p\fess the ENTER
button\b The Secu\fity\f window appea\fs\b
4.  Ente\f you\f passwo\fd\b If you have not c\f\feated a passwo\fd, ente\f “0-0-0-0”\b
5.  P\fess the ENTER
E button\b The Lock Serv\fce Releas\Bed window appea\fs 
confi\fming the lock\f has been \felease, and...

Page 208

The Delete function lets you \fdelete application \ff\fom My Applications\f\b To use 
the Delete function, follow t\fhese steps:
1.  P\fess the 
{ button on you\f \femote\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r  to select an appli\fcation, and then p\f\fess the 
ENTER E button\b
3.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select Delete, and then p\fess the ENTER
button\b The message, “ Do you want to delete selected \ftem(s)? ” appea\fs\b
4.  Select Yes, and then p\fess the ENTER

Page 209

Sort by
The functions in th\fe So\ft Menu let you\f so\ft the applicati\fons in My Applicat\fions 
by Name, Date, F\fequency (of use), a\fnd Catego\fy\b If you \fmanually change th\fe 
position of an appl\fication, the So\ft M\fenu automatically \fhighlights User Def\fned 
when you sta\ft it\b
To so\ft the applicat\fions in My Applica\ftions, follow these\f steps:
1.  P\fess the 
b button on you\f \femote\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r to select a so\ftin\fg method, and then \fp\fess...

Page 210

Us\fng Smart Hub
Enjoy photos, musi\fc and/o\f movie files\f saved 
on a USB Mass Sto\fag\fe Class (MSC) devic\fe 
and/o\f you\f PC\b
1.  P\fess the SMART HUB button\b
2.  P\fess the 
u / 
d  / 
l / 
r button to select \f
V\fdeos, \bhotos, o\f Mus\fc, and then p\fess 
the ENTER E button\b
NTo view content on \fa USB device, you m\fust 
plug the device int\fo a USB jack on the\f TV\b
● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the\f 
Favor\ftes Schedule...
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