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Runco Vx 50d Projector User Manual

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43Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 3: Operation

This option moves the image right or left within the area of available pixels. 
NOTE:  The  value  shown  represents  where  the  approximate  center  of  the  image  lies  in 
relation to the total number of pixels available horizontally. This varies widely according to 
the signal—watch the image while adjusting.
This option moves the image up or down within the area of available pixels.
NOTE:  The  value...

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44Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 3: Operation

RIGHT):  Crop  the  image  as  desired  so 
that  unwanted  edges  are  removed  from 
the  display  (changed  to  black—see  right). 
Blanking  defines  the  size  of  the 
Active  Input 
Window,  or  area  of  interest.  The  range  of 
adjustment depends on the source resolution 
and other factors.
PLUG  &  DISPLAY  (EDID):  By  default,  a  Plug  &  Play  (EDID)
source  outputs  a...

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45Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 3: Operation

“Contrast” increases or decreases the perceived difference between light and dark areas 
of your image (0-100). For best results, keep it under 50. If contrast is set too high, the 
light parts of the image lose detail and clarity. If set too low, the light areas will not be as 
bright as they could be and the overall image will be dim. For best results, start with a low 
value and increase so that whites remain bright...

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46Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 3: Operation

“Detail”  adjusts  the  sharpness  of  a  video  image  so  that  edges  remain  clearly  defined.  It 
can  be  particularly  useful  if  a  significant  “Noise  Reduction”  adjustment  has  caused  the 
image to appear too soft. Adjust until the display is as sharp as desired, keeping in mind 
that  because  “Detail”  adds  some  high  frequencies  back  into  the  image,  it  can  also  re-
introduce a certain degree...

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47Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 3: Operation

Video Options — SUBMENU
This submenu is used with video sources only 
(Input 3 or Input 4).
ENABLE  DECODER  AGC:  Automatic  Gain 
Control  (AGC)  affects  decoded  video  images 
only.  Enter  a  checkmark  (default)  in  most 
instances—this  activates  the  decoder’s  AGC  circuit  to  ensure  properly  bright  images. 
Delete the checkmark if a decoded video image exhibits strange color artifacts such as 
stripes  in...

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48Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 3: Operation

 This slidebar adjusts the color saturation level, i.e. the  amount of color in 
a video image. Lower settings produce less saturated colors — for example a setting 
of “0” produces a black and white image. If the color level is too high, colors will be 
overpowering and unrealistic.
TINT —  This slidebar adjusts the red/green color hue for true color reproduction of 
video signals connected to  INPUT 3 or 4. For best...

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49Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 3: Operation

 – Keep off for virtually all sources (default). Temporarily enter a 
checkmark only if you are an experienced user and you have an unusual source that 
you feel needs further color temperature and/or input level adjustment. After entering 
a checkmark, wait for the six slidebar values to stabilize, then delete the checkmark 
and exit. This compensates for incoming out-of-range drives (white) and blacklevels...

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50Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 3: Operation

NOTES: 1)  Input  levels  apply  for  the  current  source  only,  but  for  any  color  temperature 
used. 2)  Assuming  that  color  temperature  has  been  set  up  based  on  the  internal  test 
patterns, you can then set up input levels for a given source so that it matches the color 
temperature of the internal test patterns.
PEAK  DETECTOR  –  The  Peak  Detector  is  a  fast  method  for  defining  individual  input...

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51Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 3: Operation

Figure 3.13. Adjusting Input Levels Using the Peak Detector (RED EXAMPLE SHOWN)
Advanced  Image  Settings  — 
GAMMA  TABLE:  This  control  selects 
and  applies  the  normal  2.2  gamma 
setting  or  a  user-defined  “arbitrary” 
(custom)  gamma  table  that  has  been 
previously  downloaded  to  projector 
memory  (these  custom  gamma 
curves—are  created  in 
Runco’s  Arbitrary  Gamma  application...

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52Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 3: Operation

To configure a “User” color adjustment (gamut), use either the 
Color Adjustment by 
X/Y or  Color Saturation  submenu found in the Configuration menu under  Geometry 
and Color.
NOTES: 1) “Color Temperature” defaults to 6500K until changed. Both “User” options 
default to SD Video unless they have been redefined by the user. 
2) Factory defined 
color primaries, which ensure consistent color gamut from projector -to-projector,...
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