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Runco Vx 50d Projector User Manual

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3Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Installation and Setup
The instructions provided here are for those that are familiar with the projector and wish 
to  quickly  set  it  up  and  use  it  temporarily.  Refer  to  the  remaining  subsections  of  this 
manual for a more complete setup.
Install the Projection Lens
The projection lens is shipped separately from the projector and must be installed prior to 
setting up the projector. Install the projection lens as described in...

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4Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 2: Installation and Setup

Connect the Power Cord
NOTE: The North American rated power cord is provided with each projector
Plug the power cord to the AC receptacle located on the right hand side of the projector 
and the 3-pronged end into a grounded AC outlet. The input voltage to the projector must 
be between 100 and 240 VAC in 1000W models (VX-40d and VX-60d) and between 200 
and 240VAC in 1200W models (VX-50d and VX-80d). Refer to...

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5Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 2: Installation and Setup

Proper  installation  of  your  projector  will  ensure  the  quality  of  your  display.  Whether  you 
are  installing  a  projector  temporarily  or  permanently  you  should  take  the  following  into 
account to ensure your projector performs optimally.
Choose the installation type that best suits your needs: front or rear screen, floor mount 
or inverted mount.
Front Screen, Floor Mount Installation...

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6Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 2: Installation and Setup

Rear screen installations
There are two basic types of rear screens: diffused and optical.
A diffusion screen has a surface which spreads the light striking it. Purely diffused screens 
have a gain of less than 1. The main advantage of the diffused screen is its wide viewing 
angle,  similar  to  that  of  a  flat  screen  for  front  screen  projection.  This  type  of  screen  is 
suitable when a wide viewing...

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7Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 2: Installation and Setup

The  high  brightness  of  this  projector  is  well  suited  for  locations  where  ambient  lighting 
might be considered less than ideal for projection. A typical room with ceiling lights and 
windows rarely requires special attention. 
Contrast ratio in your images will be noticeably 
reduced  only  if  light  directly  strikes  the  screen,  such  as  when  a  shaft  of  light  from  a 
window  or  floodlight...

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8Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 2: Installation and Setup

Vertical and horizontal position
The correct vertical and horizontal position of the projector in relation to the screen 
depends on the lens type and the screen size. Ideally, the projector should be positioned 
perpendicular to the screen. This way, the image will appear rectangular instead of 
keystoned (trapezoidal).
vertical position  of the image can be offset – that is, moved above or below 
the optical...

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9Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 2: Installation and Setup

Table  2.1,  Table  2.2  and  Figure  2.3  show  the  maximum  vertical  offset  of  a  lens  or 
alternatively, how much of your projected image will appear above or below lens center if 
the maximum vertical offset is applied using that lens.
Table 2.1 Lens Offsets for the VX-40d / VX-50d
% Offset = # pixels of offset / half panel resolution x 100.
Lens Type Vertical Offset (% of Half Height) Maximum amount of...

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10Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 2: Installation and Setup

Vertical Offset for 0.73:1 Fixed Lens
Vertical Offset for 1.6 - 2.0:1, 2.0 - 2.7:1, 2.7 - 5.0:1, 5.0 - 8.0:1 Zoom Lens

Figure 2.3 Lens Vertical Offsets 

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11Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating ManualSection 2: Installation and Setup

horizontal position of the image can be offset – that is, moved to the left or right of 
lens center – by adjusting the fully motorized lens mount. The amount of horizontal offset 
available depends on the lens installed and if the image has already been vertically offset. 
Horizontal  offset  can  also  be  expressed  as  the  percent  of  half  the  image  width  –  the 
number  of  pixels  of  shift  to  one...

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12Runco VX-40d/-50d/-60d/-80d Owner’s Operating Manual
Section 2: Installation and Setup

Figure 2.5 Horizontal Offset Examples
Horizontal Offset for 0.73:1 Fixed Lens
Horizontal Offset for 1.6 - 2.0:1, 2.0 - 2.7:1, 2.7 - 5.0:1, 5.0 - 8.0:1 Zoom Lens
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