Runco Sc 1 Projector User Manual
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Maintenance and Troubleshooting Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual 99 PREL IMINARY Power and Cooling 40Lamp has shut down due to fan failure. 46Red DMD heat sink overheated. 47Green DMD heat sink overheated. 48Blue DMD heat sink overheated. 49Prism overheated. 4CProjector shutdown due to critical error. 4DIntegrator has overheated. 4EInadequate lamp air intake rate (interlock) 4FInadequate air exhaust rate (interlock) 53Fan 3 has failed (side [rear] intake fan). 54Fan 4 has failed (side [front] intake fan). 55Fan 5 has failed (lamp exhaust fan). 56Fan 6 has failed (LAD fan). 57Fan 7 has failed (card cage fan). 58Fan 8 has failed (heat exchanger fan — for liquid cooling system). TIPM (Image Processor) 60Boot code CRC failed. 61Unable to program DigMux PLD. 62Unable to program Control PLD. 63Unable to program Bubks PLD. 64Unrecognized ROM type. 65Write to flash ROM failed. 66General TIPM failure. 67Downloaded code will not fit into ROMs. 68Communication error with scaler on TIPM. Built-In Keypad 70Unable to access EEPROM on the built-in keypad. 71EEPROM memory re-initialization on the built-in keypad. Table 5-2. SC-1 Error Codes (continued) Code Description Note: To clear a system error, press the EXIT key (on the SC-1 control panel) twice. If necessary, reset the projector by powering it off, allowing it to cool and powering it on again. Contact your Runco dealer or Runco technical support if the error persists.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting 100 Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual PREL IMINARY Panel Driver and Formatter 80Unrecognized IRAM (panel driver). 81Unable to program device on IRAM. 82TI flash download failure. 83TI flash download fault; partial success. 84TI flash download fault; partial success. 85TI-I2C write failure. 87Consecutive faults from modular Formatters. 90Red modular Formatter communication failure. 91Green modular Formatter communication failure. 92Blue modular Formatter communication failure. 93Modular formatter architecture error. 94Modular formatter/DMD mismatch. 95Modular formatter sequence mismatch. 96EFIB not responding to I2C messages. Miscellaneous A0Unable to program the optional interface module. A1Unable to power the optional interface module. A2Unable to program the Dual Slot Backplane Module (DSBP). A3Unable to program the optional Post Processing Module (Warp module). Table 5-2. SC-1 Error Codes (continued) Code Description Note: To clear a system error, press the EXIT key (on the SC-1 control panel) twice. If necessary, reset the projector by powering it off, allowing it to cool and powering it on again. Contact your Runco dealer or Runco technical support if the error persists.

Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual 101 PREL IMINARY 6.1 RS-232 Connection and Port Configuration To interface the DHD Controller with a home theater automation/control system or a PC running terminal emulation software, connect it to your control system or PC as shown in Figure 3-18. Configure the RS-232 controller or PC serial port as follows: no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control. Set the baud rate to 19200, to match that of the DHD Controller RS-232 port. 6.2 Serial Command Syntax Serial commands to the DHD Controller take the following form: Commands are not case-sensitive. For a single command that takes no parameters, type the command followed by a carriage return; for example, to set the aspect ratio to Letterbox, type LETTERBOX . For a single command that takes a parameter, type the command, a space or a comma and the desired value followed by a carriage return; for example, to set the brightness to -10, type BRIGHTNESS -10 or BRIGHTNESS,-10 . You can also send a string of multiple commands on a single line, separated by commas. For example, COMPOSITE,BRIGHTNESS 100,ANAMORPHIC switches to the Composite video input, sets the brightness to 100 and sets the aspect ratio to Anamorphic. Command strings can be up to 255 characters long. 6. Serial Communications Avoid combining the ON or POWER 1 commands with other commands on a single line. After sending ON or POWER 1, allow at least five (5) seconds for the DHD Controller to power up. If you have enabled the ISF splash screen (refer to Splash Configure on page 81), allow 15 seconds for the DHD Controller to power up. Once it does, it will accept and properly execute multiple serial commands. Note

Serial Communications 102 Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual PRELI MINARY Table 6-1 lists the RS-232 command set. The “Parameter (min/max)” column shows the valid parameter ranges, or “NA” for commands that take no parameters. When you enter a valid command, the DHD Controller executes it and acknowledges it with a plus sign on the command line (+ >). When you enter an invalid command – one that is misspelled or followed by values outside the valid range for that command – the DHD Controller ignores it and returns a minus sign (- >). Table 6-1. Serial Commands CommandParameter (min/max)Value Stored?Description Power On/Off Commands OFFNANATurns projector off ONNANATurns projector on POWER0/1NATurns projector on and off POWER?NANAReturns power status Input Selection Commands COMPONENTNAYESSelects the Component input COMPOSITENAYESSelects the Composite video input HDMI1NAYESSelects the HDMI 1 input HDMI2NAYESSelects the HDMI 2 input HD1NA YESSelects the RGB HD 1 input HD2NA YESSelects the RGB HD 2 input INPUT?NANAReturns active input SVIDEO1NAYESSelects the S-Video 1 input SVIDEO2NAYESSelects the S-Video 2 input

Serial Communications Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual 103 PREL IMINARY Aspect Ratio Commands ANAMORPHICNAYESSelects the Anamorphic aspect ratio ASPECT?NANAReturns current aspect ratio ASPECTIN?NANAReturns the input source aspect ratio ASPECTOUT?NANAReturns output screen size CINEMANAYESSelects the Cinema aspect ratio LETTERBOXNAYESSelects the Letterbox aspect ratio OUT169NAYESSets the output screen to 1.78:1 (16:9) OUT235NAYESSets the output screen to 2.35:1 STANDARDNAYESSelects the Standard (4:3) aspect ratio VIRTUALWIDENAYESSelects the VirtualWide aspect ratio VIRTUALCINEMANAYESSelects the Virtual Cinema aspect ratio Picture Adjust Commands BRIGHTNESS-100/100YESSets a value for brightness BRIGHTNESS?NANAReturns brightness setting value CHROMADELAY-12/12YESSets a value for input color chroma delay CHROMADELAY?NANAReturns input color chroma delay setting COLOR-100/100YESSets a value for color COLOR?NANAReturns color setting value CONTRAST-100/100YESSets a value for contrast CONTRAST?NANAReturns contrast setting value FILMMODE0/1YESSets Film Mode off (0) or on (1) FILMMODE?NANAReturns Film Mode setting (0 = off; 1 = on) FILTER0/15YESSets a value for input color noise filter FILTER?NANAReturns input color noise filter setting PHASE0/3YESAdjusts phase PHASE?NANAReturns phase setting value SHARPNESS-6/6YESSets a value for sharpness SHARPNESS?NANAReturns sharpness setting value TINT-100/100YESSets a value for tint TINT?NANAReturns tint setting value Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued) CommandParameter (min/max)Value Stored?Description

Serial Communications 104 Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual PRELI MINARY Image Preset Commands CUSTOM1NAYESLoads “Custom 1” image preset CUSTOM2NAYESLoads “Custom 2” image preset DAYNAYESLoads “ISF Day” image preset NIGHTNAYESLoads “ISF Night” image preset PRESET?NANAReturns currently-selected preset (ISF Day, ISF Night, Custom 1 or Cus- tom 2) Input Position Commands IHEIGHT-100/100YESSets the value for input height IHEIGHT?NANAReturns input height value IHPOS-100/100YESSets a value for horizontal input position IHPOS?NANAReturns input horizontal position value IVPOS-100/100YESSets a value for vertical input position IVPOS?NANAReturns input vertical position value IWIDTH-100/100YESSets the value for input width IWIDTH?NANAReturns input horizontal width value OVERSCAN 0/10YESSets the overscan percentage OVERSCAN?NANAReturns overscan percentage Output Shift Commands OHEIGHT-100/100YESSets the value for output height OHEIGHT?NANAReturns output height value OHPOS-100/100YESSets the value for output horizontal posi- tion OHPOS?NANAReturns output horizontal position value OVPOS-100/100YESSets the value for output vertical position OVPOS?NANAReturns output vertical position value OWIDTH-100/100YESSets the value for output width OWIDTH?NANAReturns output horizontal width value Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued) CommandParameter (min/max)Value Stored?Description

Serial Communications Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual 105 PREL IMINARY Miscellaneous Commands BKGND-100/100YESSets the background color for letterbox or 4:3 aspect ratio (-100 = black; 100 = white) BKGND?NANAReturns background setting value DATE?NANAReturns software release date DISPLAY?NANAReturns display device input source value HDINPUTRESNAYESSets YPbPr input resolution and refresh rate for HD1/HD2, as follows: 0 = 480i 1 = 480p 2 = 576i 3 = 576p 4 = 720p / 60 Hz 5 = 1080i / 60 Hz 6 = 720p / 50 Hz 7 = 1080i / 25 Hz Any other value = Auto HDMI1080IBYPASS0/1YESSets Digital (1080i) Bypass off (0) or on (1) HWVER?NANAReturns hardware version number INRES?NANAReturns input resolution LENS1?NANAReturns Lens 1 configuration LENS2?NANAReturns Lens 2 configuration SWVER?NANAReturns software version number TRIGGER1/3YESAssigns trigger to currently-selected aspect ratio Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued) CommandParameter (min/max)Value Stored?Description

Serial Communications 106 Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual PRELI MINARY The following serial commands are meant to emulate buttons on the remote control or DHD Con- troller front panel. Each button has its own serial command, so effectively it is as if you were using the IR remote only you’ll be doing so via serial commands. These commands provide active OSD responses just like the IR remote. DOWNNANADown-Arrow () key ENTERNANAENTER key LEFTNANALeft-Arrow () key MENUNANAMENU RIGHTNANARight-Arrow () key UPNANAUp-Arrow () key Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued) CommandParameter (min/max)Value Stored?Description

Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual 107 PREL IMINARY 7.1 SC-1 Specifications Table 7-1 lists the SC-1 specifications. 7. Specifications Table 7-1. SC-1 Specifications Projector Type:Digital Light Processing (DLP), 3-chip, SuperOnyx DMD Native Resolution:2048 x 1080 (1.90 native aspect ratio) Aspect Ratios:Refer to Table 7-2 Video Standards:Refer to Table 7-2 DTV Compatibility:480p, 720p, 1080i Scan Frequency:Horizontal: 15 kHz to 120 kHz Vertical: 23.97 Hz to 150 Hz Picture Size (16:9 Screen):Recommended width = 72 to 480 in. Throw Distance (Factor x Screen Width):Refer to Table 3-3 Horizontal and Vertical Offset:Horizontal: 20% of screen width left or right (1.78:1 screen) 17% of screen width left or right (1.90:1 screen) Vertical: 43% of screen height up or down Lamp Type:2.0-kW Short-arc Xenon lamp module Estimated Lamp Life: 1,000 hours Inputs (from DHD Controller): (1) DVI-I with HDCP (1) RS-232 Other Inputs (currently not used): (1) RS-422 (1) Composite Video (1) Component Video (1) S-Video Controls: Built-in keypad Serial commands via RS-232 (from DHD Controller)

Specifications 108 Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual PREL IMINARY Brightness and Contrast:Cinema Standards Measurement System (CSMS) Specifications - Brightness (with 2.0-kW lamp): 331.0 foot-Lamberts (fL) - Contrast Ratio (with 2.0-kW lamp): 243:1 - 485:1 These measurements are taken from the projector in a controlled, home theater environment. All measurements are made to ANSI/NAPM IT7.228-1997 specifications using the Photo Research PR-650 SpectraColorimeter and Minolta LS-100 Luminance Meter, Video Essentials test DVD and a 1.3 gain, 72-inch wide screen. The projector is calibrated to a color temperature of 6,500K and has a minimum of 150 hours of usage. The foot-Lambert (fL) is the unit of measurement used in commercial movie theaters to express image brightness at the screen surface. The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) specifies 16 fL as the target image brightness for film-based projectors using an open gate (without film in the projector). More importantly, today SMPTE specifies 12 fL as the target image brightness in Digital Cinema theaters. The foot-Lambert measurement is dependent on screen size, screen gain and projector light output. Home Theater Calibration Specifications - Light Output (with 2.0-kW lamp): 6887 ANSI Lumens - Contrast Ratio (with 2.0-kW lamp): 243:1 - 485:1 These specifications are obtained by calibrating the projector as described above for CSMS measurements. Industry-Standard Specifications - 9000 ANSI Lumens, minimum, with 2.0-kW lamp - Contrast Ratio: 1500:1 - 2800:1 These are typical projector brightness and contrast specifications found in most companies’ sales literature. Runco includes these measurements in its literature to allow for direct comparison with other manufacturers’ projectors. These measurements are typically taken at 9,000K to 13,000K to get expected performance data when the projector is used in professional, commercial and industrial displays. Power Requirements: 200 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 30 Amps Operating Environment:41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C), 20% to 80% humidity (non-condensing) External Cooling Requirement: 600 CFM, minimum Dimensions:See Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2 Weight (without lens):342 lbs. (155.1 kg) Regulatory Approvals:Complies with FCC, CE C-Tick Limited Warranty: Projector: Two (2) years parts and labor from the date of delivery to the end user. Lamp: 1000 hours or six (6) months, whichever comes first. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Table 7-1. SC-1 Specifications (continued)