Rexoette Camera Manual
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or any other opaque medium to cover this opening when thervhite light is not desired for printing purposes. In this casethe frame should be held from one to trvo feet away fromthe opening during exposrrre. It is imptssible to E;ive exactdirections as to the length of exposure ori account of the greatdifference in the intensity of daylight at various times, thebest method being to make test exposures lvith small stripsof the paper used. Placc three trays on the rvork table as indicated in theaccompanying{ diaglarn. IJse enough solution to tholoughlysubmerge the prints, the ternperature of the cleveloping solu-tibn should be about 70 degrecs Fahrcnheit, keeping the fix-ing solution as near as possible to the temperature of 50degrees. In making up these solutions allvays follorv closelythe clirections accompanying the clevelopcr usetl. We recom-menil the Ingerrto II. Q. Developing Tablets or Rexo X{. Q.Tubes for use with all cleveloping lapers. Having prepared thedeveloper antl fixing bath, the prints shoulcl be immersed inthe dcveloper, using care that the solution flolvs evenly overthe surface, leaving no air bubbles. The image should appearrn from eight to ten seconds. It lsill rapidly gather detailand density. hen the desired tone has been obtained, itshould be quickly rcmoved from the dcveloper and placed inthe tray containing rvater, afterlvhich it is transferrcd to thefixing bath. For best results, we recommend the use ofRexo Acid Hypo. Directions for making the bath accom-pany each package. The prints should be kept in motionilhile in the fiiing bath. From eight to ten minutes is re-quired for thorough fixation, after rvhich they should be re-movcd and rvashed for an hour in running tlater or in trvelvechanges of clearwater. Prints can be best dried in blotter_ la_ T o W E L
books anil for this purpose weBooks. More explicit directions foreaeh package of paper. For those who desire to preparerecommend the followinE formula: recommend our blotterprinting will be found in their own developer, we Dissolve the chemicals in the orcler named. The tem-perature of the solution should. be about 68 clegrees Fahr. - 19-
Detseloper Composed of the purest chemicals and combined in theprecise proportions requisite for absolute nicety in develop-ment. Especially prepared for use rvith Rexo and all otherdeveloping papers, films and plates. Cat. No. H-140 Box of 6 Tubes, price $0.25 RP]p Acid tr-lspo I I I I I.t A double powder acid fixingpreparation in which the acidifieris packed separately from the hypo.Especially adapted to fixing Rexoand all other developing papers. Also admirable for plates and films.Packed in damp-proof cartons. Cat. No. H-36 Half pound carton - $0.1 5 Cat. No. H-37 Pound carton .25 d#*+ffi Burke & JameS r,r. ct i.ago I+--*-+-----.-*+ (In Glass Ttrbes)
Weight REX() PRICE IIST F(}R ATt GRADES AI{D CI.ASSESPacked only in Dozen Packages, b Gross Boxes and Rolls Double WPerTu Dtu |PecNSIZE*21,4x 2%*2lx 8fu*2%x 4%*?lx 3l*|lx 4l*Brlx 5\*4 x53%x 5114 x64r/ax 6)44V4x 61,4o x/5 x8Br72x12|fux 7fu6 x86126x 8%7 x97%x Sll8 x109 x1110 x1211 x1414 xl716 x2018 x2220 x21 $0.10.t2.t2.t2.t2.lJ.lo.15.20.25 . $1.00r201.20L.201.201,501.501.501.602.502.503.003.403. 55.506.00o./;)8.5010.0013.0020.0027.0034.0040.00 mb.zs,E ttr .30.30.6A.40.5D.45.50.60. oil .801.001.201.552.403.204.004.80 $,Dt,4.505.006.007008.009.0011.0013.50rl.-,27.0036.0045.0054.00 Per M $7.00 Special Sizes cut to order at proportionate pricesREXO POST CARDS Doz.**Rexo Post Cards$0.15i Not supplied in Enlarging and Professional Grades.++Not Supplied in Enlarging Grades.