Rexoette Camera Manual
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POSTED 6-27-O4 This manual i. fo..f..r. and historical purposes, all rights reserved.This page is copyright @ by M. Butkus. NJ.This page may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission ofthe producer I have no connection with any c.unera company 0nline camera manual libraryThis is the full text and images from the manual.This mav take 3 full minutes for this PDF document to download. The rlain page is located at www.butkus.orglchinon Ifyou find this manual useful, how about a donation of $3 to:M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ 08829-1701and send your e-mail address so I can thank you.Most other places would charge you $7,50 for a electronic copy or$18.00 for a hard to read Xerox copy. This will allow me to continue to buy new manuals and pay their shipping costs.Ittll make you feel better, wont it?Ifyou use Pay Pal or wish to use your credit card, use the Pay Pal Link on my page. Ifyou found this page from any other location (other then a link)please notify me at [email protected]

Hovrz To Take PictLrres ith- p0 ,t, F .F a)-v 14 @Gmeneg Nos. 2, 2=Ar B and 3=A Manufactured By Burke & JameS I!(gFIIQACO

For Rich, Beautiful Pictures Make Your Prints On The New Rapid Guaranteed Developing Paper of Distinguished Quality No matter what kind of a negative you have there isa grade of Rexo that will produce the most perfect picturespossible to obtain. Rexo is supplicd in three distinctgrades-Rexo Hard, for thin, weak, flat negatives. RexoNormal, for negatives of normal or average density orcontrast. Rexo Soft, for harsh, contrasty negatives andfor producing soft effects with any negative. Rexo possesses lllarvelous latitude in Exposure and Development These features eliminate wasted orints and make Rexothe logical choice of amateur, commercial and professionalphotographers. Rexo is uniform in quality and produces pictnresmarked by beautiful gradations, purity of the highlghts,and transparency ofthe shadows. Manufactured By ffi#ffi BUrke & James r,,. ffii#ffi 240-258 E. Ontario Street CNICAGO New York Salesroom 225 lilth Avenue ENIARGING REXO, 35 times as fast as REXO Normal, pro- duces exquisite Enlargements from all classes of negatives.

Instructions for Rexoette Cameras Do not attempt to loatl or take any pictures with theRexoette until you have become thoroughly farniliar withcvery part of the instrunent. Take especial care to learnthe construction of the shutter: sork lt for time and in-stantaneous exposure. Read carefullv the folloning instruc-tions, The most important thing to be rememberecl in picturetaking is that no w-hite light (inclucling gas, electric or lamplight) should be allorvecl to strike the film, eren for a frac-tional part of a secontl, until it has been iler.eloped and fixecl. Operating The It is therefore bestin a subtluecl light,that the loading anrl unloading be clonefor after the seai on the f1m is broken-l-

Siz e21/ax? Ya2 Y2x41/+31/ax4ya31/4x51/i No.22A33A there is a possibility of the eclges becoming fogged if careis not taken to keep the biack paper drann tightly. . Bef-ore loading.the camera, try the shutter to see that itrs worKrng properry. Films Adapted to Rexoette Cameras R exoRecold Eastman Price415 720 No. 2 Brownie. . .$0.20425 116 No. 1A F.P.Koda.k .25430 118 No.3 F.P.Kodak .35415 722 No. 3A F.P.Kodak .40 figure 2.-2- CameraRexoetteRexoetteRexoetteRexoette

To Load To load, release the trvo corner catches (D) at the rear of the camera. The back of the camera, rvhich is hingeal on the lower siile can lol be opened. Next

back of camera anrl secure with the corner catches. Next turnthe r;inding key slonl;- until it engages in the slot in theencl of the spool. Continue to turn the rrinrling kev until the figureone -appears opposite the rubl- rvindow rvliich signilies thatthe film is in proper position fol the exposure.The camera, is norv read;. for making exl,osures for allobjects at a^ distalce of eight feet or moie. Throughout theoperation of loading, flom the brealiing of the seal-untii thecamera is closeil, see that the Ieppy is riounil tightly over thespools, for if it is allou.eil to loosen or bulgi, ihcre is acliance that the film will be fogged. The ShutterThe shutter supplietl r-ith the Rexoette Canera is auto-matic,_that is, it is alra1s set r.eaiJ. for takilg the picture-a single plessure of the 1A)iir either ilirecti6n makes-4- Figure 4.

an instantaneous or snap-shot exposure. To set for time,draw out the time stop (C), one pressure of the lever (A)opens the shutter anil a seconcl pressure in the oppositedirection closes it. figure 5. Stop or Diaphragm All Rexoette cameras are supplieci with a diaphragm platehaving three clifferent sizeil openings, rnhich regulate theamount of lieht that is alloned to reacir the fllm.The largest opening is for making snap shots in brightsunlight.The meilium opening is for interior time exposures, seespeeia.l tlirections uniler Time Exposures Indoors,The smallest opening is for making time exposure out-of-doors on cloudy days. Never use the smallest stop for snap-shots. See special ilirections unrler Time Exposures Out-of-Doors.t _o_ Takenfromchinon

\Yith slide (B) in normal position the largest opening isin piace; to use the metliurrr opening dlaw out the slide untilthe spring snaps into first indention; to use thesmallest opening charv out the slide until the spring snapsinto the seconcl inclentiol. Instantaneous or Snap Shot Exposuresfn making instantaleous or snap shot exposurcs use thelargest diaphragrn stop. Snapshots are usuallv nade whileholding the camera in the harrcl, the light shouicl thereforebe bright sunshine. On blight clays snap-shots can be matleat any time during the clay from three hours after suirriseto three hours before sulset. Earlier or later than this, shorttime exposures should be given. It is a goocl rule ner-er tophotograph directly toward the sun, the best position beingto have the light shining from behind the operator or overeither shoulder anci clirectly on the object to be photographed,If the direct rays of the sun strike the lens cluring the ex-posure the picture rvill be blurred. Do not trv to photographmoving objects at a shortcr clistance thal 15 feet distantfrom the camera. It is aclvisable to endear.or to catch themat an angle either coming toward or goilg from the camera,as goocl results will rrot be obtairred if taken .n4ren the ob-ject is directly opliosite. If photographing tall buildings atclose range it is necessarv to secure a position as near ,aspossible opposite the center of the builcling, for if the camerais tilted uprvarci, the lines in the picture r-ill be fountl toconverge because of the fact that the top of the builtlingis of a much greater clistance frorn the ca-era thair the bot-- 1o*. This same rule applies .n,hen photographirg small ob-jccts such as a ilog; in this case the c,amera should be lorvereclt,o of the object to be taken, thus avoiding anydTStr O ItrIO N. Whgn reatly for making the exposure holc1 the camera inboth hanils and as near levet as plssible so that the picturenill be in true perspectir-e. Locate the ob.iect in the- fintierby looking squa.rely into it, nraking sure- that all of theobject rnhich you desire to photograph falls within thelimits of the fincler. When all is i-l ieadiness release the-6-

shutter, taking care not to jerk or move the camera duringthe exposure, A pressure of the lever w-i1l open the shutterfor a fractional part of a, second thereby permitting the ligirtto pass through the lens anil forming an irnage on the sensi-tive surface of the film. After making the exposure turnthe winding key to the right watching the ruby window inthe back of the camera until the next number. appears. Thisis a very important point and one shoukl early acquire thehabit of turning thc winiling key after each exposure thusavoiding the possibility of making two exposures on the samesurface of the film. fime Exposures When making time exlosures it is absolutelv necessarythat the camera be placecl upon a table or other frm sup-port where there nil1 be no clanger of its being moved tluringthe exposure. Center the object properly in the finder, anddraw out metal slide (C). Give a single pressure of the leverto open, and u.hen sufficient time has elapsed, an ailditionalpressure to c1ose, using care not to jar the camera in eitheropenlng or crosrng.fn making time exposures it is necessarv to use sornejudgment in regard to the length of tirrre the lens shouldremain open. This is governed br- the amount of light whichfalls upon the object to be photographetl at the time of theexposure. Time Exposures Out-of-DoorsTn making time exposures out-of-doors the metal slide (C)shoulcl be drann out and the shutter opeled and closeil asquickly as possible.WITH SUNSHINE use the smallest diaphragm, openingancl closing the shutter as quickly as possible.WITH LIGHT CLOUDS use the smallest cliaphragm, giv-ing from lz to one seconcl exposure.WITH HEAVY CLOUDS use the smallest diaphragm andgir.e from 2 to 5 seconils.The foregoing calculations are for open air exposures.When photographing objects in shadows or on porches, noaccurate clirections can be given as too much depends uponthe clensity of the shadovvs. -Proper exposure can only be