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Projector Christie Roadster S+14k M User Manual

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Page 71

Section 3: Operation
M Series User Manual3-19020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
3.5 Size and Position Menu
Increase or decrease the size of your image, change 
its proportion (aspect ratio), move the image to a 
specific area of the screen, and refine other related 
parameters. Use Size and Position controls to 
match the image precisely to the screen used at the 
See 3.2.4 How to Use Slide Bars and Other 
Controls if you need help using any of the options 
and controls. Changes made in the Size and...

Page 72

3-20M Series User Manual020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
Section 3: Operation
•No resizing displays the image in its native resolution, which may or may not match the projector’s 
resolution. For example, for a source with a native resolution of 800 x 600, “No Resizing” in an SXGA+ 
projector will use the central 800 x 600 pixels and have a black border. The black border areas are unused 
areas, see below.
•Full size uses all pixels for displaying the image, regardless of source or original aspect ratio....

Page 73

Section 3: Operation
M Series User Manual3-21020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
3.5.2 Size
Controls both the image width and height in tandem, maintaining the current aspect ratio of the displayed 
signal data. 
3.5.3 Vertical Stretch
Adjusts the height of the image while keeping the width constant. Use “Vertical Stretch” to change the aspect 
ratio of the display. 
3.5.4 Pixel Track
Steady flickering or several soft vertical stripes or bands across the entire image indicates poor pixel tracking. 

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3-22M Series User Manual020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
Section 3: Operation
3.5.8 Keep Aspect On Auto Setup
Ensures that auto setup for any source will maintain the input aspect ratio when the default size is calculated. If 
disabled and the source is not a special case video source where a default stretch is defined, the source is scaled 
to fit the platform.
3.5.9 Blanking - Submenu
This submenu consists of the following options:
•Active Input Window: This read-only value indicates the current size of...

Page 75

Section 3: Operation
M Series User Manual3-23020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
3.6 Image Settings Menu
Use the Image Settings menu to alter your main 
image without affecting its size or position. 
Changes made are applied immediately and are 
saved when you exit the menu (press E
XIT or 
ENU). Options not available for the projector 
model or source are disabled and appear dim 
3.6.1 Contrast
Contrast increases or decreases the perceived difference between light and dark areas of your image...

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3-24M Series User Manual020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
Section 3: Operation
3.6.5 Video Options - Submenu
This submenu is used with video sources only.
•Enable Decoder (AGC): AGC affects decoded video images only. Enter a check mark (default) in most 
instances. Activate the decoder’s AGC circuit to ensure properly bright images. Delete the check mark if a 
decoded video image exhibits strange color artifacts such as stripes in highly saturated colors, indicating an 
incompatibility between this source...

Page 77

Section 3: Operation
M Series User Manual3-25020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
•Filter: The proper filter setting is automatically set for virtually all signals, and rarely needs to be changed. 
Override only if standard pixel tracking and phase adjustments do not adequately clear up a “noisy” video 
signal, or if a graphics signal appears overly “soft”. Both instances indicate that “Filter” may be set to the 
wrong option.
•Sampling Mode: Sets the color sampling mode for a digital signal to either YCbCr...

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3-26M Series User Manual020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
Section 3: Operation
3.6.6 Input Levels - Submenu 
NOTES: 1) Because the projector automatically optimizes input levels for all but the most unusual of sources, 
it is recommended that only experienced users use the Input Levels submenu. 2) Before beginning, check that 
overall contrast and brightness settings are near 50 and that color temperature is properly set up on an 
internal gray scale test pattern. 3) See 3.1.6 Remote Keypad Commands,...

Page 79

Section 3: Operation
M Series User Manual3-27020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
1. Ensure overall “Contrast” and “Brightness” settings are both set to near 50. 
NOTE: Not required for “Auto” adjustment.
ONTRAST = 50 (approx.)BRIGHT = 50 (approx.)
2. Check the color temperature setup using an internal grey scale test pattern, making sure to obtain a neutral 
grey scale. 
NOTE: Not required for “Auto” adjustment.
3. Confirm that you are using input on an Analog BNC card or a Dual Link DVI card. Input Levels...

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3-28M Series User Manual020-100009-07 Rev. 1 (07-2012)
Section 3: Operation
6. Repeat Steps 3-5 with the two remaining primary colors. When each primary color shows one optimized 
black band and white (or colored) band, the input levels for this source are correctly set. Upon exiting the 
Input Levels menu, the Peak Detector check box will clear.
•Color Enable: Select which color or colors you want to see in the display, useful while working with color 
temperature white levels or input levels. 
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