Projector Christie Mirage Wu14k J Technical Information Manual
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information81 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (STD) VIDEO STANDARD CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION This control displays or sets the current video standard that is decoding the input signal. You can allow the projector to automatically determine the standard or you can specify a specific standard from the selection list. 0 = Auto. Automatically determined by decoder. 1 = PAL is a commonly used...
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82 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (SZP) Size Presets con’t SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Set preset size type. EXAMPLE: (SZP 1) - Set the size preset to no resizing. (TBL) TOP BLANKING CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Set the number of lines to blank (turn to black) at the top of the image. This can be used to blank out any unwanted data near the top edge of the image. A positive amount...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information83 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TDD) 3D Emitter Delay con’t EXAMPLES: (TDD 2000) - Set 3D Emitter Delay to 20.00 milliseconds on main video. (TDD+MAIN 1000) - Set 3D Emitter Delay to 10.00 milliseconds on main. (TDD+IN12 2500) - set 3D Emitter Delay to 25.00 milliseconds on slot 1 input 2. (TDD?) - Returns the 3D Emitter Delay value on main video. (TDD+IN12?) - Returns the 3D Emitter Delay value on slot 1 input 2. (TDI) 3D SYNC INPUT...
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84 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TDM) 3D MODE CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Select the 3D mode: Off: 3D operation is disabled. Auto 3D: Attempts to automatically determine which 3D mode to use. Native 3D: All content is shown at native frame rate from 96-120Hz input and output. Frame Doubled 3D: 3D Content from a single 48-60Hz signal (24/30Hz per eye) are displayed twice to provide a...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information85 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TDO) 3D SYNC OUT CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION This defines if the 3D Sync is output and controls how it is processed. It is only valid when a cable is used to con- nect stereo 3D signals to the projector via the GPIO port. When there is no 3D signal, Sync Output should be Off. Typically only the last projector in the 3D Stereo cable chain is connected...
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86 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TED) Twin HDMI EDID Type Selection con’t EXAMPLES: (TED+SL31 1) - Set EDID type to 1 (3D) on slot 3 input 1. (TED+SL12?) - Returns the current EDID type on slot 1 input 2. (TIL) TILING CONTROL CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Set the projector as part of a tiled array. SUBCODE SLCT DESCRIPTION OF USE Enable or disable tiling. RTOT Set the total...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information87 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TNT) TINT CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Tint adjusts the balance of red-to-green in your image. It is useful only for video images processed by decoder cards. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the tint level on slot x, input y to the specified value in the range of -45 deg to 45 deg. MAIN Set the tint level on the main video to the specified...
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88 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (TXE) TEXTURE ENHANCEMENT CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Applies texture detail enhancement based on adaptive horizontal, vertical and diagonal large edge and small edge enhancement processes. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the texture enhancement for slot x, input y. MAIN Set the texture enhancement for main video. PIIP or SECD Set the...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information89 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (VRT) VERTICAL POSITION CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION This control sets the vertical position of the image. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the vertical position for the main image. EXAMPLES: (VRT 500) - Set vertical position to 500 on main video. (VRT?) - Returns the vertical position value on main video. (VST) VERTICAL STRETCH CONTROL GROUP:...
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90 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (ZOM) LENS ZOOM POSITION ADJUSTMENT CONTROL GROUP: Configuration SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Adjust the lens zoom to a specific position. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Move the zoom motor to a specified position. The default data range is -1200 to 1200. The range may change after running the Lens Calibration function, which determines the full range allowed by the...