Projector Christie Mirage Wu14k J Technical Information Manual
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information41 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (FTB) Fade to Black con’t SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the image intensity 0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0% image, and 0 = 0% image (black) TIME Set a fade time in milliseconds 0 - 10000. SLCT Select a fade. 0 = fade to black and 1 = fade back to image. EXAMPLES: (FTB500) - Set image intensity to 50.0%. (FTB+TIME3000) - Set the fade time to 3 seconds. (FTB+SLCT 0) - Fade to black over the time specified by....
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42 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (GID) VIDEO DECODER GROUNDED INPUT SELECTION CONTROL GROUP: Option SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Set the input signal grounding method to single-ended or differential. Valid values are: 0 = Differential (default) 1 = Single-ended SUBCODE SLxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the input signal grounding method for the specified slot and input. EXAMPLES: (GID+SL31 1) - Set...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information43 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (GMS) VDIC GROUPED-INPUTS MODE CONTROL GROUP: Option SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Allows users to select a mode to group the last 3 BNC connectors (input 4/5/6) on a Video Decoder Input Card. valid options are: 0 = 3 CVBS sources 1 = 1 SVideo Source + 1 CVBS source 2 = 1 YPrPb (Component) source SUBCODE SLx0 DESCRIPTION OF USE Set a grouping mode for the last 3 BNC...
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44 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (GND) GREEN DRIVE CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION The green drive level is used to compensate for different amounts of attenuation between the Red, Green and Blue in the signal. Available on all cards expect the Video decoder. The correct setting achieves maximum contrast without crushing white or black. When the drive and black level controls are set...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information45 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (GOO) Green Odd Pixel Offset con’t SUBCODE SLx0 DESCRIPTION OF USE Set a green blacklevel offset for the second A to D. EXAMPLE: (GOO+SL10-10) - Set a green blacklevel offset to -10 on slot 1. (HDC) DHDIC DUAL-LINK CONFIGURATION CONTROL GROUP: Option SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Select whether to use the 2 inputs as separate inputs, or combined as a dual-link. Select...
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46 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (HIS) Lamp History con’t EXAMPLES: (HIS?) (HIS!000 001 12A345B 20:00:27 23/09/2008 03:10:39 24/09/2008 2462732-00 010 000 0435) (HIS!000 002 8995474C 10:10:39 23/09/2008 06:15:31 15/10/2008 2462732-00 005 001 0201) (HLP) SERIAL HELP CONTROL GROUP: Unsaved SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Status DESCRIPTION Query a list of all available serial commands, with brief descriptions and current...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information47 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (HOR) Horizontal Position con’t EXAMPLES: (HOR 500) - Set horizontal position to 500 on main video. (HOR+MAIN 500) - Set horizontal position to 500 on main video. (HOR+IN32 500) - Set horizontal position to 500 on slot 3 input 2. (HOR?) - Returns the horizontal position value on main video. (ILS) INTELLIGENT LENS SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator...
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48 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (INM) Channel ‘In Menu’ con’t PIIP or SECD Toggle In Menu for the channel being used by PIP or Secondary. EXAMPLES: (INM?) - Get channel in-menu state for channel used by main. (INM+MAIN?) - Get channel in-menu state for channel used by main. (INM+PIIP?) - Get channel in-menu state for channel used by PIP. (INM 1) - Show in-menu for the channel being used by main. (INM+PIIP 1) - Show in-menu for the...
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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information49 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (ITP) Internal Test Pattern con’t EXAMPLES: (ITP 0) - Disable test patterns - revert to previous input signal. (ITP 1) - Set test pattern to the grid pattern. (KEN) KEYPAD IR SENSOR DISABLE CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Enable or disable the IR or wired keypad sensors. You cannot disable the keypad that is currently being used. SUBCODE FRNT...
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50 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011) (LBL) Left Blanking con’t MAIN Set the left blanking for the main image. PIIP or SECD Set the left blanking for the PIP or Secondary image. EXAMPLES: (LBL 40) - Set left blanking to 40 on main video. (LBL+MAIN 40) - Set left blanking to 40 on main video. (LBL+PIIP 40) - Set left blanking to 40 on PIP video. (LBL+IN32 40) - Set left blanking to 40 on slot 3 input 2. (LBL?) - Returns the left blanking...