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Projector Christie Mirage S4k User Manual

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Page 81

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-55. 
coordinate you select will then automatically trigger a full field display of the 
corresponding color. 
Alternatively, use the Color Saturation menu for these adjustments or to fine tune. 
NOTE: For speed, enable the “Auto Color Enable” checkbox. Each color coordinate 
you select will then automatically trigger a full field display of the corresponding 
These coordinate adjustments move 
the three color points closer together 
(see right) to...

Page 82

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
• no area of the screen appears brighter than another 
• color and light output from one screen closely matches adjacent screens 
Although the Brightness Uniformity control can be used for a stand-alone projector, it 
is particularly useful for setting up and maintaining tiled images that form a cohesive 
display wall in which the color “cast” and light output appear uniform throughout 
each image as well as throughout the entire wall. The procedure...

Page 83

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-57. 
1b) Enable the 
checkbox. This will 
enable access to the 
uniformity controls 
and will apply the 
settings to your 
1c) Select the 13 Point test pattern for display. 
This pattern provides 9 screen “zones” with 
13 targets.  
FOR BEST RESULTS: Rather than examining 
the CENTER of each zone when assessing 
Brightness Uniformity adjustments, focus on 
extreme EDGES as indicated in the 
illustration at right. 
1d) In...

Page 84

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
Step 2: Adjust Color (level of red/green/blue) in 8 Zones 
NOTES: 1) At this point, ignore the brightness of individual zones. 2) Always ignore 
menu colors. 
2a) On each screen, compare the color temperatures in the 8 target zones (4 edges 
and 4 corners) to that of the color temperature of the center. Compare using a 
white field only, and take note of any areas that do not match the center. Also 
decide if any screen exhibits a more obvious color...

Page 85

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-59. 
Figure 3.31. Match Zones to Center Light Output 
Step 4: Readjust Color Temperature (level of red/green/blue) in 8 Zones 
4a) Return to Steps 2a & 2b and, if necessary, fine tune the zones so that they all 
still exhibit a single color temperature. 
Canceling Brightness Uniformity 
If you do not want to use or apply Brightness Uniformity settings, delete the 
checkmark from the “Uniformity Enable” checkbox at the top of the Brightness 

Page 86

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
Edge blending software controls are located in the 2-page Edge Blending submenu—
access via Configuration menu, then go to the Geometry and Color menu and select 
Edge Blending. The More option opens the second page of the Edge Blending 
Main Functions 
Use edge blending controls to set the precise width, shape and midpoint you need to 
blend overlapping edges together smoothly. 

Page 87

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-61. 

Page 88

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
Figure 3.35. Set Starting Points for Each Projector 
4. SET BLEND WIDTH: On one projector, increase the Blend Width for an overlapping 
edge (for example, if the projector’s image is on left, its right edge overlaps the 
adjacent image—adjust Right Blend Width). Use the same setting on the second 
projector for this shared edge. 
5.  Re-adjust width (both projectors) until the overly bright band at the midpoint of the 
overlapping blends disappears or...

Page 89

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-63. 
VIA WEB INTERFACE — Connect your PC to the projector’s Ethernet port. In your web 
browser (Internet Explorer, for example), enter the IP address of the projector you 
wish to control. This will start a password-protected ChristieNET application—enter 
the factory default “
ccm7” login and password to open the program. If the projector is 
powered up, you can access assorted menu options and slidebars. 
Repeat for remaining networked projectors as...

Page 90

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
An input signal error message occurs if you are in presentation level (i.e., there are no 
menus present) and have selected an input on which the projector detects a problem. 
While menus remain operational and any key press will temporarily remove any 
displayed error message, you must resolve the signal problem in order to permanently 
eliminate the message. 
No Signal 
The message No signal occurs when there is no source signal detected at the...
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