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Projector Christie Mirage S4k User Manual

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Page 71

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-45. 
LiteLOC™ Calibration 
NOTES: 1) LiteLOC™ Calibration takes up to two minutes. 2) For best results, allow 
the projector to warm up for 15 minutes prior to calibration. 
LiteLOC™ Calibration defines the range of power needed to maintain lamp 
brightness. Select Calibrate LiteLOC for calibration using your projector’s unique 
specifications (recommended) rather than standard specifications. The projector will 
revert to the default back-up in the event...

Page 72

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
 Signal Type Description (Input Location) 
#1  5 BNCs (RGBHV or YPbPr) 
#2  DVI - I (analog or digital) 
#3  Decoded signals (Input 3, Input 4, Composite video, S-Video, or any video 
signal via  Input 1 BNC connectors or via an analog option card). 
#4  Analog Option Cards 
#5  Digital Option Cards 
#6  Digital Option Cards 
* HD interlaced sources are not recommended for the PIP window. 
Other PIP or Seamless Switching tips to keep in mind include: 

Page 73

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-47. 
PIP Size and Position – SUBMENU 
Most controls in the PIP Size and 
Position menu adjust the PIP 
(secondary) image in the same 
fashion as their counterparts in the 
main Size and Position menu 
adjust the main image—see 3.6, 
Adjusting the Image for details. 
Exceptions are: 
location of the PIP (secondary) 
image in the display. 
ASPECT RATIO PRESETS – Choose the desired aspect ratio for your PIP pixels. Use 
the “Default”...

Page 74

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
Image Optimization 
Choose whether to use Best Switching or whether you prefer to optimize image 
quality, whichever best suits your needs. When Best Switching is selected, sources are 
switched almost instantaneously without a dark state in between images. Eight-bit 
processing is used to maximize the opportunity for a seamless transition.  Best 
Switching is recommended when only when seamless switching is necessary. Best 
Quality maximizes allocated...

Page 75

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-49. 
LAMP S/N is the serial number recorded for the current lamp. When you install a new 
lamp and enter its serial number, the number will appear here. NOTE: Read-only. 
Enter a checkmark for 
LAMP MESSAGE to enable a warning message that will appear 
upon power-up when the lamp has reached the specified lamp limit and should be 
replaced. Delete the checkmark to prevent display of this message—instead, when 
your lamp expires, only the status display...

Page 76

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
POWER - This slidebar and number indicates how 
many watts are applied to the lamp. You can apply 
anywhere from approximately 60-65% of the maximum power intended for the 
installed lamp up to 100% of the lamp rating. Set for the number of watts as desired, 
keeping in mind that lower power levels produce dimmer images. When in either 
Power or Max Brightness modes, the power level remains constant. Specifying a 
maximum power level here is the same as...

Page 77

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-51. 
OPTICAL APERTURE - The optical aperture inside the projector controls the diameter 
of the light beam passing through the system. 
With a fully open aperture (slidebar default of 
“0”), the maximum amount of light passes 
through for maximum brightness in your images. 
Increase the slidebar setting to reduce the aperture 
diameter and maximize contrast ratio instead. 
LAMP HISTORY - This read-only option lists the lamps most recently 
installed and...

Page 78

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
When a new lamp is installed and its serial 
number recorded by selecting “Change 
Lamp” in the Lamp menu, the lamp timer 
resets to “0” and begins logging time for 
the new lamp. This tally appears in both 
the Lamp menu (see right) and the Status 
To review the number of hours logged for 
previous lamps, consult the Lamp History 
If the “Lamp Message” checkbox has been enabled in the Lamp menu 
(recommended), an expiry message will...

Page 79

Section 3: Operation 
 User’s Manual     3-53. 
projectors. Or you may be renting a projector in which the colors were corrected for 
use at its previous site, but are not ideal for yours. 
The recommended first step in achieving such consistency is to use a color meter to 
measure the native primary colors—red, green, blue, and white—as they appear at the 
screen and record these as Color Primary Settings in the Service menu (password-
protected) for each projector. On the basis of these new...

Page 80

Section 3: Operation 
  User’s Manual      
Figure 3.27. Jot Down a Set of ”Max Drives” X/Y Values 
5.  In each projector, select a “User” color adjustment (1-4) to enable Color 
Adjustments by X,Y changes. Then enter your recorded x/y values into each menu 
(Figure 3.28). 
Figure 3.28. Copy X/Y Values into All Projectors 
6.  In each projector, judge by eye and adjust x/y coordinates slightly in the following 
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