ProForm I Series 785f Manual
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11 1\f\bAttach the Water BottleHolder (37) tothe Uprig ht(4) with two M4 x16 mm Scre ws(10 4)\b 374104 104 1\f 1313\b Whilease con dper son holds the Consol e(7 ) near the Uprig ht(4), conne ctthe conso lewire to the Uppe rWire Harne ss(110) \bThen ,conn ect th e co nso lepulse wires tothe PulseWire s (63 )\b In sert the excess wiredo wnw ardinto th e Uprig ht(4)\b Tip: Av oid pinc hing the wire s.Attach the Console (7)tothe Upright (4) with four M4x 16mm Scre ws(104)\b See step \f.Tigh ten the M8x19m...
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12 HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCISER HOWTO PLUG INTHE POW ERADAPTER Plug one endof the included poweradap te r into the jack onthe conso le\bPlug the other endof the powe r ada pter intoan ap pro pria teoutle tth at isprop erly inst alledin accord ance with alllocal codes and ordi - nan ces\b Note: The console canalso be oper ated withfour 1\b5V Dbatterie s(no tinclud ed);alkal ine batte ries are rec- ommend ed\bLocate the ba tter ycove ron the back of the conso le\bRemo vethe battery cover,insertthe...
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1\f HOWTO EXE RCISE ONTHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCIS ER Tomou nt th e ellip tical exerciser, holdthe han dleba rs andstep onto the pedal that is in the lowe rposition\b Then, stepont o the oth er peda l\bPush thepeda lsun til the ybeg into move withacontinu ousmotion \bNote : Thecrank arms canturnin either direc tion. Itis re com mended thatyouturn thecrankarms inthe dire ction show nby the arr ow; howev er,for variety , you canturn thecrank arm sin the opposite direc- tion. To dismou ntthe elli ptical exer...
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14 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Therevo lutiona ryconsol eoffer san array of fe atures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable\b Whe nyou usethemanual mode ofthe console, youca nchan gethe resistance ofthe ped als wit hthe touchofabutton \bWhi leyouexercise ,th e co nsole willdisplay continuou sexer cise fe edba ck\bYou canalso measur eyo ur hear trate using the handgrip pulse sensor\b Inaddit ion,the con sole offerstw elve train erwo rko uts and six weig htloss workou ts\bEach workou...
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15 HOWTO USE THEMANUALMODE 1. Begi npe dal ing orpress any button onthe cons oletoturn onthe cons ole. Amo ment after you begin peda lin g or press abut - to n, atone will soun d,and thedispla ywill light\b 2.Selec tthe manual mode. Each time youturn o n the con sole, the man ualmod ewill be se lecte d\bIf you have select eda worko ut,re sele ct th e manu almode by pre ssing anyof th e workou tbut tons rep eated lyunt il zero sappe arinthe displ ay\b \f. Change theresistance ofthe peda lsas des ired. As...
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16 5.Mea sure your heartrat eif desire d. If there aresheet s ofclea rpl ast icon the metal con - tac tson the handgri ppul se sensor ,remov e theplas tic.To mea sure your heart rate,holdthe h andg rippuls e sensor withyour palms resting against the met alcontacts\b Avoidmoving your handsorgrippi ng the contac tstightly. Wh enyou rpulse is detect ed,a fla shing heart symbo lwill a ppea rin the dis - pla y, an dthe nyour heart ratewill appea r\bFor the most accura tehear trate reading, hold the con tacts...
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17 HOW TO USEA TR AINER WOR KOU T 1. Begin pedaling orpress any button onthe consol eto turn onthe console. A momen taf teryo ubegi nped aling orpress abut - ton,a tone willsound, andthe displ aywill light\b 2.Sele ctatra ine rwork out. Toselect atrain er workou t,pre ssthe Int erval, Varia ble, Plat eau ,Mou ntain, W alk/ Run, or Te rrain button re pe ate dly untilthe n ame ofthe d esire dwo rkou t app ears inthe dis - play \bThe worko ut time and aprof ile of the resistance level sfo rth e wo rkou...
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18 HOWTOUSE AWEIGHT LOSSWORKOU T 1.Begin pedal ing orpres sany button onthe console toturn onthe console. Amo men tafter you beginpedal ingorpre ssabu t- to n, atone will sound ,and thedisp laywillligh t\b 2. Select awei ght loss workout . Tosele ctawe ight loss worko ut,pre ss the Wt \bLoss button un tilthe name of th e de sired worko ut appears inthe dis - pl ay \bTh eworko ut timeand apr ofile of the resist ance lev- els fo rthe wor kout will also appear in the disp lay\b \f. Begin pedal ing tosta...
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19 HOWTO USE THESOUN DSYSTEM To play music oraud ioboo ksthro ugh theconso leʼs so und syste mwh ile you exer cise,plug anaudio cable (not includ ed)int othe jack on the console andin to a jack onyou rMP 3player orCD player; mak esur e thatth eaudio cable isfully plugge din. Ne xt, press theplay button onyour MP3 player orCD player\b Adju stthe volume level usingthe volum eco n- trol onyour MP3 player orCD player\b HO WTO CHANGE CONSOLE SETTINGS Thecon sole feature sa user mod ethat allows youto se lect...
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20 Inspectandtighte nallpar tsof the elliptical exerciser re gularly \bRep lace anywor npar tsimmedia tely\b To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand a small amountofmild soap\b IMPORT ANT:To avoid da mage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole does not displ ayyou rheart rate when youho ldthe hand grip pul se sensor, orifthe displaye d heartrat eapp ears to be too highor too low, see step 5on pa...