ProForm I Series 785f Manual
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11 1\f\bAttach the Water BottleHolder (37) tothe Uprig ht(4) with two M4 x16 mm Scre ws(10 4)\b 374104 104 1\f 1313\b Whilease con dper son holds the Consol e(7 ) near the Uprig ht(4), conne ctthe conso lewire to the Uppe rWire Harne ss(110) \bThen ,conn ect th e co nso lepulse wires tothe PulseWire s (63 )\b In sert the excess wiredo wnw ardinto th e Uprig ht(4)\b Tip: Av oid pinc hing the wire s.Attach the Console (7)tothe Upright (4) with four M4x 16mm Scre ws(104)\b See step \f.Tigh ten the M8x19m mPa tch Scre ws (8\f)\b7 63110 10 4 4 Co nsol eWi re P ul se Wi res Avoi dpinching the wires 14\b Plugthe power adapterinto thejack on the back ofthe conso le(see HOW TOPLUG INTHE POWER ADA PTER onpage 1\f)\b IMPOR TANT: Ifthe ellipti cal exercis er has been exposed tocold temperatures, allow itto warm toroom tempe rature before pluggin gin the power adapter. Ifyou donot dothis, you maydama gethe cons oledisplays orother electronic compone nts. Make surethat allpart sare properly tightened beforeyouusethe elliptical exerciser. Note:Afterassem - blyis completed, someextrapart sm ay be left over\b Place amat ben eath theellipt ical exerc iser toprot ectthe flo or\b

12 HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCISER HOWTO PLUG INTHE POW ERADAPTER Plug one endof the included poweradap te r into the jack onthe conso le\bPlug the other endof the powe r ada pter intoan ap pro pria teoutle tth at isprop erly inst alledin accord ance with alllocal codes and ordi - nan ces\b Note: The console canalso be oper ated withfour 1\b5V Dbatterie s(no tinclud ed);alkal ine batte ries are rec- ommend ed\bLocate the ba tter ycove ron the back of the conso le\bRemo vethe battery cover,insertthe bat- terie sinto the batter yco mpa rtment, and then rea ttach the battery cove r\bMake sureto or ient the batter ies as shown bythe diagr amsinside thebatte rycom - partme nt.HOWTO MOVE TH EELLIP TICAL EXERCISER Due to the size and weight ofthe elliptical exerci ser,movi ng it requi restwope rsons. Standin front of th e ellipt ica lexer ciser ,hol dthe upright, and place one foot aga inst one of th e fr ont wheel s\bPul lon the upr ight andhave aseco ndperso nliftthe handle onthe ram punt il th e ellipt ica lexer ciser willrol lon the front whe els\b Ca refully m ove the elliptical exerciser to the desi red loca tion ,and the nlow eritto the floor\b Pl ace your foot here Pul lon upr ight Li ft her e

1\f HOWTO EXE RCISE ONTHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCIS ER Tomou nt th e ellip tical exerciser, holdthe han dleba rs andstep onto the pedal that is in the lowe rposition\b Then, stepont o the oth er peda l\bPush thepeda lsun til the ybeg into move withacontinu ousmotion \bNote : Thecrank arms canturnin either direc tion. Itis re com mended thatyouturn thecrankarms inthe dire ction show nby the arr ow; howev er,for variety , you canturn thecrank arm sin the opposite direc- tion. To dismou ntthe elli ptical exer ciser, wait until the ped - als come toacom plete stop\bNote: Theellipti cal exe rcise rdoe snot haveafree whee l;the pedals wil lconti nuetomov euntil the fly whe elstops. Wh enthe ped alsare sta tiona ry,step offthe hig he r ped alfirst \bThen ,ste poff the lower pedal\bHO W TO CHANG E TH EIN CLI NE OF THE RAMP To vary th e mot ion ofthe peda ls, youcan change the incline ofthe ram p\b To change the incline, pressthe lat ch button ,pul lthe ram phandl e,andraise orlower the ram pto the desi red incl in e level \bTh en, release the lat ch button and engag ethe lat ch pin into one ofthe adj ust ment hol es in the fram e\bThe white lineonthe lat ch button must bevisibl e or th e latch pinis not fully eng aged\b Make sure that the lat ch pin isfirm ly engage din one ofthe adjus tm ent holes inthe frame . Peda ls Crank Arm Han dleb ars Ram p Hand le R am p Lat ch But ton

14 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Therevo lutiona ryconsol eoffer san array of fe atures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable\b Whe nyou usethemanual mode ofthe console, youca nchan gethe resistance ofthe ped als wit hthe touchofabutton \bWhi leyouexercise ,th e co nsole willdisplay continuou sexer cise fe edba ck\bYou canalso measur eyo ur hear trate using the handgrip pulse sensor\b Inaddit ion,the con sole offerstw elve train erwo rko uts and six weig htloss workou ts\bEach workou tautomati - cally chan gesth e resistance ofthe pedals asitgu ides yo uthrou ghaneffective worko ut\bYou canevenconn ectyour MP3 playe ror CD player to the conso leʼs soun dsyste mand listen toyour favo rite musi cor audi obooks whi le you exerci se\b Touse the manua lmode, seepage 15\b To use a tra ine rw orkout ,see page17\b Touse awe ight loss work out,seepage 18\bTo randomly selectawor k- out ,see page 18\bTo use the sound syste m, see page 19\b To cha nge consol ese ttings, seepage 19\b Note:If there isashe etof clear plasticon the face of the consol e,rem ove the plas tic. CONS OLEDIAG RAM

15 HOWTO USE THEMANUALMODE 1. Begi npe dal ing orpress any button onthe cons oletoturn onthe cons ole. Amo ment after you begin peda lin g or press abut - to n, atone will soun d,and thedispla ywill light\b 2.Selec tthe manual mode. Each time youturn o n the con sole, the man ualmod ewill be se lecte d\bIf you have select eda worko ut,re sele ct th e manu almode by pre ssing anyof th e workou tbut tons rep eated lyunt il zero sappe arinthe displ ay\b \f. Change theresistance ofthe peda lsas des ired. As you pedal, cha ngethe resis - ta nce ofthe pedals by pre ssing the Resist ance incre ase and decrea sebut tons\b Note: Afteryo upre ssthe but - to ns, itwill take amo men tfo rthe pedals to reach th e select edresista ncelevel\b 4.Foll owyour progr esswith the displ ay. The lowerleft dis- pla y—As you exe rcise, the lower left displa yca n sho wthe elapse d time and the dis - ta nce (inmiles orkilom eters)tha tyou have peda led\b Note: Wh enaworko utisse lect ed,th e disp lay will showthe timerem aini nginthe workout instea dof the ela psed time \bThe low erright dis pla y—T helowe r righ tdis pla y ca n show the you rped - alin g spee d(in mi les or kil om eter s per hour)and the app roxi mat e nu mber ofcal ories that you have burn ed\b Thedispl ay also show s yourheartrat e when you use the han dgrip pulse se nso r(s ee ste p 5on page 16)\b The uppe r display—Th eupper dis pla y ca n sho w the ela pse dtime , the dis ta nc ethat yo uhave pedaled , your pedalin gsp ee d, and the appro xima te numb er of ca lo rie syo uhav eburn ed\b Pre ssthe Display but- to n re peat ed lyun tilthe upp er disp lay show sth e inf orma tionthat yo uare mo stinte re sted invie wing \b Note: W hile informa tionis sh own inthe upperdis - pla y,the sa me info rma tion will not be shown inthe lowe rle ft or lowe rrig ht dis pla y\b The low er dis play—The low er displ ay will sh ow a track repre se ntin g 1/4 mile (40\f met ers )\b As yo u ex ercis e, in dic ato rs will appe ar in su cc essio n around the track until th e entire track appears \bTh e track will th en disa ppea rand the indicator swill again begintoappear insucc ession To change the vo lume levelof the co ns ole, pres s the Volume incre ase and decrea se buttons \b Note:The consol eca nshow pedal ing speed and dista nce in eith er mi les or ki lom eter s\b To view or change the unit of me asur ement ,see HOW TO CHAN G E CO NSO LE SETTI NG S on page 19\b

16 5.Mea sure your heartrat eif desire d. If there aresheet s ofclea rpl ast icon the metal con - tac tson the handgri ppul se sensor ,remov e theplas tic.To mea sure your heart rate,holdthe h andg rippuls e sensor withyour palms resting against the met alcontacts\b Avoidmoving your handsorgrippi ng the contac tstightly. Wh enyou rpulse is detect ed,a fla shing heart symbo lwill a ppea rin the dis - pla y, an dthe nyour heart ratewill appea r\bFor the most accura tehear trate reading, hold the con tacts forat lea st15 seco nds\b Note: If youcontinue tohold the handg rip pul se sensor, th e displa ywill showyour heart rate forupto30 seco nds\bIfthe displ ay does not showyour heartrate, make su re that your hands are posi tioned asdescr ibed\b Becareful not to move your hands exce ssivel yor to squeeze the met al con tacts tigh tly\b For optim al perfo rm an ce, clean the met al contacts using asoft clot h; nev eruse alcohol ,abras ives, orchem i- cal sto clean thecont acts. 6.Turn onthe fan if desi red. Press the Fan but ton repea tedly to turn onthe fan orto tur noff the fa n\b N ot e: If th e pe dals donot move for abou tth ir ty seco nds, the fan will turnoff aut omatica lly\b 7. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole will turn offaut oma tic al ly . If the pedal sdo not move for sever alseconds, a tonewill so und and the consol ewill pause\b If the pedal sdo not move for sever alminutes and thebuttons are not presse d,the con sole will tur n off and the disp lay will be reset \b Contacts

17 HOW TO USEA TR AINER WOR KOU T 1. Begin pedaling orpress any button onthe consol eto turn onthe console. A momen taf teryo ubegi nped aling orpress abut - ton,a tone willsound, andthe displ aywill light\b 2.Sele ctatra ine rwork out. Toselect atrain er workou t,pre ssthe Int erval, Varia ble, Plat eau ,Mou ntain, W alk/ Run, or Te rrain button re pe ate dly untilthe n ame ofthe d esire dwo rkou t app ears inthe dis - play \bThe worko ut time and aprof ile of the resistance level sfo rth e wo rkou twill also appear in the displ ay\b \f. Begin pedaling tostar tthe workout. Each worko utisdivide dinto \f0, 30or45 one - min ute se gme nts\b One resistance level is prog rammed for each segm ent\bNote: Thesa me resista ncelevelmay beprog ram med for con secu - tive segme nts\b Th eresista ncelevel forthe first segme ntwill app ear inthe display forafew seco nds\b During the worko ut,th e workout profi lewill sh ow you r prog ress (seethe draw ingabove) \bThe flash ing se gme ntofthe pro file repr esents thecurre ntseg - mentofthe worko ut\bThe height ofthe flash ing se gme ntind icat esthe resistance levelfor the cur-rent segm ent \bA tthe end ofeach segment ofthe wor kout ,a ser ies of ton es will soun dand thenext segmentofthe pro file will begi nto fla sh\b Ifa differ - entre sist an ce level is pr og rammed for the next segment,th e resi stance leve lwi ll app ear inthe displ ay fo r a few secon dsto aler tyou \bThe resi s- tance ofth e pedal swill th en cha nge\b If the resi stance level for the curren tsegm entis too high ortoo lo w ,you canmanual lyover ride the setting by pr essi ngth e Resi sta nce buttons\b IM POR TA NT: When thecurre ntsegment ofthe workout ends, the pedal swi ll aut omatically adjust to the resi stance level progr ammedfor the next segme nt. Thewor kout will co ntin ue in thi s way until thelast segmentends\b Tostop the wor kout atany tim e, stop pedal ing\b Aton ewi ll sou nd and thetime will st op count ing\b Torest artthe wor kout, simply resum epedal ing\b 4. Foll owyour progres swit h the display. Seestep 4on page 15\b 5. Measure yourheartrate if des ired. S ee step5on pa ge 16\b 6. Turn onthe fan if des ire d. See step6on pa ge 16\b 7. Whe nyou arefinis hed exerci sing, theconsole will tur nof faut omat ical ly. S ee step7on pa ge 16\b Prof ile

18 HOWTOUSE AWEIGHT LOSSWORKOU T 1.Begin pedal ing orpres sany button onthe console toturn onthe console. Amo men tafter you beginpedal ingorpre ssabu t- to n, atone will sound ,and thedisp laywillligh t\b 2. Select awei ght loss workout . Tosele ctawe ight loss worko ut,pre ss the Wt \bLoss button un tilthe name of th e de sired worko ut appears inthe dis - pl ay \bTh eworko ut timeand apr ofile of the resist ance lev- els fo rthe wor kout will also appear in the disp lay\b \f. Begin pedal ing tosta rtthe work out. Each worko utisdivi ded into 30one-minu teseg - ments\b One resist ance levelis pr ogr am med for ea ch seg men t\bNote :The sameresi sta nce level maybe progr amme dfor conse cutive segme nts\b There sista ncelevel forthe first segment will appear inthe disp lay fo r a few seconds\b Durin g the worko ut,the worko utprofile willshow your progre ss(se ethe dra win gabo ve)\b Thefla shing se gmen tof the profi lerep rese ntsthe current seg- me ntofthe wo rkou t\bThe height of th e fla shing se gmen tindica testhe resi sta nce level fo r th e cu r- re nt seg men t\bAtth e en dof each segmen tof the wo rkout ,a se ries ofton eswill soun dand thenext segmen tof the profi lewill begi nto flash\b Ifa differ - entresist ance levelis pr ogr ammed forthe next se gmen t,the resistan celevel will ap pear inthe display fora few sec onds toaler tyou\b Theresis - tance of the peda lswill then chang e\bIfthe resi stance leve lfor the current segm entis to o high ortoo low ,you can manu ally overr ide the setting bypressi ngth e Resi stance buttons\b IMPO RTA NT: When the current segment ofthe wor kout ends,the pedal swill autom atically adjust to the res ista nce leve lprogram medfor the next segment . Thewor kout will cont inue in thi s way until thelast segm entends\b Tostopthe wor kou tat any tim e, sto pped aling\b Aton ewill so und and the tim e wi ll sto pcoun ting \bTo re st art the worko ut, sim ply re sum eped alin g\b 4. Follow your progre ss wit h the display. See step 4on page 15\b 5. Measure yourheart rat eif de sired. Se estep 5on page 16\b 6. Tur non the fan if des ir ed. Se estep 6on page 16\b 7. When youarefini shed exer cising, theconsole will turn offaut oma tic al ly . Se estep 7on page 16 HO WTO RANDO M LY SELECT A WORKOUT To rando mlyse le ct one of th e tr ai ner orweight loss wo rko utsfor your exercise sessi on,press theRandom button once\b The name of a wor kout, theworkout time, andapro file of th e resi stance levelsfo r the wo rko ut will ap pear in th e displ ay\b You canthe nstar tthe wor kout if de sired oryou can press the Ran dom button asecon dtime torandoml y select anot hertraine ror wei ght loss workout\b You canalso press the Random button athird tim e to re turn to the man ual mode \b Prof ile

19 HOWTO USE THESOUN DSYSTEM To play music oraud ioboo ksthro ugh theconso leʼs so und syste mwh ile you exer cise,plug anaudio cable (not includ ed)int othe jack on the console andin to a jack onyou rMP 3player orCD player; mak esur e thatth eaudio cable isfully plugge din. Ne xt, press theplay button onyour MP3 player orCD player\b Adju stthe volume level usingthe volum eco n- trol onyour MP3 player orCD player\b HO WTO CHANGE CONSOLE SETTINGS Thecon sole feature sa user mod ethat allows youto se lect aunit ofmea surementand abackl ightoption for the console andto view consol eusage informatio n\b 1.Selectthe usermo de. Toselect the use rmod e,press andhold down the Displa ybu tton for afew seco ndsuntil the user mod einfo rmat ionappe arsinthe disp lay\b 2 Selecta bac klight option ifdesir ed. The console has th ree backlight option s\bThe ON option keeps the backlight on while th e co nso leison\b The AUT Oop tion kee psthe backlight on on lywh ile you are pedaling\b The OFF option turns the ba cklig htoff\b The upperdisp laywill show thecurrently selected backlight optio n\bPress theResi stance incre ase butto nrepe ated lyto select thedesi redbacklight option \b\f. Select auni tof measur ement ifdesire d. Theconsol eca nshow peda ling speed and dis- tance in either mile s or kilom ete rs\b The lo we rrigh tdi spl ay will sh ow the selected unit ofmeasu reme nt\bA n E forEn glish miles oran M formet ric kil om eter swill appe arin the lower right di spl ay\bTo change the unitof me asurement, press the Resi stance decrease button rep eatedl y\b Not e: Whe nyou replace the batter ies, itmay be necessaryto resel ectth e uni tof measurem ent\b 4. View cons oleusage inform ation ifde sired. The lo we rle ft disp la y will sh ow the total numberof hours th at the con solehas been usedsince the ellipt ica lexer ciser was pur cha sed\b 5. Exi tthe user mode. Press the Displ ay but ton to save the con sole set- tings andexi tthe use rm ode\b

20 Inspectandtighte nallpar tsof the elliptical exerciser re gularly \bRep lace anywor npar tsimmedia tely\b To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand a small amountofmild soap\b IMPORT ANT:To avoid da mage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole does not displ ayyou rheart rate when youho ldthe hand grip pul se sensor, orifthe displaye d heartrat eapp ears to be too highor too low, see step 5on pa ge 16\b HO WTO ADJ UST THEDRIVE BELT If the pe dals slipwhile youare peda ling,eve n while the resista nceis adjusted tothe high est level,the drive belt ma y nee dto be adju sted\bTo adju stthe drive belt,first us eafla tscre wdriverto ro tate the righ tDisc (71) counte rclockwise \bThe n, remov ethe righ tDisc from the right Disc Mount(7\f)\b Locate and loosen theM10 x\f\fm mBo lt(89)\b Next, tighten the M8 x38m mHe xScrew (88)untilthe Drive Belt (11 3)istig ht\bThe n,retighten theM10 x\f\fmm Bolt \b Re attach theright disc byrotati ngit clockwise into the right disc mount \bHO WTO ADJU ST THE REED SWI TCH Ifthe consol edo es not disp lay cor rect feedba ck,the reed switch shoul dbe ad just ed\bTo adjust thereed swi tch, fir st use aflat scr ewdriver to rotate theleft disc cou nter clo ckwi se\bThen, rem ove the left disc from the leftdi sc moun t\b Locate the Re ed Switc h(3 8)\b Loo sen, but do not remo ve,the indic ate dM4 x16 mm Reed Switc hSc rew (69 )\bSlid ethe Re ed Switc hsligh tlyclo se rto or aw ay from aMagnet (43 )on the Pulley (1 9)\b Th en, ret igh ten the M4 x16mm Screw\b Turn th e Pu lleyfo ra mom ent\b Re pea tuntil th e co nso le disp lays corre ct fe edb ack\b Reat tach th e lef tdi sc by rot ating itclockwise into the leftdi sc moun t\b HOWTO GREA SE THERO LLE RS See the EXPLO DED DRAWI NG near theend ofthis manu al\bIf the Rol le rs (5 1) squ eakwhen movingon the Ramp (3) ,appl ya sma ll a mo unt ofwhite mari ne grea seequ ally to each Roller \bS pr ead thegrease evenly ar ound th e Rol ler s\b Pedal the elliptical exercis- erunt ila thi n film of gr ease is dist ributed alongthe Ramp;wipe off any exce ssgrea se\b MAIN TEN ANC EAND TROU BLESHOOTING 89 7\f 71 113 43 38 69 88 19