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ProForm 995 C Manual

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    12.Firmly tight enthe four the3\f8" x2 3\f4 "Bo lts (7)
    and the four 3\f8" x1 1\f4" Bolts (8) (onl yone
    side issh own ).
    Pre ss theLe ftBase Cove r(82) and the Righ t
    Base Cover (83) onto theBase (94) until they
    sna pinto pla ce.12
    11. Set the con sole assem blyon theLeft Hand rail
    (88 )an dthe RightHa ndr ail(87) .Be care fulnot
    topinch any wires. Inser tthe exce ssUpr ight
    Wire (not sho wn) into theLeftHandrail .
    Attach the con sole assem blywith six #8x1\f2 "
    Scre ws (1)andfour 1\f4 "x 1\f2" Bolts(36) with
    fo ur 5\f1 6" Fla tWasher s(1 13) and four 1\f4 "Sta r
    Washe rs(35 )as sho wn. Star tall six Screws
    and allfour Bolts \ba nd then tight eneac hof
    See step 7.Fu lly tighten thefour 5\f16" x1"
    Bolts (5)and the two 5\f1 6" x1 1\f4 "Bol ts(4).
    C ons ole
    Asse mbly
    13. Slidethe Left Handrai lCo ver (85) ontothe Left
    Han drail(88 ).Slid ethe Right Han drailC ov er
    (86 )onto the Right Handr ail(87 ). Atta chthe
    Han drailCove rswith two#8x1\f2" Scre ws(1).13
    14.Hold theLef tUprig htCover (79) agai nstthe
    con sole asse mbly. Align the holesinthe Left
    Uprig htCove rwit hthe holes inthe Left Uprig ht
    (89).Attach theLe ftUpr ightC over withthree #8
    x1\f2" Screws (1).
    Attac hthe Right Upr ight Cover(8\f) to the
    Right Upright (9\f) inthe sam eway.14
    Con sole
    Assem bly791
    15. Attach theLeftTray (107) andthe Right Tray
    (108) tothe cons oleassembly withfour #8x1\f2"
    Scre ws (1).
    Conso le
    A ssem bly
    17.IMP ORTANT: Beforeyoubegin thisstep\b
    mak esure that youhave read and followed
    all the instruct ionsinste p16.
    Raise theFrame (56) tothe position shown .
    Haveaseco ndperson holdthe Frame until
    thisstepis complet ed.
    Orie nt theSto rag eLatch (53) sotha tthe large
    b arrel and thelat ch kno bare oriented asshown.
    Attach the upper end ofthe Stor age Latch (53)
    to thebracke to n theFr am e(56 )wi th a3\f8" x
    13\f4 "Bo lt(6 )an da3\f8" Nut (12 ).
    Attach thelow erend ofthe Stor age Latch (53) to
    theBase (94) witha3\f8" x2" Bol t(3) anda3\f8"
    Nut (12).Not e:It may benecessar yto move the
    Frame (56)back and forth toalign the Storage
    Latch with theBase.17
    Lar ge
    Bar rel
    Lat ch
    16. IMPOR TAN T:See page 15and plug in the
    power cord .Next \bse epage 17 and turn on
    Then \bpres sthe Incline increa sebutton
    once .
    Whenthe fram estops moving\b remove the
    key from thecons oleand unplug thepower
    Make sure to fol low all
    instruct ions in thi sstep. 
    19.Mak esure thatall part sar eprope rly tig htened before you usethe treadmill. Ifthere areshee tsof plastic
    on the treadmill decal s,rem ove theplastic.To protect thefloor orcarpet, placeamat under thetreadmill .
    Not e: Ext rahardware may be include d.Ke ep the included hexkeys inasecure place;oneofthe hexkeys is
    u se dto ad just the walki ngbelt(see pages 26 and27).
    18. Attach theRear Feet(57) to theFra me (56 )as
    shown withfour #8x3\f4 "Scre ws(2).
    See step 16.Disc ardthepie ce ofcardb oard.
    Lower theFrame (5 6) (se eHOW TOLOWER
    THETR EA DMILL FOR USE on page 24).18
    You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h-
    perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil-
    icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking
    be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill
    cause excessi vewea r.
    You rtrea dmill, likeothe rel ectro nicequ ipment, canbe
    damag edbysudd envoltage chang esinyour homeʼs
    power. Todecre ase the risk ofdama gingyour
    treadm ill\balw aysuse asurge suppress orwith your
    treadm ill(see dra wing 1at the right). Topurchase
    asu rgesuppressor\b seeprecaut ion 12on page 3.
    U se onl yasingle-outlet surgesuppressor that is
    UL 1449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup-
    pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea
    UL suppressed voltageratingof4\f\f volts orless
    andami nimum surgedissipat ionof45\f joules.
    The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor
    12\fvol ts AC and 15amps. Theremust beamoni -
    tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e
    whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a
    pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor coulddam-
    agethe control system ofthe treadmill (see prec au-
    tion 13 on page 3).
    Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc-
    tion orbrea kdo wn, ground ingprovi des apath oflea st
    resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c-
    tric shock. Thisprod uctʼs powercord has an equ ip-
    me nt-gro unding condu ctor andagro undi ngplug.Plug
    the power cord intoasur gesuppressor\b and plug
    the surge suppre ssor intoan appropr iateoutletthatisproperl yinst alled and grounded in accor -
    dance wit h alllocal codes and ordina nces.
    IM PO RTA NT:The treadmi ll is not compatible with
    GFC I-equi pped outlet s.
    Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 120-volt circuit
    (see draw ing 1).A tem por aryad apter may beused to
    connectthe surg e suppr essorto a2-pole receptacl eif
    apr ope rly gr oun ded outlet is not availa ble(see draw -
    ing 2).
    The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a
    prope rly gr oun ded outlet (see draw ing 1)can bein -
    st alled byaqual if ied elect rici an .
    The gree n-col ored rig id ear ,lug, orthe like extending
    fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent
    groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover .
    Theadapt ermu stbe hel d in pla ce byameta lscr ew.
    Some 2-pol erece ptacleout let box cove rsare not
    grounded. Cont act aqual ified electrician to deter -
    mine if the out let box cover is grounded before
    usi ng anadapt er.
    DAN GER :Im proper connect ion
    ofthe equi pment-gr oundingconductorin-
    crea sesthe risk ofelect ricshoc k.Che ckwith
    aqua lified elec trician orser vicema nifyou
    are unsure whethe rthe product isproperly
    gro unded. Donot modif ythe plug—i fit w ill
    not fitthe outle t\bha ve apr oper outletin -
    stal led by aqual ified ele ctr ician.1
    2Grou nded Out let Box
    Gr ou nded Out let Box
    Gr ou ndi ng Plug
    S ur ge Sup pressor
    Su rgeSu ppr essor
    Groundi ngPin
    A dapt er
    MetalS cr ew
    Gro unded Out let
    G ro undi ngPin
    Gr ou ndi ng Plug 
    Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of
    fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec-
    tiv eand enjoyable.Whe nyou usethemanua lmo de,
    youcan chang ethespeed and incl ine ofthe treadmill
    wit hthe touchofabu tton. Asyouexercise, thecon-
    solewill displa yinstan texer cise feedback. Youcan
    ev en measu reyour heartrate usin gthehandg rippulse
    se nsor .
    Inaddit ion,th eco nso le feature stwenty onboard work -
    out s—f ivecalorie workou ts,five interva lworkou ts,five
    speed worko uts,and fiveendur anceworkouts. Each
    workout automa ticallycontr olsthe spee dand inclin eof
    the trea dmill asitguid esyou throug han effect iveexe r-
    cise session .
    Thecon sole alsofeature san iFit Live mod eth at en-
    able sthe tread milltocomm unicate with your wireless
    net work throu ghan optio naliFit Live modu le.With the
    iFitLive mode,you candow nload personal izedwork-
    outs,crea teyou rown wor kouts, track your worko utre-
    su lts, race aga inst other runner s,and access many
    otherfeatures. Topur cha sean iFit Live moduleat
    any time\b gotowww.iFit .com orcall the telephone
    number onthe front cover ofthis manual.You canalso connect to Nike plus. com throu ghthe op-
    tiona lP R O FOR MSYN C.Wi ththe SYNC, youcanuse
    anarra y ofto ol sto anal yze yourresults andmoni tor
    your pro gr ess towa rdyour fit ne ss goa ls. To purchase
    aSYN C at any time\b callthe telephone number on
    the front cove rof thi smanual .
    You caneve nlist en to your favo rite workout musicor
    audio books wit h theconsol eʼsster eo sound system
    while you exercise. Thistre adm ill has been desi gned
    speci fical ly to work wit h iP od and has beencerti fied by
    the devel oper to meet Apple per for mance standards.
    Toturn onthe pow er\b se epa ge 17. Touse the man -
    ualmode \bse epage 17.To use anonboard work-
    out \bse epage 20.To use an iFi tLiv ewor kout \bsee
    pa ge 21. Touse aPRO FORM SYN C\b see page 22.
    Touse the ster eo sound system\bseepage 22. To
    usethe inf orma tion mode\b seepage 23.
    IMP ORTA NT: Ifthere aresheet sof pla sticon the
    co nsol e\bremove the plast ic. To prevent damageto
    the wal king platfor m\b wea rcl ean athletic shoes
    whi le usi ng the tre admi ll. The first time you use the
    tre admi ll\b obser vethe alignm entofthe walking
    belt\band centerthe wal king beltif necess ary(see
    pa ge 27).
    IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto
    coldtemperature s\ballow itto wa rm to room tem -
    pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot
    dothis\b youmay damage the console displaysor
    other electri cal compone nts.
    Plug inthe power cord (see
    page15 ).Next, locate the
    power switch onthe trea d-
    mill frame near the power
    co rd. Press thepower
    swit chintothe reset
    IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo
    mode\b designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis -
    played inastore. Ifthe displays lightassoon as
    you plug inthe power cord and press thepowe r
    switch into theresetposition\b thedemo mode is
    turned on.Toturn offthe demo mode\b holddown
    theStop button forafe w seconds. Ifthe displ ays
    re main lit\b seeTHE INFOR MATION MODE onpage
    23toturn offthedemo mode.
    Next, stan don the
    foo trails ofthetrea d-
    mill. Find theclip at-
    tach edto the key
    and slide theclip
    ont othewaistb andof
    yo ur clot hes.Th en,
    inse rtthe keyint othe
    co nsole. Afte ra mo -
    ment, thedispla yswill light.IMPORTANT: Inan emer -
    gency\b thekey can bepulle dfr om theconsole\b
    causing thewalking belt to slow to ast op. Testthe
    cli pby care fully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe
    key isnot pulled from the console\b adjusttheposi -
    tion ofthe clip.
    No te: The console candispla ysp eed anddistance in
    eithermiles orkilo meters. Tofind which unit ofmea -
    surem entisselec ted, see THEIN FOR MATION MODE
    onpage 23. For simplicity, allinstru ctions inthis man-
    ual refer tomiles.HOW TOUSETH EMANUA LMODE
    1. Inse rtthe keyint othe consol e.
    SeeHO W TO TUR NON TH EPO WER atthe left.
    2. Sel ec tthe manua lmode .
    Press the Manua lbu tton on thecon sole. Ifyou are
    notconnect edto iFi tLi ve, the manu almode will be
    se le ct ed aut omatical ly.
    3. Star tthe walk ing belt.
    To star tthe wal king bel t, pr ess the Start button, the
    Speedincr ease button ,or one ofth e number ed
    QuickSpeed but to ns.
    If you press the Star tbu tto n or th e Spee dincr ease
    but ton, th e wal king beltwill beg into move at1
    mph .A s you exer cise, chang ethespeed ofthe
    wal king beltas desi re d by pressi ngthe Speed in -
    cr ea se and decrease but to ns. Each time you press
    one ofthebut tons, th e speed setting willchange by
    0.1mph ;if you hol d dow nthe butto n,the speed
    setting will cha nge in incr em ent sof 0.5 mph. Note:
    Af ter you press the but ton, it m ay ta ke amoment
    for the wal king beltto rea ch thesel ected speed
    If you press one ofthe numb ered Quick Speed but-
    tons,the walki ng beltw ill gr adua lly chan gespeed
    until it rea ches the select ed spee dsett ing. Tose-
    lect aspee dset ting tha tincl ude sa decimal —such
    as3.5 mph —pr esstwonu mb ered buttons in suc -
    cessi on. Fo rexa mple,to sel ect aspeed settingof
    3.5 mph ,pr ess the 3bu tton and then immediatel y
    press the 5but to n.
    To stop the wal king belt, pr ess the Sto pbutton.
    Th etim e will beg into flash in the display. Torestar t
    thewal king belt, pr ess the Sta rt but ton orthe
    Spe edincr ease button .
    4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired.
    To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill, press th e
    Incline increaseordecr ease butto nor oneof the
    numbere dQuick Incli ne buttons. Eachtimeyou
    press oneof the buttons, the treadmil lwill gradu -
    ally adju stto thesele ctedincl ine settin g.
    5.Foll owyour progr esswit hthe displays .
    Thematrix —Whe n
    youselecttheman ual
    mod e,thema trix will
    disp lay atrack that rep -
    rese nts1\f4mile (400
    met ers). As you exer -
    cise, theindic ators around thetrack willapp earin
    succe ssionuntilthe entir etrack appears. Thetrack
    will then disapp earand the indicator swi llagain
    begin toap pear insucce ssion.
    TheCalori es/Incline
    dis play —This display
    willshow the appr oxi-
    mat enumb erofcalo-
    ries you have bur ned .
    The displaywill also
    sho wtheincline ofth etrea dmillfor afew second s
    each time theinclin eof the treadm illchange s.
    TheTime display—
    This displa ywill show
    th e elap sed time.No te:
    Wh enanonb oar d
    worko utisse lecte d,
    th e displa ywill show
    th e time remain ing in the wor kout instead ofthe
    e la psed time.The Dist ance
    displ ay—T his displ ay
    will sh ow the dist an ce
    thatyou have wal ked or
    The Spee d/Pulse
    displ ay—Th isdispl ay
    will sh ow the speed of
    thewal king belt. The
    di sp la y will a lso show
    your hear trat ewhen
    yo uuse the hand grip pul se sensor (see step 6on
    page 19).
    The Cent erdispl ay —T hisdispl ay willshow wor k-
    out inst ruct ions, th e speed ofthe walking belt,and
    incl ine ofthe tr eadm ill.
    Pr ess the Hom e but ton to ret ur nto the star tmode
    (see THEINFO RM ATIO NMOD Eon pag e23 to
    setthe star tmo de). If necessa ry,press theHom e
    buttonagai n.
    Whe nan iFi tL ive mod -
    ule is conn ected to
    ww w.iFi t.com ,the iFi t
    Live sym bolne ar the
    top ofthe displ ay will
    li ght .
    Whe naPR O FO RM
    SY NC is con nect ed to
    the consol e,th e
    Ni ke\b iP od sym bolnea r
    thetop ofthe displ ay
    will light .
    To rese tthe displ ays, press the Stop button, re -
    move the key,an dth en rei nser tthe key. 
    6.Meas ure your heart ra te ifde sired.
    Before using
    the han dgrip
    pulse senso r,
    remo vethe
    she etsof
    pla stic from
    th e me talcon -
    ta cts on the
    pulse bar. In
    additio n,
    make sure
    th at you rha ndsare clean.
    To measu reyour hea rtra te,st and onthe foot
    railsan dhold the pul se bar with yourpal ms onthe
    met alco ntact s;av oid mov ingyour hands. When
    you rpu lse isde tecte d,sever aldash eswillappe ar
    and the nyo ur hear tra te will be sho wn. For the
    most accurate heartrate reading\b continue to
    holdthecontac tsfor about 15seconds.
    7. Turn on the fan ifde sired.
    The fanfea tures sev-
    era lspe edsettin gs.
    Pre ss theFan increase
    or decre asebutton to
    sele ctafan spe edor to
    tu rn off th efan. Note :If
    th e fan ison when the
    walkin gbelt issto pped,
    th e fan will turn off au to-
    mat ically after afew minutes.8. When youarefini shed exerci sing\b remove the
    key from the cons ole.
    Step ontothe foot rai ls, press th e Stop button, and
    adjust the incline ofthe treadmi ll to the lowest
    setting. The incl ine must beatthe lowest set-
    ting oryou may damage the trea dmill when you
    fol dit to the stora geposi tion. Next, remove the
    keyfr om the conso le and putit in ase cure place.
    Whenyou arefin ish ed using the tr eadmill, press
    the pow ersw it ch int othe offposi tion and unplug
    the pow ercor d.IM PO RTA NT: If you donot do
    thi s\b the trea dmi llʼs elect rica lcom ponent sm ay
    wear premat urel y.
    Cont acts
    FanDecr ease
    FanIncrea se 
    1.Ins ert the key into theconsole.
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 17.
    2.Sele ctan onboa rdwor kout.
    To select an onb oard wo rkou t,pr ess theCalorie
    b utto n,theInterval button ,the Spee dbutton, orthe
    Endure butt on repe atedl yuntil the desired worko ut
    appea rsinthedisp lay.
    W he nyo u se lect an onboard workout ,the displays
    wills h ow the maximum incline,theduration, the
    dist an ce ,the maximum speed,andth e na meof the
    work out. In ad dition, aprofi leofthe speed settings
    ofth e workout willappear inthe matr ix.Ifyou select
    aca lo rie workou t,the appr oximat enumber ofcalo -
    ries yo u will burn will appea rin the name ofthe
    work out.
    3. Startthe wor kout.
    Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n
    to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the
    butto n,thetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the
    first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold
    th e han drails andbe gin wal king.
    Each workou tis divided into segm ents. Onespee d
    setting and oneincline setting arepro grammed for
    each segme nt.Note :The same speedsetting
    and\fo rin cline settin g ma ybe pro grammed forcon-
    secu tivesegment s.
    Durin gthe workou t,th e
    pro file will show your
    pro gress. Theflash ing
    segment ofthe profil e
    represen tsthecurre nt
    segment ofthe work-
    out. The heigh tof the flashing segme ntindicates
    t h e sp ee dse tting forthe current segme nt.Atthe
    end ofeach segme nt,aser ies oftones willsound
    and the nextseg ment ofthepro file wil lbeg into
    fla sh. Ifa ne wsp ee dan d\for incli nesetting ispro -
    gra mmed forthe next segm ent,thenew spee d
    and\fo rin cline settin g wi llappear inthe displays for
    afew seco ndsandthe trea dmillw ill automatically
    a djust tothene wsp eed and\forin clin esetting .Thewor kout will cont inue in thi sway unti lthe last
    segm entofthe prof ile flashe sin the display andthe
    last segm ent ends. Thewal king beltw ill th en slow
    toasto p.
    Note :The calor ie goa lis an estimate ofthe
    number ofcal ories that you willburn during the
    w orkout .The act ual num berofcalories thatyou
    burn will depend onyour wei ght .In addit ion\bif
    you manual ly change the spe edorinc line of
    the treadmi ll dur ing the workout \bthe number of
    calories you burn will be affect ed.
    If the spe edorin cl ine setting is too high ortoo low
    atany tim eduring the wor kou t,you canmanual ly
    override the settin g by pressi ngthe Speed or
    Incl ine but to ns; how ever \bw hen the next segment
    ofthe workout begins\bthe treadmill willauto -
    matical ly adj ust tothe spee dand incline set-
    tings for the next segm ent.
    Tostop the wor ko ut ata ny tim e, press theStop
    button. The tim e will b egi nto flash in the displ ay.
    To resum ethe wor kout ,p re ss the Start button or
    the Spee dincr ease bu tto n.Th ewal king beltw ill
    begi nto move at1mph .Whe nthenext segment of
    the wor kout begi ns, the tre adm ill w ill automati cally
    adj ust to thespe edandincli ne settings forthe next
    segm ent.
    4. Follow your progr ess wit h the displays.
    See step 5on pag e18.
    5. Measure your heart rateif de sir ed.
    S ee step 6on pag e19.
    6. Turn onthe fan if de sired.
    Se este p7on page 19.
    7. When youarefini shed exercising\b remove the
    key from the cons ole.
    Se este p8on page 19.
    Cur rent Segm ent 
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