ProForm 80 Zt Treadmill Manual
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Serial Num ber Deca l Model No\bPFTL495 09\b0 Seria lNo\b Wri tethese rial number inthe space above forfutu rereference. CAU TION Read allp recauti onsandinstruc- tions inthi smanu albefore using this equipment\b Savethis manua l forfuture reference \b QUE STIONS ? Ifyou have questions\b orifpart sare dam aged ormis sing\b DO NO TCON - TA CT THE STO RE ;pl ease contact Cust om erCare\b IMPOR TANT: Please regist erthis prod uct (see thelimi ted warranty on the back cove rof thismanual ) beforecon tacting Custom erCar e\b CAL LTO LL-F REE : 1-888-533-1 333 Mon\b– Fri\b6a\bm\b –6 p\bm\b MT Sat\b 8a\bm\b –4p\bm\b MT ON THE WEB: www\b proformser vice\bcom USER 'SMANUAL www\bproform\b com

TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARNING DECALPL ACEMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTA NTPRECAUT IONS................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................5 A SSEMB LY...............................................................................6 OPERA TIONANDADJUSTM ENT............................................................13 HO WTO FOL DAND MOVE THETREADMIL L..................................................21 TROUB LESHOO TING.....................................................................22 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................25 P ART LIST ..............................................................................26 E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................28 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWARRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover \f WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT This drawing shows thelocati onsofthewa rnin g decals. Ifadeca lis missing orille gible ,ca llthe tel ephone numberon the front coverofthis manua land reque stafr ee repla cement decal\b Apply thedecal inthe loca tion shown\b Note: The decals maynotbe show nat actu alsize. PRO FORM isare giste redtrad em arkof ICON IP\bInc.

3 1\b Be fore beginning anyexercise program, con- sult your physi cian\bThis isespec ially impor - tant for pers onsoverage 35orpersons with pre-existing healt hproblem s\b \f\b It is the responsibility ofthe owner toens ure thatall use rsofthis treadm illareadequa te ly informed ofallw arnings andprecautions\b Us ethe treadmi ll only asdescr ibed\b 3\b Pla ce the trea dmill onalevel surfac e,with at least8ft\b (\f\b4 m) ofcle ara nce behind itand \f ft\b(0\b6 m) oneach side\b Donot placethe treadmi llon any surf ace that block sair open - ings\b Toprotec tthe floor orcar pe tfr om dam- age, placeam at under the trea dmill\b 4\b Ke ep the trea dmill indoors ,away frommois- tureand dust \bDo not putthe tr eadmil lin a ga rage orcove red patio,ornear water\b 5\b Do not operate the tre admill whe re ae rosol produc tsare used orwher eoxygen isbeing admini stered\b 6\b Ke ep chil dren underage 1\fand petsaway from thetreadm illat all tim es\b 7\b The treadmi llshould beused only bypersons wei ghing \f50 lbs\b (113kg) orless\b 8\b Ne veral low morethan oneperson onthe treadmi llat atime\b 9\b Wea rappropriat eexer cise clothe swhile us ing thetrea dmill\b Donot wearloose clothe stha tcoul dbecom ecaught inthe tre admi ll\bAthl eticsupport clothes are recom - mended forboth menandwom en\bAlwa ys wearathl etic shoes ;neve ruse the trea dmill with \bare \feet,wear ing only stockings, orin sanda ls. 10\b W hen conne ctingthepower cord(seepage 13),plug thepower cordinto asurge sup- pressor (not included) andplug thesurge suppres sorinto agrounded circuit capable ofcarrying 15ormore amps\b No ot her appliance shoul dbe on the same circui t\b Do not use an extens ion cor d\b 11\b Useonly asin gle -out letsurgesu ppr ess or that me ets all ofthespe cif ic ati o ns descr ibe don pa ge 13\b To purc ha se asu rg esu ppr ess or, see your local PRO FORM de aler or callthe tele - phone number onthe front cover ofthis man - ual and orde rpa rtnum ber 146 148,or see you r loc ale lec tron icssto re \b 1 \f\b Fai lur eto use apro perly fun ctio nin gsurg e sup pre ssor co ul dre sul tin dam ag e to theco n- tr ol sys tem ofthe tread m ill\b If the contro lsy s- te m isdam ag ed ,th ewa lkin gbe ltmay slow, acce lera te ,o r sto pun expe cte dly ,wh ic h ma y re su ltin afa lland seri ou sin jur y\b 1 3\b Keep the pow ercord andthe surge suppres- sor away from heated surf aces \b 14\b Never move the walk ing belt while thepower is turned off\bDo not oper atethe tre admill if the pow ercord orplug isda maged, orifthe treadm illis not worki ngproper ly\b(See TROU - BLE SH OOTI NG onpage \f\fif the treadm illis not working prope rly \b) 1 5\b Read, underst and, and test the emergency stop proc edur ebe for eus ing thetre ad mill (se e HOW TO TURN ONTHE POW ERon page 15)\b 1 6\b Never sta rt the tr ea dmi ll w hi le you are stand - ing onthe wal king belt\b A lw ay shold th e handra ils whi le usi ng the trea dmi ll\b 1 7\b The treadm illis capabl eof high speeds\b Adj ust the spe edinsm allincre ments toavoid sudden jumps in speed\b 18\b The pulsesens orisnot amedica ldev ice\b Vari ous fact ors, incl udi ngthe use r'smove - ment,may affect the accur acyofheart rate rea dings \bThe pulsesensor is int ende donly as an exerci seaid in det erm ini ng heart rat e trends in genera l\b WARNING:To reduce therisk ofser ious inj ury, read allimportant precautions andin- structi onsin thi sm anual and all warnings onyour treadmill befor eusing your tr eadmill\b ICONas- sumes norespons ibilityfor per sonal injuryor prope rtydam agesustained byorthrough theuse of thisproduct\b IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIO NS

4 19\bNeve rleav ethe treadm illunat tende dwhile it isrunning\b Alwa ys remov ethe key,un plug the pow ercord, andswitchthe reset/ offcir - cuit brea kertothe offposit ionwhe nthe treadmi llis not in use\b (See the draw ing on page 5for the loc ation ofthe circuit break er\b) \f0\bDo not attempt to raise, lower ,or move the treadmi llunti lit is proper lyas sembl ed\b (See ASSE MBLY onpage 6,and HOW TOFOLD AND MOVETHE TREA DMILL onpage \f1\b) You mustbe able tosaf ely lift45lbs \b(\f0 kg) to rai se,low er, ormove thetr eadmi ll\b \f 1\bWhe nfoldi ngormoving the treadmil l,m ak e sure thatthestor age latchis holdi ngthe frame secure lyin the stor age posi tion \b \f\f\bNeve rinser tany object intoany opening on thetreadmi ll\b\f 3\b Inspect andproperl ytight enallpar tsof the treadmi ll regul arly\b \f4\b D AN GER :Alwa ys unpl ug the pow er cord im me diatelyafte rus e,be fore clea ning the tread mill,an dbefo reper formin gthe mainte - nanc eand adj ust me ntproce dures des cribed in thi sm anu al\bN ev er remo ve the mot or ho od un - less instru cted to do so by an authori zed ser- vice represen tative\b Ser vici ngother than the proce dure s in th is ma nua ls ho uldbe perfo rm ed by an authoriz ed ser vice repr esent ativeonly\b \f5\b Thi streadmi ll is int ended for in- hom euse onl y\bDo not use this tre admi ll in acomm er- cial,rent al,or inst it uti onal setting\b \f 6\b Over exercising may resultin serious injury ordeat h\bIfyou feel fai nt or if you exper ience painwhi le exe rcising, stop imme diate ly and cool down\b SAV ETHESE INSTRUCTI ONS

5 Thankyou for selecti ngthe new PROFORM®8.\f ZT treadmi ll. The 8.\fZTtreadm illoffer sa sel ection offea - tures designed tomake yourworkouts athome moreef- fective andenjoy able. Andwhen youʼr enot exer cising\b thetreadm ill can befolded up\brequir ingless than half the floor space ofother treadm ills. Foryour bene fit,rea dthis manual carefully before using thetrea dmill\b Ifyou have questi onsafterread -ing thi sma nual \bpl ease seethe fr ont cover ofthisman - ual.To helpus assi styou\b notethe product model num beran dser ialnu mber bef or econtacting us.The model numberan dthelo ca tio n of the serial num ber deca lar esho wnon thefron tcove rof this manual. B ef or ereadi ngfur ther \bpl ease revi ew th e drawing bel ow and fam iliar ize yoursel fw it h thelabeled parts. BEF OREYOU BEGIN Ha ndr ail Up right A ccessory Tray Key/Cl ip Reset/Off C ir cui tB reaker Wa lking Belt Plat form Cushi on FootRa il Pow erCor d Idler Roller Adjustme ntBoltsC onsol e Pul se Sensor

6 ASSEMBLY Tohir ean authorize dser vice technician toassem blethe treadmill, call1-800-44 5-\f480\b Assembly require stwo persons \bSet thetread millinaclea redarea andremove all packing materials. Donot dispos eof the packing materials until assembly iscompl eted\bNote :The underside ofthe treadmill walking beltiscoa tedwit hhig h-per forman celubrica nt.During shipping \bsome lubricant maybetransferred tothetop of thewalking belt orthe shippi ngcarton. This isno rmal anddoes notaffect trea dmill performance. Ifthere islubri - cant on top ofthe walking bel t\b sim plywip eoff thelu brica ntwith asoft clothand ami ld\b non -abrasive cleaner. As sembly require sthe included hexkeys and your own Phillips screwdriver ,adjustable wre nch ,a nd sciss ors \b Usethedrawing sbelow toidenti fythe assembly hardware. The number inparenthe sesbelow eachdrawing is the key numb erofthe part\bfrom the PART LIST near the end ofthis manual. Thenumbe rafter theparentheses isthequ ant itynee dedfor assem bly.Note: If a par tis not in the hardware kit,check tosee ifitis preatt ached toone ofthe parts tobe assem bled\b Toavoid dam aging plastic parts,donot use power toolsforassem - bly\bExtra hardwar emay beincluded\b Base FootSpacer (94)–2 M8Star Washer (10)–8 M10 Star Washer (9)–43/8Locknut (6)–11/4Star Washer (73)–2 M4x16mm Screw (37)–12 M10x95mm PatchBolt(8)–2 BoltSpacer (90)–4 M4.2x25mm Tek Screw (3)–4 3/8 x1 3/4 Patch Bolt(7)–2 M8x25mm Patch Bolt(5)–6 M5x16mm Bolt (108)–2 5/16x5/8 Patch Bolt(113)–4 M10 x68mm PatchBolt(114)–2

7 1.Mak esure that thepower cord isunplugged\b With the help ofa second perso n\bcareful lytip th e trea dmill ontoits left side. Parti allyfol dthe Frame (56)so tha tth etrea dmillis more stable; do not fully fold theFram eyet \b Cut theshipp ingtie secur ingthe Upri ght Wire (88)to the Base (95) .N ext\b locate aplastic tiein th e indica tedhole inthe Base \ban duse thetieto pull th eUprigh tWire outofthehole . 95 56 1 88Hol e 2. Attach two Base Feet(92) tothe Base (95)in t h e locat ions shownwith twoM4.2 x25mm Tek Scre ws (3)andtwo Base FootSpacers (94). Attach the othe rtwo Base Feet(92) with only two M4. 2x25mm TekScr ews(3) . 953 92 2 923 3 92 3 92 94 94

8 3.Remo vethe M1\fx5\fm mBolt (31)\b theM1\f Nut (19)\band theshipp ingbracke t(A) fromthe Base (95).Attach aWhee l(97) with the Boltan dthe Nut that you just remove d.Do not overtighten theNut; theWheel must tur nfr eely\b Discard th e sh ipp ing bracket. Pre ss aBa se Cap (87)intotheBase (95). 31 19 A 3 97 95 87 4.Ident ifythe Righ tUpr ight(89) and theRight Uprig htSp acer (91)\b which aremarke dwith “Righ t”stickers. In sert theUp righ tWir e(8 8) through theRig ht Uprig htSp acer (91) as sh own .The n\bsetthe Righ tUp righ tSp ace ron the Base (95). With the help ofasecond person\b holdthe Righ t Uprig ht(89 )ne ar the Base (95) .See theinset drawi ng\bTie thelong tiein theRi ght Uprig htse- cure lyaro undtheen dof the Upr igh tW ire (88 ). The n\bpu llth eothe rend ofthe longtie until the Uprig htWire isrou tedcom pletel yth rou ghthe Righ tUp righ t.4 Long Tie 89 88 95 88 89 91 88 Long Tie 5. Hold aBo ltSpa cer (9\f) insidethe lower end of th e Rig htUprig ht(89).Inser tan M1\fx95mm P atch Bolt(8 )wit han M1\f Sta rWa sher (9)in to th e Rig htUprig htand the BoltSpa cer. Repea t this stepwith asec ond Bolt Space r(90), M10 x68mm Patch Bolt (114) ,a nd M10 Star Wa she r(9)\b Hold theRigh tUpr ight (89 )aga inst theRight Uprig htSp acer (91). Be care fulnot topin ch the Upright Wire (88)\b Tighten theM1\fx95mm P atch Bolt(8 )and theM1\f x68 mm Patch Bolt (114)unt ilth ehe ads ofthe Patch Boltstouch th e Rig htUprig ht;do not fully tighten the Patch Boltsyet\b 91 89 11 4 88 9 9\f 8 5

9 6.Wit hthe help ofa second perso n\bcareful lytip th e trea dmill ontoits rig ht side. Parti allyfo ld the Frame (56)so tha tth etrea dmillis more stable; do not fully fold theFram eyet \b Remo vethe M1\fx5\fm mBolt (31) \bthe M1\f Nut (19)\band theshi ppi ng bracket (A)from the Base (95). Attach aWhe el(97) with the Bolt and th e Nu ttha tyou justremoved .Do not over - tighte nthe Nut; theWhe elmust turn freely\b Discard theshipp ing br acket. Pre ss aBa se Cap (87)intotheBase (95).6 95 97 31 56 19 A 87 7.With thehelp ofasecon dper son\b holdaBo lt Space r(9 \f) insid ethelow erend oftheLeft Up right (85). Insert anM1\f x95m mPatch Bolt(8) wit han M1\f Sta rW ashe r(9) into theLeft Upright andtheBolt Spa cer .R epeat thisstep with a second BoltSpacer(90),M1 0x68mm Patch Bolt(11 4),and M10 Star Washer (9)\b Holdthe LeftUp righ tSpace r(86) and the Left Up right (85) aga inst the Base (95) .Tighten the M1\fx95 mm Pat ch Bol t(8) and theM1\f x68mm Pa tch Bolt (11 4)until theheads ofthe Patch Bolts touch the LeftUprigh t;do not fully tighte nthe Pa tch Bolts yet\b With thehelp ofasecon dper son\b tip the trea dmill sothat theBa se (95) isflat onthe floor. 86 851148 95 9\f 9 7 8. Ident ifythe Left andRi ght UprightCovers (1\f9\b 11\f). Slid ethe Left Upright Cove ronto theLeft Uprig ht(85 )as sho wn.Sli de the Right Upright Cove ron totheRig htUpr ight(89) asshown . 1\f9 8 85 89 11\f

10 9.Set the con sole assem blyface down onaso ft surf ace toavo idscr atchi ngthe conso le. Carefully pivotthe Conso leFrame (111 )to the position shown .Id entify theLeft and Righ t Accessory Trays(1\f 4\b1\f6) .Attach the Acce ssory Traysto the console assemb lywith eig ht M4 x16 mm Screw s(3 7). Care fullypivotthe Conso leFrame (111 )ba ck down to the console assem bly.9 1\f4 111 Co nsol eAssem bly 37 37 1\f6 1\f. Ident ifythe Righ tHand rail(1\f1) .Remove thetie fro m theRight Handr ail.If necessa ry\bpress the M8 Cage Nut(34 )back into place. Hold theRigh tHan drail (1\f1 )nea rthe console asse mbly. Routethe consol ewi re aroun dthe side ofthe Rig htHa ndrailas show n\band th roug hthe slot inthe Right Han drail. A ttach the Righ tHan drail (1\f1 )to the Console Frame (111)and theconsol eassembly withtwo M8 x25 mm Pat ch Bolts (5)\btwo M8 Star Wa she rs(1\f )\band an M5 x16m mBol t(1\f8 ) with a1/4" Star Was her(73) .M ake sure the cons olewire isnot pinched\b Startall thre e Bolts before tighte ningany ofthem\b A ttach the LeftHand rail(not show n)as de- scribe dabo ve. Note: There isnot awire on theleftside\b 1\f1 1\f85 111 Sl ot Tie 1\f 1\f 73 C onsol e Wire C onsol e Assem bly 34