ProForm 80 Zt Treadmill Manual
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Page 11
11 12.Start anM8 x25mm Patch Bolt(5)and two 5/16" x5/ 8" Pat ch Bolts (113) with two M8Star Washe rs(1\f )in to theRi ght Upright(89) and Righ tHa ndrail (1\f1 )as show n.Do not tighten thePatc hBol tsyet\b Attach theLef tHa ndrai l(not shown )as de- scrib edabove .Then, fir m ly tight enallsix P atc hBolts \b 113 12 1\f 89 1\f1 5 11.Hav easecond person holdtheconsole assem- blynear theRight Upright(89) . Connec tthe Uprigh tWi re(88) tothe console wire.See theinset draw in g\b The connect ors...
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1\f 15.Make sure that all parts ar eproperl ytightene dbe for eyou usethetreadmill\b Ifthere aresheetsofclear plast icon the trea dmilldecal s\brem ove theplastic .To protect the floor orcarpet\b pla ce amatun der thetread - mill.Kee pthe inclu ded hexke ys in asecure place;on eof thehex keys isused toadjust thewalking belt(see pages23 and24) . 14. Raise theFra me (56) totheposit ion sho wn. Have ase cond person holdtheFrame until this ste pis complet ed\b Orientthe Sto rag eLa tch (6\f) sothat thelarge...
Page 13
13 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE-LUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT Yourtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil- icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m\b Such substance swill de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive wea r\b HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill\b likeanyother type ofsop histica ted electronic equ ipmen t\bcan be seri ousl ydama ged by su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe...
Page 14
14 FEATURE SOF TH ECON SOLE Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec- tiv eand enjoyable.Whe nyou usethemanua lmo de\b youcan chang ethespeed and incl ine ofthe treadmill wit hthe touchofabu tton. Asyouexercise\b thecon- solewill displa yinstan texer cise feedback. Youcan ev en measu reyour heartrate usin gthehandg rippulse se nsor . Inaddit ion\bthe console fea ture ssix caloriewo rko uts and six pe rfo rmance wor kouts. Eachworkou tau toma...
Page 15
15 HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ER IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem - pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power\b Ifyou donot dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts\b Plug inthe power cord (see page13 ).Next\b locate the reset/off circu itbrea ker on the trea dmill framenea rthe power cord.Switch thecir- cu itbre ake rto the reset po- sition. IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode, designe dto be used ifthe...
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16 5\bChange theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired\b To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill\b press th e Incline increaseordecr ease butto nsoroneof the numbere dIncline buttons. Each time youpre ssa butto n\btheincline willch ange by\f.5 perce nt. Ifyou pre ss oneof the numb ere dInclin ebuttons\b the tre admill willadjust tothe selected incli nesetting . Note:After you pres sa butto n\bit m ay take amo - men tfor the trea dmill toreach theselected incline setting . 6\b Foll owyour progr esswit hthe...
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17 HOWTO USE ACALOR IEWOR KOU T 1\b Ins ert the key into theconsole\b See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. \f\bSelecta ca lorie workout \b To select aca lorie workou t\bpr ess theCalorie Wo rkou tsbut tonrep eatedl yuntil thedesired work- outa pp ears inthedispla y. Whe nyo u se lect acalori ewor kout \bthe incl ine level ofth e workout willflash in the low erleft displ ay\bthe spe ed sett ing will flash in the low er right displ ay\b andthen the workout duration willapp ear in the upp er display....
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18 HOWTO USE APERFOR MANCEWORKOUT 1\b Ins ert the key into theconsole\b See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. \f\bSele ctape rforma nceworkout \b To select aperf orm ance wor kout\b press the Performa nceWorkouts button repeated lyuntil the desired worko utappea rsinthe displ ay. Wh enyou select aper forman ceworkout\b thema xi- mum incline level ofthe wor kout willflash inth e lo we rlef tdisp lay\b the maxi mum speed setting will fla sh inthe lower rightdisplay\b andthenthewo rk- outd ura tion...
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19 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORKOU T Topurch aseiFitcards\b gotoww or call the telephon enumb eron the front cover ofthi sm an ual. iFit cards arealso availab leat sel ect stores. 1\b Ins ert the key into thecons ole\b See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. \f\bIns ert an iFit car dand selec ta work out\b To use aniFit worko ut\binser ta n iFit card into the iFit slot; makesure that the iFit car dis orien tedso th e me talcon tacts are face- downand areinserte d into the iFit slot. Nex t\b se lect...
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\f0 THEINFORMAT IONMODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track ofthe totaldistan cethat thewalki ngbeltha s mo ved and thetotal number ofhour stha tthe treadmill has been used. Theinfor mation mode also allows you to select ameasu rementsystem ofmil es orkilome - ters\bandto turn on and turn off the disp laydemo mode. To select the informa tionmode\b holddow ntheStop but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol eand then release theSto pbutto n.When theinformati onmode is selected...