ProForm 490 C Instruction Manual
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2\f HOWTO LOW ERTHE TREA DM ILL FORUSE 1.Hold the upperend ofthe treadmil lwi th your right hand. Pu llthe latch knob tothe leftand holdit.Itmay beneces - saryto push thefra me forward as yo upull theknob to thelef t.Pivo tth efra me down wardand release thelatch knob. 2.Hol dthe meta lfra me firm lywit hboth hands and lower itto the floor. CAUT ION:D o not grip only theplas tic foot railsor drop the fram eto the floor. Bend your legs and keepyour back straight. Lat chKno b Fram e

22 TROU BLESHO OTING Mosttreadmi llproblem scan besolved byfollow ingthesim ple ste ps below .Find thesymptom that applies,andfollow the steps listed. Iffurther assistanc eis needed, seethefront cover ofthis manual . PROB LEM: The power doesnot turn on SOLU TION: a. Ma kesur ethat the power cordisplugg edinto asurge suppressor\b andthat the surg e suppressor is plug gedint oapr oper lygroun dedoutlet (seepage13). Use onlyasin gle-outl etsurge suppres - sor that meet sall ofthe speci fica tions descri bedon page 13 .IMPORTANT :The tre admi llis not compat iblewith GFCI\b equipped outlets . b. Af ter the power cordhas been plugge din\b mak esure thatth eke yis inser ted int o th e consol e. c.Ch eck there set/o ffcir cui tbr ea ker loca tedon the trea dmi llfram enear thepow ercord.If th eswi tch prot rud esasshow n\bthe circu itbr eake rha s tri pp ed. Toreset the circuit brea ker \bw ait fo r five mi nut es andthen press theswi tch back in . P ROB LEM:Thepower tur ns off dur ing use SOLU TION :a. Ch eck there set/o ffcircui tbrea ker(see thedrawing above). Ifth e circuit breaker hastripped\b wait for five minut esand then press the switch backin. b. Ma kesur ethat the power cordis plugg edin.Ifthe power cordisplugge din\bun plu g it\b wait for five minu tes\b an dthen plugitback in. c. Re move thekey from th e conso le.Re insert thekeyinto theconsole. d. If the treadm ill stil lwi llnot run\b please seethefront cover ofthis manua l. P ROB LEM: The console displays remainlitwhe nyou rem ove thekey from theconsole SOLU TION: a. Th econsol efeatur esadispl aydemo mode\bdesigne dto be used ifthe tread mill is displayed ina stor e. If th e displ ays remain lit wh en youre move thekey\b thedemo mode is tur ne don.To turn off thedem omod e\bhold down the Sto pbu tton forafe w seco nds. Ifthe displa ysare still lit \b see THE INFOR MATI ON MODE onpag e19 totu rn off th e demo mode. PROB LEM:Thedisplays ofthe cons oledonot function properly SOLU TION :a. Rem ovethekey from theconsole andUNPLUG THE PO WER CORD.Wi ththe helpof asecon d person\bcaref ully tip dow nthe Upri ghts (76\b81). T here maybetw o Bel lyPan Scre ws (A) inthe bot - tom oftheBel ly Pan (74) .If ther ear e\b remove them. Note:APhi lli ps screwdr iverwith ashaft atlea st5 in. (13 cm)long isrequir ed.Then\b raise the Uprights. TrippedR eset c A A 76 7481 a

23 Removethe thr ee #8x3/4" Screws(12) and care - fully pivot theMot orHo od (59) off. L ocat ethe Reed Switch (72) andtheMagn et(45) on theleft si de ofthePu lley(46 ).Tu rnthe Pulley u nt ilth eMa gnet isaligne dwi th the Ree dSwitch. Ma ke sur etha tthe gap betwe enthe Magnet and theRee dSw itc his about \f/8in.(3 mm ).Ifnec - essary\b loosenthe#8 x3/4" TrussHea dScrew (1 7)\b move the Reed Switch slig ht ly\b and then retig ht en the Scr ew. Reattach theMo torH ood (not shown )wi th the #8 x3/4 "Scr ews(no tsho wn). Reattach the Bell yPan Screws(n otsho wn)if ne c- e ssary. Runthe tr eadm ill for afew minu testo ch eck foracorr ectspeed read ing. PROB LEM: Theinclin eof the treadmil ldoes notchange correctly SOLU TION: a.With thekey inthe console\b press one ofthe Incline button s.While theincline ischang ing,re \b move thekey. After afew second s\bre-insert thekey. Thetreadmill willautomatically risetothe max imum incline level andthen retur nto the mini mum lev el.Thi swill recal ibrate theincline system. PROB LEM: The walking beltslows whenwalkedon SOLU TION: a. Use only asingle- outlet surge suppressor that mee tsall ofthe sp eci fications descri bed onpage 13. b.If the walkin gbelt isove rtightene d\btread millperfor - mance maydecrea seand thewal kin gbelt may be- come dama ged. Removethekeyand UNPL UG TH EPOW ER CO RD.Usi ngthe hexke y\bturn both idler roller bolt scoun tercl ockwi se\b1/4 ofa turn. Wh enthe wal king beltis proper ly tig hten ed\byou shou ldbe abl eto lift each edgeof the walking belt 2 to 3in. (5 to 7cm )off thewal king platform. Be caref ulto keep the walking bel tcen te re d. Then \b plug in the pow ercord\b insert thekey\b and run the treadm ill for afew mi nutes. Repeatuntil the walk- in g be lt is proper lytig htened. c. If the walkin gbelt stillslow swh en walked on\bse ethefron tcove rof thisma nua l. Top Vie w 45 17 72 1/8in. 46 Idl er Rol ler Bol ts 2–3 in. b 59 12

24 PROB LEM: The walking beltisoff\b center or slips whe nwalked on SOLU TION: a. If the walking beltisoff\bcenter ,fir st remove the key and UNPLU GTH EPOW ERCORD. Ifthe wal king belthas shift edto the left, use th e he x key toturn the leftidl er roller bol tcl ockw ise1/2 ofa tur n;if the wal king belt hasshif ted tothe right, turnthebolt count erclockw ise 1/2ofa turn. Be caref ulnot to over tighten thewal king belt. Then\b plug in the pow ercord\b insert thekey\b and run the treadm ill for afew mi nutes. Repeatuntil the walk- in g be lt is cent ered. b. If the walking belt slips when walked on,firstre - mo vetheke yand UN PLU GTHE POWER CORD . Using the hex key\b turnbothidler roll er bolts clock - wise \b1 /4 ofa tu rn .When the walking beltiscor - rectl ytigh ten ed\byou should beable tolift each ed ge ofth e walki ng belt 2to 3in. (5to7cm )off the wal kin gplatfo rm. Becareful to keep thewalk - ing be lt ce nter ed.Then\b plug inthe power cord\b in- se rtthe key\b andcareful lywal kon thetrea dmill for afew minut es.Repeat untilthe wal king beltis pr op erly tigh te ned . a b

25 Theseguidelin eswillhe lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise info rmation \bob ta in a rep utab leboo kor co nsul tyou rphysi cian.R eme mber\b pro per nut rition and adequa terest are essentia lfor successfu lre sults. EX ERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goa lis to burn fatortostrength enyou r card iovascula rsyste m\bexer cisingatthe proper inten- sityisthe key toach ievingresul ts.You canuseyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper intensityleve l. The chart below show sreco mmende dheart ratesfor fatburnin gand aerob icexer cise. Tofind the prope rintens itylevel \bfind your ageatthe bott omofthecha rt(age sare round edofftothe near - estten year s).The threenum berslisted above your age defineyo ur “tra ining zone .”The lowest numb eris the heart ratefor fat bur ning \bthe midd lenumbe ris the heart rate forma xim um fatbur ning\b and thehighe st number isthehear trate foraero bic exercise .BurningFat —To bur nfatef fect ivel y\byo umu stexer - cise atalow in te nsi ty level for asustained period of tim e. Du ring the fir st fe w minut esofexercise\b your body uses ca\fbo\byd\f ate cal o\fies foren ergy. Onlyafter the fir st few minut esofexer cise does yourbody begin to use stor ed fa tca lo\fie s for ene rgy. Ifyour goalisto bu rn fat\bad just the int ensi ty of your exercise until your heartrat eis near the low est num berinyour training zone. For maxi mum fat bur ning\b exercise with your heartrat ene ar the middl enu mber in you rtrai ning zo ne. Aer obic Exe rci se—I fyour goalis to streng th en your cardio vascul arsyste m\byou must perform aerobic exer- cise\b whi ch is act ivi ty th at req uire slarge am ounts of oxygen for prol onged perio ds oftim e. For aerobi cex - erci se\b adjust th e int ensi ty of your exercise until your heartrat eis near the highe stnu mber inyou rtrai ni ng zo ne. WOR KO UT GUID ELI NES Wa rm ing Up—Sta rtwit h5to 1\f minutes ofstretc hing an dlig ht exer cise .A war m- up in cr ea ses your body tem pera tu re \bhe artrat e\b and circul ation inpreparati on for exer cise. Tr aining Zone Exer cise —E xercise for 2\fto3\f min- ute swit h you rhear trat ein yo ur tr ai ning zone.(Duri ng the fir st few weeks ofyour exercise program\b donot keep your heartrat ein yo ur tr ai ning zon eforlonger t ha n2\f min ut es. )B reat heregu la rly and deepl yas you exercise –never holdyou rbr ea th. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to 1\f minu tesofstretch - ing .S tr et chi ng in cr eases the flexi bility of your muscl es andhel psto pr event post-exer cise problems. EXE RCI SE FRE QUEN CY To maint ain or impr oveyour condi tion\b compl etethr ee wor kout seach week\b with at least onedayofrest be- tween wor kou ts.Afte ra few mont hsofre gular exer- cise\b youmay co mp lete up to five workouts each week\bif desi re d. Reme mber\bthe key tosuccess is to make exer cise are gula rand enjo ya ble part ofyou r eve ryd ay life . EXE RCISE GUI DE LINES WAR NING:Bef ore beginni ngthis or any exerc iseprogra m,consult your physi\b cian .Thi sis es pec ially impor tant for persons over age 35orper sons withpre \bexisting he alth proble ms. Thepulsesensor isnot amedica ldev ice. Vari ous factors may aff ect the accura cyof heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor isin\b te nded onlyasan exe rcise aid indeterm ining heart rate trends ingener al.

26 PART LIST—M odelNo.PFTL49609.0R\f31\fA To locat ethe part slisted below \bsee theEXPLODED DRAWINGnear the end ofthis manu al. KeyNo. Qty. Descr iption Key No. Qty. Description 15 #8x3/4" TekScrew 24 #8x1" Tek Screw 311 4.2x16m mScr ew 44 3/8" x2" Bolt 52 #1\fx3/4" Scre w 64 3/8" x4" Bolt 74 3/8" x1 1/4" Bolt 84 3/8" Nu t 98 3/8" Sta rWa sher 1\f 8 #8x1/2" Screw 11 2 #8x1/2" Pan Head Scre w 12 17 #8x3/4" Screw 13 2 Base Pad Spacer 14 4 #8x1/2" BeltGuide Screw 15 1 Pulse Bar Bottom 16 2 #8x3/4" Endcap Screw 17 11 #8x3/4" TrussHead Scre w 18 2 #8x1 1/2" Screw 19 2 5/16 "x 1 1/2" Bolt 2\f 2 5/16 "x 5/8" Bolt 21 2 3/8" x1" Bo lt 22 1 1/4" x1" Bo lt 23 2 RearR oll er Bol t 24 1 3/8" x1 1/2" Bolt 25 1 3/8" x1 3/4" Bolt 26 2 3/8" x3/4" Bolt 27 2 #1\fStar Washer 28 8 #12x1 1/4" Scre w 29 2 DriveMotor Bolt 3\f 2 1/4" Flat Washer 31 2 1/4" Lock Washer 32 4 3/8" Jam Nut 33 4 5/16 "Fla nge Nut 34 3 HoodCl ip 35 6 #3x1/4" Screw 36 2 FootR ail D ecal 37 1 LeftFoot Rail 38 1 WarningDecal 39 2 PlatformCu shion 4\f 1 Walking Platfo rm 41 1 Walking Belt 42 2 BeltGuide 43 2 FrameCap 44 2 FrameSpacer 45 1 Magnet 46 1 DriveRoll er/Pul ley 47 1 Latch Cap 48 1 Storag eLatch 49 1 Latch Knob 5\f 1 RightFoot Rail51 1Fram e 52 2Rolle rB racket 53 1 Rear Ro ller Groun dWire 54 1Rig ht Rea rFoo t 55 1Lef tR ear Fo ot 56 1Rear Ro ller 57 1Hex Key 58 2Handr ailCa p 59 1Moto r H oo d 6\f 1Hood Accent 61 1Lif t Fr am e 62 1Lif t Fr am e Gro und Wire 63 3Wire Tie 64 1Drive Mot or Bel t 65 1Drive Mot or 66 1Incl in e Mo torWi re 67 1Cont rol lerG roun dW ire 68 1Pow er C or d 69 1Gro m met 7\f 1Reset /O ff C ircui tB re aker 71 1Cont rol ler 72 1Reed Sw itch 73 1Reed Sw itch Clam p 74 1Bel ly Pan 75 1Lef tC ollar 76 1Lef tU prigh t 77 1Incl in e Mo tor 78 1Incl in e Mo torS pace r 79 1Uprig ht Wire 8\f 4Bol tS pace r 81 1Rig ht Upr ight 82 2Base Cap 83 1Lef tU prigh tS pace r 84 1Rig ht Col lar 85 2Caut ion Decal 86 1Base 87 2Wheel 88 4Base Pad 89 1Rig ht Upr ight Spacer 9\f 215 1/2" Wire Tie 91 2Releasabl eTie 92 12 8" W ir e Tie 93 1Consol e 94 1Lef tTr ay 95 1Rig ht Tray 96 1Consol eBase 97 1Rig ht To pPu lse Plat e 98 1Rig ht Bot tom Pulse Plate 99 1Key Board 1\f\f 1Lef tTop Pul se Plat e

27 KeyNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description 1\f1 1 LeftBottom Pulse Plate 1\f 2 2 Plastic Tie 1\f3 1 Audio Wire 1 \f4 \f NotUsed 1\f5 1 AccessDoor 1\f6 2 FrontH and rai lCa p 1\f7 1 Key/Cli p 1\f8 4 Console Cla mp1\f 9 1 Rig ht Handr ail 11\f 1 Lef tH and rail 11 1 1 Pul se Bar Gro und Wire *– 8" B lue Wire\b M/F *– 1\f" Blue Wire\b 2F *– 12" Re dWi re \bM /F *– 1\f" Black Wire\b M/F *– User ʼs M anu al Note: Specifica tions are subj ecttochange witho utnotice .For info rmation about ordering replacement parts\bsee theback coverof this manu al.*Th ese parts are not illustrated .

4 49 48 8 17 19 19 20 23 2331 30 31 3054 10 14 1442 42 28 28 28 43 28 28 28 28 28 36 37 33 33 33 22 45 43 44 33 39 40 38 41 46 50 36 56 39 51 52 52 44 55 57 18 47 53 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 20 10 4 8 28 EXPLOD ED DRA WING A—Model No.PFTL496 09.0R\f31\fA

1 1 1 7317 72 34 34 12 11 10 10 68 69 70 10 67 59 63 7471 6221 21 61 6029 65 64 34 1 10 12 12 EXPLOD ED DRA WING B—Model No.PFTL496 09.0R\f31\fA 29

88 2 88 2 88 2 4 87 87 4 6 9 9 79 79 25 24 32 32 77 26 26 32 32 82 82 76 81 86 85 83 89 85 92 91 80 80 80 88 2 78 90 79 79 12 84 12 75 8 89 6 6 66 13 13 30 EXPLOD ED DRA WING C—Model No.PFTL496 09.0R\f31\fA