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Philips 52pfl8605h User Manual

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Page 51

With the  TV  remote control you  can operate devices that have  EasyLink
(HDMI- CEC)  and are  connected  with  an  HDMI  cable. Devices with
EasyLink automatically  show their activity  in the  Home  menu.  The  TV
comes with  EasyLink switched  on.
With  an  EasyLink  device connected, EasyLink  offers  the  following:
•  One touch play
Insert a  disc and  press  Play on  the  device.  The TV  switches on  from
standby  and  starts playing the  disc.
•  System  standby...

Page 52

With  a  delay  value  set up on  the  HTS,  you  need to  switch off  Audio
Out delay  on  the  TV  if  the  HTS  has  this  delay  set up for  all its
output connections. To  switch off   Audio Out  delay,  press  h and
select  Setup > TV settings  > Preferences  > Audio  Out delay .  Select
Off  and  press   OK.
If  you  cannot  set up a  delay  on  the  HTS  or its  maximum setting is
insufficient, you  can  switch off  the  Perfect  Natural  Motion  picture
processing  of  the  TV.  To  switch off...

Page 53

Current version
To  view the   current  TV  software  version, press  h > Setup  >
Software  settings  and  press  OK.  Select   Current software info  and
read  Version:  . . . .
Update from Internet
If  the  TV  is connected to  the  Internet,  you  may  receive a  message
from Philips  to  update the  TV  software. You  need a  high -speed
Internet connection.
If  you  receive this  message, we  recommend you  carry  out  the
update. Select   Update.  Follow  the  instructions on  screen....

Page 54

First connections
Power cable
Insert the  power cable  in  the  power socket  of  the  TV.
When disconnecting the  power cable,  always  pull the  plug, never the
Although  this  TV  has  a  very low  standby  power consumption,  switch
off  the  TV  with  the  power switch to  save  energy if  you  do not  use
the  TV  for  a  long period of  time.
Read more about  the  power switch in  Help > To begin  > Keys on
the TV  > Power switch .
Make  sure the  power cable  is securely...

Page 55

5.2About cables
Cable quality
Before  you  connect devices  to  the  TV,  check which connectors are
available  on  the  device.  Connect the  device to  the  TV  with  the
highest quality  connection  available.  Good quality  cables ensure a
good  transfer of  picture and  sound. Read the  other chapters of
About cables .
The  connections  diagrams  shown  in   Help > Connections  >
Connect  devices  are recommendations.  Other  solutions are
An  HDMI  connection  has  the  best picture...

Page 56

If  you  have a  device with  only a  Video (CVBS)  connection,  you  need
to  use a   Video  to Scart adapter  (not  supplied). You  can  add  the
Audio L/R connections. Connect the  adapter to  the  Scart  connection
of  the  TV.
Use  a  VGA cable  (DE15 connector)  to  connect a  computer  to  the
TV.  With  this  connection  you  can  use the  TV  as  a  computer
monitor.  You  can  add  an  Audio L/R cable  for  sound.
To  connect a  computer  with  the  VGA connection, read  Help >...

Page 57

5.3Connect devices
Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
If  you  use the  HDMI -ARC  connections on  both  TV  and  device,  no
other cable  is needed. If  not,  read on.
If  you  do not  use the  HDMI -ARC  connection, add  a  digital audio
cable  (cinch  coaxial).
Blu-ray Disc / DVD player
Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
Connections /  Connect devices 57

Page 58

Home  Theatre System with  disc player
Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
If  you  use the  HDMI -ARC  connections on  both  TV  and  device,  no
other cable  is needed. If  not,  read on.
If  you  do not  use the  HDMI -ARC  connection, add  a  digital audio
cable  (cinch  coaxial).
58Connections /  Connect devices

Page 59

Audio  to Video  synchronisation  (sync)
If  the  sound does not  match with  the  video on  screen, you  can  set a
delay  on  most DVD Home  Theatre Systems to  match the  sound and
Read more about  Audio to  Video sync  in  Help > Setup  > Devices
>  Audio  to Video  sync .
Do  not  connect the  audio signal from a  DVD player  or other device
directly  to  the  Home  Theatre System. Always  route the  sound
through the  TV  first.
Use  2 antenna  cables to  connect the  antenna  to...

Page 60

Digital  receiver / Sat.
Use  2 antenna  cables to  connect the  antenna  to  the  device and  the
Add  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
Dig. receiver + Disc Recorder
First, use 3 antenna  cables to  connect the  devices  to  the  TV.
60Connections /  Connect devices
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