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Philips 52pfl8605h User Manual

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Page 41

Browse USB
You can view  photos or play  your music  and videos  from a USB memory
Insert a  USB  device in  the  USB  connection  on  the  left-hand  side  of
the  TV  while the  TV  is switched  on. The TV  detects  the  device and
opens a  list  showing its  content.  If  the  list  does not  appear
automatically,  press   h,  select  Browse  USB  and  press  OK.
To  close Browse  USB, press   h and  select another activity  or
disconnect  the  USB  device.
View  photos
To   view...

Page 42

Select a  photo  for  Scenea
1 Select  a  photo from a  connected USB  device or from a  connected
PC.  This  photo must  be in  JPEG  format.
2  With  the  photo highlighted  in  the  Browse  USB  or Browse  PC  list,
press   o (Options) ,  select  Set  as Scenea and  press  OK.  By  agreeing
to  overwrite the  current  photo, the  new  photo is set.
Scenea  lounge  light
To  switch off  Ambilight when  Scenea  is on, press   s (Adjust).  Or
press   J (Ambilight) on  the  front of  the  TV.

Page 43

3.4Locks and timers
Child locks
To prevent  children  from watching  a channel  or a programme, you  can
lock  channels or block age - rated  programmes.
Parental rating
Some  digital broadcasters have programmes  rated. When the   rating
is equal  or higher than the  rating you  have set for  your  child’s age,
the  programme  will  be blocked.
To  watch  a  blocked programme  you  must  enter the  Child  lock code.
The parental age rating is set for  all channels.
Set  an  age rating
Press   h and...

Page 44

3.5Subtitles and languages
Programme subtitles are  available most of  the  time. You can set subtitles
to be  constantly  displayed.  How  to set constant subtitles depends on
whether a channel  is  analogue or digital.  For digital  channels, a preferred
subtitle language  can be  set.
For  analogue  channels
To  show  subtitles of  a  channel, switch to  the  channel and  press   e
(Browse), select  Text and  press   OK.  Enter  the  number of  the  page
that  shows  subtitles,  usually 888,...

Page 45

3.6Universal access
Switch on
With Universal  access switched  on, the  TV  is  set for use  for hearing and
visually impaired  people.
Switch  on
If  you  did not  switch on   Universal  access at first  use, you  can  still
switch it on  in  Setup.
To  switch on  Universal  access, press   h > Setup  > TV settings  >
Preferences  > Universal  access .  Select  On and  press   OK.
With  Universal  access  switched  on  in  Setup,  the  Universal  access
option is added  in  the  Options menu. With...

Page 46

Picture, Sound, Ambilight
Smart settings
You  can  adjust  each Smart setting with  the  settings in  Picture or
Sound  in  Setup,  TV  settings. Adjust  the  brightness  for  a  particular
Smart picture or adjust  the  bass for  a  Smart sound.
To  return  to  the  original  smart  setting values, undoing the
adjustments you  made,  first  set up the  TV  in  the  smart  setting you
want  to  reset. Then  press  h > Setup  > TV settings ,  select Reset,
press   OK and  confirm.

Page 47

Light sensor
The built -in  light  sensor automatically  adjusts the  picture, together
with  Ambilight, to  the  lighting conditions  of  the  room.  To  switch on,
select Light sensor  and  press  OK.  To  switch off, press   OK again.
Setup /  Picture, Sound,  Ambilight 47

Page 48

Reorder  and rename
You  can  reorder  and  rename channels  in  the  Channel list.
To  reorder  or rename a  channel, read  Help > Use your TV  >
Menus  > e Browse .
Update channels
On  first use,  the  TV  installed  all channels in the  Channel  list. If  the  TV
installed  digital  channels, the  TV  can automatically  update the  Channel
list with  new  channels. You can also start an  update of  the  Channel  list
yourself.  The  update is  for digital  channels only.
Automatic channel...

Page 49

To  correct the  TV  clock,  press   h > Setup  > TV settings  >
Preferences  > Clock and  select  Country  dependent .  Select
Daylight saving  and  select the  appropriate setting.
To  set the  time and  date manually, select  Manual.  Then  select  Time
or  Date .
Setup /  Channels 49

Page 50

Browse  PC
If  you  connect the  TV  to  a  home  network, you  can  play photos,
music and  videos from your  computer  or storage  device.  Once the
network  is installed on  the  TV,  you  can  find  and  play the  files  from
your  PC  on  the  TV  screen.
Net  TV
If  you  connect the  TV  to  a  home  network, you  can  link up the  TV
to  Net TV.  Net TV  offers  Internet services  and  websites tailored to
your  TV.  Play music and  videos,  consult infotainment,  rent  movies...
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