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Philips 46pfl8605h User Manual

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Page 61

Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  digital receiver to  the  TV.
Finally,  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Disc  Recorder to  the  TV.
Dig. receiver + Disc-R + Home  Theatre
First, use 3 antenna  cables to  connect the  devices  to  the  TV.
Connections /  Connect devices61

Page 62

Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  digital receiver to  the  TV.
Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Disc  Recorder to  the  TV.
Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Home  Theatre System to
the  TV.
62Connections /  Connect devices

Page 63

If  you  do not  use the  HDMI -ARC  connection  on  the  TV  and  the
device,  add  a  digital audio cable  (cinch  coaxial).
Digital  HD receiver
First, use 2 antenna  cables to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
Connections /  Connect devices63

Page 64

64Connections /  Connect devices

Page 65

5.4Connect more devices
Connect a  game  console  to  the  side  or back  of  the  TV.  You  can  use
an  HDMI, YPbPr  or Scart  connection. If  your  game  console  only has
Video (CVBS)  and  Audio L/R output, use a   Video  Audio  L/R to
Scart  adapter to  connect to  the  Scart  connection.
Picture delay
To  prevent   picture delay  while gaming, close Help and  press   s
(Adjust)  and  select  Smart picture > Game and  press   OK.  After
gaming, do not  forget to  select the  Smart picture you...

Page 66

To  view pictures stored  on  your  digital photo camera,  you  can
connect the  camera  directly  to  the  TV.  Use  the  USB  connection  on
the  side  of  the  TV  to  connect. Switch on  the  camera  after  you  made
the  connection.
If  the  list  with  the  content  of  the  camera  does not  appear
automatically,  your  camera  might  need to  be set to  transfer its
content  with  PTP  (Picture Transfer Protocol). Read the  user manual
of  the  digital photo camera.
Connect a  camcorder...

Page 67

TV as PC monitor
You  can  connect the  TV  to  your  computer  as  a  PC  monitor.  Before
connecting the  PC,  set the  PC  monitor  refresh rate to  60 Hz.
See  the  following  pages  for  how to  connect your  computer.
Use  a  VGA cable  to  connect the  PC  to  the  VGA connector  and  an
audio L/R cable  to  connect the  VGA Audio L/R to  the  back  of  the
Use  a  DVI to  HDMI  adapter to  connect the  PC  to  HDMI  and  an
audio L/R cable  to  connect the  Audio L/R to  the  back  of  the...

Page 68

Ideal TV setting
Set the  TV  Picture format  to  Unscaled for  the  sharpest picture
quality.  While watching  TV,  press  o,  select  Picture format  and
select  Unscaled .
For a  list  of  supported  resolutions  see  Help > Specifications  >
Display  resolutions .
Use  a  scart cable  to  connect a  decoder  that  decodes analogue
antenna  channels.  Use  the   EXT1 or EXT2  connectors on  the  back
of  the  TV.
You  have to  assign the  TV  channel as  a  channel to  be decoded.
Then  assign...

Page 69

To  set up the   wired network  connection ,  read Help > Setup  >
Connect the  router to  the  TV  with  a  network  cable.  To  fullfill EMC
regulations, use a  shielded  FTP  Cat. 5E ethernet  cable.
Wi-Fi Ready
This  TV  is Wi-Fi Ready. With  the  Wireless USB  adapter PTA01
accessory (sold  separately) you  can  connect the  TV  to  your  network
wirelessly.  You  can  connect to  Net TV  - the  best of  the  web  on
your  TV  - wireless and  hassle free.
Make your TV...

Page 70

Start  projecting
To  start projecting the  PC  screen on  TV,  click on  the  small  TV  like
icon in  the  taskbar  at the  bottom right of  the  PC  screen. Your  PC
screen appears on  your  TV  screen.
Stop  projecting
To  stop projecting, click on  the  TV  icon again.
Wi -Fi  MediaConnect  Help
To  read the  Wi-Fi MediaConnect  Help, right click the  program  icon
in  the  notification tray of  the  PC  and  select Help.
You  can  project  high  definition (HD) or standard  definition...
Start reading Philips 46pfl8605h User Manual

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