Pcs Phone Nokia 3588 User Guide
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 114 guidelines under normal conditions of use. Such exclusions are not exclusions from compliance, but, rather, exclusions from routine evaluation. The FCCs policies on RF exposure and categorical exclusion can be found in Section 1.1307(b) of the FCCs Rules and Regulations [(47 CFR 1.1307(b)]. 7. How can I obtain the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value for my wireless phone? The FCC requires that wireless phones sold in the United...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 115 The FCC database does not list phones by model number. However, consumers may find SAR information from other sources as well. Some wireless phone manufacturers make SAR information available on their own Web sites. In addition, some non-government Web sites provide SARs for specific models of wireless phones. However, the FCC has not reviewed these sites and makes no guarantees of their accuracy. Finally, phones certified by...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 116 with making false and unsubstantiated claims. According to FTC, these defendants lacked a reasonable basis to substantiate their claim. 10. What are wireless telephone base stations? Fixed antennas used for wireless telecommunications are referred to as cellular base stations, cell stations, PCS (Personal Communications Service) stations or telephone transmission towers. These base stations consist of antennas and electronic...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 117 11. Are wireless telephone base stations safe? The electromagnetic RF signals transmitted from base station antennas stations travel toward the horizon in relatively narrow paths. For example, the radiation pattern for an antenna array mounted on a tower can be likened to a thin pancake centered around the antenna system. The individual pattern for a single array of sector antennas is wedge-shaped, like a piece of pie. As with all...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 118 12. Who regulates exposure to radiation from microwave ovens, television sets and computer monitors? The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public from harmful radiation emissions from these consumer products. 13. Does the FCC routinely monitor radiofrequency radiation from antennas? The FCC does not have the resources or the personnel to routinely monitor the emissions for all the thousands of...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 119 Information on site specific licensed facilities can be found in the General Menu Reports (GenMen) at http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/genmen/index.hts. The various FCC Bureaus also publish on at least a weekly basis, bulk extracts of their licensing databases. Each licensing database has its own unique file structure. These extracts consist of multiple, very large files. The FCCs Office of Engineering and Technology...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 120 studies have suggested that some biological effects may occur, but such findings have not been confirmed by additional research. In some cases, other researchers have had difficulty in reproducing those studies, or in determining the reasons for inconsistent results. 17. What is FDAs role concerning the safety of wireless phones? Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of radiation- emitting consumer products such as wireless...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 121 FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for wireless phones with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). All phones that are sold in the United States must comply with FCC safety guidelines that limit RF exposure. FCC relies on FDA and other health agencies for safety questions about wireless phones. FCC also regulates the base stations that the wireless phone networks rely upon. While these base stations operate at higher...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 122 cancer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studies exposed the animals to RF for up to 22 hours per day. These conditions are not similar to the conditions under which people use wireless phones, so we don’t know with certainty what the results of such studies mean for human health. Three large epidemiology studies have been published since December 2000. Between them, the studies investigated any possible association between the...
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Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information 4A: Safety 123 FDA has been a leading participant in the World Health Organization International Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Project since its inception in 1996. An inf luential result of this work has been the development of a detailed agenda of research needs that has driven the establishment of new research programs around the world. The Project has also helped develop a series of public information documents on EMF issues. FDA and the...