Panasonic Wide Lcd Television Tc 32lx300 Operating Instructions
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31 1 3 CH VOL CHVOL OK 1 CH VOL CHVOL OK CH VOL CHVOL OK Press to select Auto Scan. Press to enter the sub-menu field. Automatically scans all available channels, Antenna (A) Analog, Antenna (A) Analog & Digital, Antenna (B) Analog, and Antenna (B) Analog & Digital. CH VOL CHVOL OK Press to select the sub-menu. Press to start Auto Scan. After Auto Scan is completed, press MENU to return to the previous screen. Program Channel Input Setup Scan All Antenna (A) Analog Antenna (A) Analog & Digital Antenna...
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32 CH VOL CHVOL OK 1Press to select Signal Meter. Press to enter the sub-menu field. Press to select the channel. Press to display the Signal Strength. The color of the signal bar usually indicates the strength of the received signal. Green - Adequate signal for a good reception. Yellow - Poor signal strength. Red - Very poor signal strength. 2 Input SetupAntenna (B) Auto ScanB: 26-3Channel Manual Program Signal Meter Language Program Channel Signal Strength : 96% Peak : 96%...
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33 P r e s s t o s e l e c t An a l o g . Pr e s s t o e n t e r t h e s u b - m e n u f i e l d . Clo sed C ap tio n C C M odeC C1 A nalo g D ig it a l S erv ic e1 C H VO L CH VO LOK CH VO L CH VO LO K 2Pr e s s t o s e l e c t t h e s e t t i n g . • CC 1: F o r v i d e o r e l a t e d i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t c a n b e d i s p l a y e d ( u p t o 4 l i n e s o f sc r i p t o n t h e s c r e e n , w h e r e i t d o e s n o t d i s t...
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34 M e n u N a v i g a t i o n Pr e s s t o s e l e c t D i g i t a l . Pr e s s t o e n t e r t h e s u b - m e n u f i e l d .CH VO L CH VO LOK Pr e s s t o s e l e c t t h e s u b - m e n u . Pr e s s t o s e l e c t t h e s e t t i n g . • S e r v i c e: P r i m a r y, S e c o n d a r y, S e r v i c e 3 , S e r v i c e 4 , S e r v i c e 5 , S e r v i c e 6 • F o n t: A u t o m a t i c , D e f a u l t , M o n o - s e r i f , P r o - s e r i f ,...
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35 1Press to select Other Adj. Press to display the sub-menu. 2Press to select the sub-menu. Press to adjust or activate the sub-menu. Other Adjust Power Save Auto Power On Off Std. Zoom Adjust CH VOL CHVOL OK Menu Navigation Auto Power On (Set or Off) Select Set to power up the TV at the same time as the cable box or other connected components. Power Save (Std. or Saving) Suppress the luminous level of the TV to reduce power consumption. CH VOL CHVOL OK This menu provides information when a...
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36 Lock Enter a 4-digit password. Notes: •Use a code that is easy to remember and record it in a safe place. •If Always is selected in How Long? (see page 39) and you forget your secret code, the TV must be serviced by a qualified technician to clear the Lock setup. Create a 4-digit password to enter the Lock menu. Select Lock Set to prevent viewing video games, VCR tapes, channels and Video modes. Press to select the setting. • Off : Turns off Lock set functions. • Lock All : All channels are locked...
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37 This television incorporates V-CHIP technology to block the viewing of movies and television programs according to the rating category. There are four (4) Content Advisory Categories: MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and TV Parental Guidelines Ratings. These categories are used as guidelines for blocking the programs. The default mode for the Lock category is the Unlocked state. Press to select the program. MPAA: for U.S movie ratings U.S.TV: for U.S TV program ratings C.E.L.R: for...
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38 U.S. TV PROGRAMS RATINGS CHART Menu Navigation TV-NR TV-Y TV-Y7 TV-G TV-PG TV-14 TV-MA FV V S L DNot Rated. See Customer Caution below. All children. The themes and elements in this program are specifically designed for a very young audience, including children from ages 2-6. Directed to older children. Themes and elements in this program may include mild physical or comedic violence, or may frighten children under the age of 7. General audience. It contains little or no violence, no strong language,...
Page 39
39 Press to select 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours or Always. Press to enter your selection.How Long? Time 12 hours The TV will remain locked for the selected duration The Lock settings remain for the selected duration. Note: When you select Always and you forget your secret code, the TV must be serviced by a qualified technician to clear the Lock setup. Menu Navigation Press to select How Long?. Press to display the sub-menu. Time Press to select Password. Press to display the sub-menu. You can change...
Page 40
40 TV/VIDEO OK MENU VOLUME CHANNELS VIDEO HPJ VIDEO INPUT 3L-AUDIO-R ELECTPC CARD Card operations This function lets you display Still images (JPEG) or Animated pictures (MPEG4) recorded by this unit or a digital camera on a memory card when it is inserted in the proper card slot. ∗ miniSD Card requires miniSD adapter. • This function is not compatible with card type hard disk (Micro Drive, Mobile type hard disk, etc). • Memory cards are not supplied with this television. • When both SD card and PC card...