Panasonic Rechargeable Beard Hair Trimmer Er Gb60 Operating Instructions
Panasonic Rechargeable Beard Hair Trimmer Er Gb60 Operating Instructions
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11 English Removingthe\fombatta\fhment Remo ve the comb attachm\lent from the main \lbo\fy. Trimmingbeard • Do not use with sh\laving foam applie\f or when\l the bear\f is wet. A wet bear\f may stick to the skin or b\lunch up, making it \fifficul\lt to trim. Adjustingthebeardlength • Make sure that the tr\limmer is turne\f off. 1 1Atta\fhthe\fomb atta\f hment for beard to the main body\b (See page 10\b) 2 2Setthetrimmingheight\b 3 3Holdingthetrimmerwiththe po wer swit\fh fa\fing upward, trim by bringing the blade in \fonta\ft with the skin and mo ving the trimmer against the flow of the beard\b •Hair trimmings may collect insi\fe the attachment whe\ln a large volume of bear\f is c\lut, so \fiscar\f hair trimmings after each\l use. Trimmingwithoutthe\fombatta\fhment/ trimming the downy hair 1 1Removethe\fombatta\fhment\b 2 2Holdingthetrimmerwiththe po wer swit\fh fa\fing outwards, trim by bringing the blade in \fonta\ft with the skin\b •The trimmer cannot trim hair to lengths \l less than 0.5 mm (1\b\l64˝). Beardshaping Use the trimmer without any comb attachments\l to properly shape your bear\f. • Use the precision \ltrimmer for trimming narrow areas an\f for \fetaile\f trimming. (See page 12.) ►Above and below lips Holding the trimmer with the power swit\fh at the bottom, \fut a\fross a line with the blade at a 90° angle to the skin\b

12 English►Ends of mousta\fhe Holding the trimmer with the power s wit\fh fa\fing outward, trim graduall y from the ends by bringing the blade in \fonta\ft with the skin\b ►Sideburns Holding the trimmer with the power swit\fh at the bottom, trim by moving the trimmer downward with the blade at a 90° angle to the sideburns\b ►Beard Holding the trimmer with the po wer swit\fh fa\fing outward, trim b y bringing the blade in \fonta\ft with the skin and \futting along a line while moving the trimmer f orward\b Usingthepre\fisiontrimmerER-GB80 Use the precision \ltrimmer for trimming narrow areas an\f for \fetaile\f trimming. 1 1Removethe\fomb atta\fhment\b 2 2Slidethepre\fisiontrimmerup to its maximum height\b 3 3Holdingthetrimmerwith the power swit\fh fa\fing the skin, trim by bringing the b lade in \fonta\ft with the skin\b

13 English Trimminghair • Make sure that the tr\limmer is turne\f off. • To maintain sharpness, remove hair trimmings between usages. Trimmingtoanevenlength 1 1Atta\fhthe\fombatta\fhmentforhairtothe main body\b (See page 10\b) 2 2Setthetrimmingheight\b 3 3Holdingthetrimmerwiththepowerswit\fh upwar d, trim by moving the trimmer slowly a gainst the flow of hair and toward the \frown of y our head\b 4 4Trimslowlywhile \friss\fr ossing from v arious dire\ftions to a void missing any spots\b Adjustingthelengtharoundtheears and ne\fkline 1 1Atta\fhthe\fombatta\fhmentforhairtothe main body\b (See page 10\b) 2 2Setthetrimmingheight\b 3 3Holdingthetrimmerwiththe po wer swit\fh upward, trim ar ound the ears and ne\fkline ()byliftingthetipof the \fomb atta\fhment little by little from the hairline\b •When trimming the entire \larea to 12 mm (15\b32˝), use 9 mm (23\b64˝) as a rough\l stan\far\f trimming height for the neckline. • When tr imming the entire \larea to 9 mm (23\b64˝), use 6 mm (15\b64˝) as a rough\l stan\far\f trimming height for the neckline. Trimmingthedownyhairaroundthene\fkline 1 1Removethe\fombatta\fhment\b 2 2Holdingthetrimmerwiththe po wer swit\fh at the bottom, tou\f hing the blade perpendi\fular to the area of do wny hair, and move the trimmer downward along the skin\b à • It is recommen\fe\f t\lo ask someone else \lto trim aroun\f your own ears an\f neckline.

14 EnglishTrimmingbodyhair Trim armpits an\f bikini li\lnes with the comb \lattachment for bo\fy hair. ER-GB80• The trimming height is a\lpproximately 1.5 mm (1\b1\l6˝). • Do not use when bo\l\fy hair is wet. Wet bo\fy hair may stick to the skin or b\lunch up, making it \fifficul\lt to trim. 1 1Atta\fhthe\fombatta\fhmentforbodyhairto the main body\b (See page 10\b) 2 2Holdingthetrimmerwiththe po wer swit\fh at the bottom, trim by bringing the blade in \fonta\ft with the skin and slo wly moving the trimmer in the dire\ftion as illustrated\b • The \fesire\f results \lmay not be achieve\f if hair is too l\long. In this case, trim the hair to a le\lngth of about 10 m\lm (13\b32˝) before using the trimmer. Cleaningthetrimmer •It is recommen\fe\f t\lo clean after e very use. 1. Remove the trimmer from the AC a\faptor. ▼ ▼ To remove light \firtTo remove heavy \firt 2. Remo ve the comb attachment an\f turn the trimmer on. 3. Run w ater \fown the water inlet at the front \lof the main bo\fy, rinse thoroughly for approximately 20 secon\fs\l, an\f then turn the trimmer off. • Rinse with water an\f shake up an\f \fown several times to remove the water. 2. Remo ve the comb attachment an\f bla\fe. 3. Clean the tr immer, the bla\fe an\f the comb attachments with r\lunning water. • Rinse with water an\f shake up an\f \fown several times to remove the water. ▼ ▼

15 English 4. Wipe off the water with a towel an\f let it \fry naturally. • It will \fry faster with the bla\fe remove\f. 5. Apply the oil to the\l b la\fe after \frying. 6. Attach the comb att\lachment an\f b la\fe to the trimmer. Themarkontheleftmeanssuitablefor\fleaningunder an open water tap\b Cleaningwiththebrush 1. Remove the trimmer from the AC a\faptor. • Make sure that the tr\limmer is turne\f off. 2. Remo ve the comb attachm\lent. 3. Hol\f the main bo\fy , place your thumb against the bla\fes an\f then push \lthem away from the main bo\l\fy. 4. Brush off any hair trimmings from the m\lain bo\fy an\f from aroun\f the bla\fe. 5. Brush any hair trimmings out from between the stationary bla\fe an\f the moving bla\fe while pressing \l\fown the cleaning lever to raise the moving bla\fe. 6. Apply the oil to the\l b la\fe. 7. Attach the comb att\lachment an\f b la\fe to the trimmer. Lubri\fation Apply the oil to the\l trimmer before an\f after each \luse. Apply a \frop of the \loil to the points i\ln\ficate\f by the arrows. Remountingtheblade Fit the mounting h\look into the b la\fe mounting on the tr\limmer an\f then push\l in until you hear a click.

16 EnglishTroubleshooting ProblemA\ftion The trimmer has become blunt. Charge the trimmer. (See page 9.) Clean the bla\fe an\f apply oil. (See pages 14 an\f 15.) Replace the bla\fe. (See page 15.) Trimmer stoppe\f functioning. Charge the trimmer. Or use with the AC operation. (See page 9.) Charge the battery for approximately 8 hours continuously to rejuvenate it. If few uses remain even after charging, the batt\lery has reache\f the en\f of its life. (Flui\f may be leaking \fue to \fegra\fation at the en\f of battery life.) Contact an authorize\f service center for repair. The trimmer cannot be charge\f. Push the appliance \lplug into the main bo\fy all the way an\f make sure the charge st\latus lamp glows. Charge within the r\lecommen\fe\f charging temperature of 0 °C (32 °F) to 35 °C (95 °F). Trimmer can be use\f f\lor only about 10 minutes even after charging. Have the battery replace\f by an authorize\f service center. Problem A\ftion The trimmer cannot be properly cleane\f even after water is poure\f from\l the water inlet. When the trimmer is very \firty, remove the bla\fe an\f wash with water. (See page 14.) Makes a lou\f soun\f. Confirm that the bla\fe is properly attache\f. If the problems still cannot be\l solve\f, contact the sto\lre where you purchase\f the unit \lor a service center author\lize\f by Panasonic for repair. Frequentlyaskedquestions Question Answer Will the battery be exhauste\f after a lo\lng perio\f of \fisuse? When the appliance \lis not use\f for 6 months or mor\le, the battery will weaken (leak battery flui\f, etc.). Fully charge the battery once every 6 months. Can the battery be charge\f before every use? Yes, but it is recommen\fe\l\f that you charge the batt\lery when it is empty. The life of the battery will vary \fepen\fing upon us\lage an\f storage con\fitions.

17 English Bladelife Bla\fe life varies accor\fing to th\le frequency an\f per\lio\f of use of the trimmer. For example, the bla\fe life is approximately 3 years when using th\le trimmer for 5 minutes 10 times a mo\lnth. Replace the bla\fes if cutting efficiency \lre\fuces substantial\lly \fespite proper m\laintenance. Batterylife Battery life will vary accor\fing to the \lfrequency an\f lengt\lh of use. If the battery is charge\f once a\l month, the service life will be approximately 3 years. If the operating time is sign\lificantly shorter even after a full cha\lrge, the battery has reache\f the e\ln\f of its life. Removingthebuilt-inre\fhargeablebattery ATTENTION: A nickel metal hy\fri\fe battery that is recyclable powers the pro\fuct you have purchase\f. Please call 1‑ 800 ‑ 8 ‑ BATTERY for information on how to recycle this b\lattery. Removethebuilt-inre\fhargeablebatterybeforedisposingofthe trimmer\b This figure must only be use\f wh\len \fisposing of the\l trimmer, an\f must not be use\f to \lrepair it. If you \fismantle the tr\limmer yourself, it will no longer be\l waterproof, which may cause it to malfu\lnction. • Remove the trimmer from the AC a\faptor. • Press the power switch to turn on the power an\f then keep the power on until the bat\ltery is completely \fisc\lharge\f. • Perform steps to an\f lift the batte\lry, an\f then remove it. • Please take care not to shor\lt ‑ circuit the batter\ly. * *for ER‑GB80 only Spe\fifi\fations Power source See the name plate \lon the AC a\faptor. (Automatic voltage conversion) Motor voltage 1.2 V Charging time Approx. 1 hour This pro\fuct is int\len\fe\f for househol\f use on\lly.

18 EnglishFe\feral Communication Commissio\ln Interference Statement This equipment has\l been teste\f an\f foun\f to comply with\l the limits for a Class B \figital\l \fevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are \fe\lsigne\f to provi\fe reasonable protection against\l harmful interference in a resi\fen\ltial installation. This equipment gen\lerates, uses an\f can ra\fiate ra\fio frequency ener\lgy an\f, if not inst\lalle\f an\f use\f in accor\fance with the\l instructions, may cause harmful interference to ra\fio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occ\lur in a particular installation. If this equipment\l \foes cause harmful interference to ra\fio or television reception, \lwhich can be \fetermine\f by turning the equipment off \lan\f on, the user is\l encourage\f to try to correct the interf\lerence by one of the following measures: • Reor ient or relocate th\le receiving antenn\la. •Increase the separ\l ation between the equipment \lan\f receiver. •Connect the equipme\lnt into an outlet o\ln a circuit \fiff erent from that to which the \lreceiver is connecte\f. • Consult the \fealer o\lr an e xperience\f ra\fio\bTV technician \lfor help. FCC Caution: To assure continue\f compliance, install an\f use in\l accor\fance with pro\lvi\fe\f instructions. Any changes or mo\fifications not expressly approve\f by the party responsible for compliance coul\f \lvoi\f the user’s authority to operate this equipment. This \fevice complies with \lpart 15 of the FCC Rule\ls. Operation is subject to the following two con\fitions: (1) This \fevice may not cause harmful interference, an\f (2) this \fevice must accept any interference receive\f, inclu\fing interf\lerence that may cause un\fesire\f operation. PersonalCare&BeautyCareProdu\fts FORUSAANDPUERTORICOONLY 30-DayQuality Satisfa\ftion Guarantee If you are \fissatisfie\f \lwith any Panasonic Personal Care & Beauty Care Pro\fuct\ls for any reason, simply re\lturn it to the place of purchase w\lith a \fate\f proof o\lf purchase, in the original packaging, with all ac\lcessories, parts an\f instructions, within 30 \fays of the \fate of p\lurchase, for a full refun\f, or\l call Panasonic at 1 ‑ 800 ‑ 338 ‑ 0552. Abuse or misapplicati\lon of this pro\fuct \lvoi\fs the guarantee. FOR Y OUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A T OLL - FREE (IN USA ONLY) NATIONAL ACCESSORY PURCHASE HOT LINE AT 1-800-332-5368\b

19 Français Mode d’emploi T ondeuse à barbe/Cheveux rechargeable/CA (à usage domestique) Modèle ER-GB80/ER-GB60 Merci d’avoir choisi ce produit Panasonic. A vant de faire fonctionner cet appareil, veuillez lire toutes les instructions et les conserver pour une utilisation ultérieure � Consignes de sécurité ................... 20 Usage prévu ���������������������������������������������� 24 Identification des composants ���������������� 24 Recharge de la tondeuse ������������������������� 25 Utilisation de la tondeuse ������������������������ 25 Utilisation du peigne �������������������������������� 26 T aille de la barbe ��������������������������������������� 27 Coupe des cheveux ���������������������������������� 29T aille des poils du corps ��������������������������30 Nettoyage de la tondeuse ������������������������ 30 Dépannage ������������������������������������������������ 32 Questions - Réponses ������������������������������ 32 Durée de vie de la lame ���������������������������� 33 Durée de vie de la pile ������������������������������ 33 Retraitdelapilerechargeableintégrée���33 Caractéristiques ��������������������������������������� 34 Tabledesmatières

20 Français Consignesdesécurité Afin de réduire le risque de blessure, de décès, de choc électrique, d’incendie ou de dommages à la propriété, respectez toujours les consignes de sécurité suivantes. Explicationdessymboles Les symboles suivants sont utilisés pour répertorier et décrire le niveau de risque, de blessures et de dommages à la propriété pouvant être causés lorsque les consignes sont ignorées et que l’appareil n’est pas utilisé de manière conforme. DANGER Signale un danger potentiel pouvant entraîner des blessures graves ou la mort. AVERTISSEMENT Signale un danger potentiel qui peut entraîner des blessures graves ou la mort. ATTENTION Signale un danger susceptible d’entraîner des blessures mineures. Les symboles suivants sont utilisés pour répertorier et décrire le type de consignes à observer. Ce symbole est utilisé pour avertir les utilisateurs qu’il s’agit d’une procédure de fonctionnement spécifique qui ne doit pas être effectuée. Ce symbole est utilisé pour avertir les utilisateurs qu’il s’agit d’une procédure de fonctionnement spécifique qui doit être suivie afin de pouvoir utiliser l’appareil en toute sécurité. CONSIGNESDESÉCURITÉIMPORTANTES Lors de l’utilisation d’un appareil électrique, il faut toujours prendre des précautions de base, y compris les suivantes: Lisez toutes les instructions avant d’utiliser cet appareil. DANGERAfinderéduiretoutrisquede choc électrique: 1. Ne touchez pas un appareil qui est tombé dans l’eau. Débranchez-le immédiatement. 2. N’immergez ni n’utilisez le chargeur dans la douche. 3. Ne placez ni ne rangez l’appareil là où il peut tomber ou être précipité dans une baignoire ou un évier. Ne déposez ou n’échappez pas dans l’eau ou dans un autre liquide. 4. Débranchez toujours cet appareil de la prise électrique immédiatement après usage, excepté pendant la charge. 5. Débranchez cet appareil avant de le nettoyer. 6. N’employez pas de rallonge avec cet appareil. AVERTISSEMENTAfinderéduirelerisquedebrûlures,d’incendie, de choc électrique ou de blessures corporelles: 1. Une grande vigilance est nécessaire lorsque cet appareil est utilisé par des enfants ou des personnes handicapées, sur eux ou en leur présence.