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Panasonic Ramsa Audio Mixer Wr Da7 Users Guide

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Page 11

Lets take a moment to preview some of the main features and benefits of the
The Fader Layercontrols permits you to mix and monitor the 32 inputs, the
6 aux sends and the 6 aux returns, the 8 buses, and the unique
CUSTOM/MIDIlayer. By not tying up input channels for outboard effects the
6 dedicated aux return faders provide extra inputs, for a total of 38 audio
The DA7is digitally controlled which allows you to automate all your mixer
functions, from mixing and MIDI parameters,...

Page 12

The DA7 is simple to operate, so you will spend less time as an engineer and
more time as an artist. Engineered for ease of use, the Human-Machine
Interface (HMI) provides a variety of ways to access and assign the channel
parameters for your sources. Every channel parameter is displayed on the
320 x 240 backlit LCD screen, providing a quick visual reference of every
aspect of the mixer setup.
To view the status of the console on a larger screen, use the optional
software package. This...

Page 13

1-2 About This Manual
Document Notes
The first three chapters of the DA7 Users’ Guide provide an introduction to
the system and basic information for the system.
Chapter 1, Introduction 
• general information about the Users’ Guideand the system used to
produce the document
• typical installation and usage scenarios for the DA7
Chapter 2, DA7 Tour 
• Top Panel overview and a literal look at the Rear Panel connections 
• illustrations that are referenced throughout the following chapters of 

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Chapter 1 
DA7 Users’ Guide1-5
Symbols and Conventions Used in this Guide
The DA7 Users’ Guideuses the icons and conventions listed below.
Whenever possible, the way something appears in the Users’ Guideis as it
appears on the DA7.
Numbers in a triangle indicate a sequential step in a process.
Numbers in a circle indicate a list.
Square bullets indicate alternative ways to perform similar tasks
or actions.
Round bullets indicate items or elements in a group.
Text written in bold letters...

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Chapter 1 
DA7 Users’ Guide1-6
The term “area” refers to a window region in the LCD of the Display Bridge
of the mixer.
The term “section” refers to a region on either the Top Panel or the Rear
Panel of the mixer.
The term “soft knob” refers to a knob control in a window area in the LCD. 

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Chapter 1 
DA7 Users’ Guide1-7
1-3 Making the DA7 Work For You
Although the DA7has some analog inputs, it should really be thought of as a
digital mixer. Like most equipment, the DA7comes set with factory defaults,
some of which may or may not provide the kind of operational preferences
you would like. Please refer to Appendix D, Default Settings for a complete
listing of these presets. You can’t change the factory default presets, but
when you have created mixer settings that you like,...

Page 17

If you’ve already pushed as many buttons as possible after powering up the
DA7 to see what it could do, or if you have accidentally changed any of the
factory presets and cannot figure out what you have done, you need to know
about the master reset command.
To reset the DA7, turn the power off, and then simultaneously press and
hold the METERand CHANNELbuttons in the MASTER DISPLAYsection
of the Top Panel. While pressing these two buttons, turn the power on. Hold
the buttons down until the...

Page 18

The [UTILITY>CONFIG]window can be accessed by pressing the UTILITY
button on the Top Panel. This is where the [CONFIGURATION]selections
are located. One of the features here is [AUTO CHANNEL SELECT]. When
active, every time a fader is moved or a SELECT button is engaged, whatever
window you are in will change to the [CHANNEL]window for that selected
channel. If you are trying to set up parameters on different Channel Strips,
it could get frustrating to have to go back and forth between...

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Chapter 1 
DA7 Users’ Guide1-10
To customize the monitor setup of the DA7, access the [SOLO/MON]window
by pressing the SOLO MONITOR button on the Top Panel. 
The [MON A]area function mutes the MONITOR Aspeakers 20dB. When
selected, the  button will appear in inverse video, and the speakers will
remain dimmed until the  button is deactivated. The  function can
be accessed from the Top Panel by pressing the MMC/CURSORbutton and
SOLO MONITORbutton simultaneously.
SOLOis set to...

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For more information on these windows, see Chapter 16, Utility and Solo
Monitor, page 16-2. To find out about the 5.1 surround sound monitor
output, see page 16-3, and for more on the DA7s’surround sound features,
see Chapter 8, Pan/Assign, Surround, Bus Assign.
With all the different devices on the market these days, getting all that gear to
speak to one another can be quite a challenge. The DA7system wordclock is
factory set to [INT 48K], with the option of setting it to [INT 44.1K]...
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