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Panasonic Projector Pt Ax100U Specifications

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    SuperEasy Setup and Operation
    An Elegant Addition to the Home Decor
    Stylish Appearance
    The PTAX100U’s simple, elegant
    design and attractive pearl white
    body make a good fit with virtually
    any interior décor. You get high
    quality home cinema with a touch
    of style.
    2x Optical Zoom Lens
    The 2x optical zoom lens provides a
    wide thr ow range that gives you
    outs tanding setup fl exibility .You can
    project a 120inch picture with the 
    PTAX100U as cl ose as 12.1 feet to
    the scr een or as f ar as 24.3 f eet away.Position it on a table in
    front of you, suspend it from the ceiling, place it on a bookshelf
    behind you. With the PTAX100U, you get the same superb large
    scr een vie wing in r ooms lar ge or small.
    Vertical and Horizontal Lens Shift
    Adjustthe positioning of the pictur e
    vertically and horizontally by simply
    operating a joystick. Unlike projec
    t or swith el ectronic correction, in
    the PTAX100U the lens itself
    moves, so there is no loss of image
    quality .This advanced function adds
    to the PTAX100’s flexibility, making
    it an ideal fit in your home.
    Quiet Oper ation and F ront Exhaus t
    To minimize dis tractions, a quiet fan cuts noise to a mere whis
    per, while light leakage is reduced by using twin blades. Because
    the e xhaus tfan is at the fr ont of the projector, the PTAX100U is
    suit able for even narrow locations.
    Simple, Convenient Remote Control
    The newly redesigned
    remote control has fewer
    buttons and a more user
    friendly layout. The pic
    ture mode select buttons
    have been divided into
    “Theater Room” and
    “Living Room” for easier
    use, and the functions you
    use mos tar enow even
    simpl er tooper ate.
    OnScr een Input Guidance
    Agraphic display on the scr een shows which t erminals hav e
    been selected. If a termi
    nal with no input signal
    has been sel ected, the
    graphic indicator blinks to
    inform you.
    Other Features
    • OSD color/position selectable
    • Blue/black scr een function
    • Auto input search
    • HDMI signal level selectable • Offtimer
    Normal/ec onomy lamp
    power selection
    • Builtin test pattern
    A variety of terminals inc luding HDMI input                   
    Power supply
    Power consumption
    L CD panel*
    1P anel size
    A spect ratio 
    Display method 
    D rive method 
    P ixels 
    L ens
    L amp*
    C entertocorner uniformity ratio
    Projection size
    T hrow distance
    Screen aspect ratio
    R esolution
    Scanning frequency for RGB
    1 00–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
    2 90 W(Approx. 0.08 W in standby
    mode with fan stopped)
    2.2 A–1.0 A
    0 .7˝ (17.78 mm) diagonally
    16:9 aspect ratio
    T ransparent LCD panel (x 3, R/G/B)
    A ctive matrix
    921,600 (1280 x 720) x 3, total of
    2,764,800 pixels
    M anual zoom (2x)/Manual focus,
    F 1.9  3.1, f 21.7 mm  43.1 mm
    220 W UHM™ lamp
    2,000 lumens*
    16 ,000:1*3(full on/full off)
    Full color (1,070,000,000 colors)
    1 ,016–5,080 mm (40–200 inches) diag
    o nally, 16:9 aspect ratio
    1.2 m–12.4 m (3´11˝–40´8˝)
    1 6:9 (4:3 c ompatible)
    R GB: 1280 x 720 pixels (1920 x 1080
    pixels with compression)
    Horizontal: 30–70 kHz, 
    V ertical: 50–87 Hz
    YPBPRsignal compatibility 
    C olor system
    Optical axis shift*
    K eystone correction range
    O SD languages
    T erminals
    P C (RGB) IN 
    H DMI IN
    S ERIAL 
    525i (480i), 525p (480p), 625i (576i),
    6 25p (576p), 750 (720)/50p, 
    750 (720)/60p, 1,125 (1,080)/24p, 
    1,125 (1,080)/50i, 1,125 (1,080)/50p, 
    1 ,125 (1,080)/60i, 1,125 (1,080)/60p
    N TSC, NTSC 4.43, PAL, PALM, 
    H orizontal ±25% and vertical ±63%
    Vertical: approx. ±30°
    Ceiling/desk, front/rear 
    ( menu selection)
    E nglish, French, German, Spanish,
    Italian, Chinese, Korean, Russian,
    Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Polish,
    C zech, Hungarian, Portuguese, Thai
    Mini DIN 4pin x 1, Y: 1.0 Vpp, 
    C: 0.286 Vpp, 75 ohms
    R CA pin x 1, 1.0 Vpp, 75 ohms
    D sub HD 15pin (female) x 1
    R, G, B: 0.7 Vpp (1.0 Vpp for Sync on
    G), 75 ohms
    H D/S YNC, VD: TTL, high impedance
    ( positive/negative polarity)
    RCA pin (Y, P
    B/CB, PR/CR) x 1,
    Y: 1.0 pp, 75 ohms
    B/ PR(CB/ CR): 0.7 Vpp, 75 ohms
    19pin HDMI connector x 1
    M ini DIN 8pin x 1 (RS232C based)
    Power cord length
    Cabinet material
    D imensions*
    5(W x H x D)
    W eight
    O perating environment
    R emote control unit
    P ower supply
    Operation range
    (W x H x D) 
    W eight
    S upplied accessories
    O ptional accessories
    3 m (9´10˝)
    395 x 112 x 300 mm
    ( 1517/32˝ x 413/32˝ x 1125/32˝)
    4 .9 kg (10.8 lbs.)
    T emperature: 0°–40°C (32°–104°F)
    H umidity: 20%–80% (no condensation)
    3 V DC (UM3 (AA) battery x 2)
    A pprox. 7 m (23´) when operated
    f rom directly in front of the signal
    48 x 138 x 28.35 mm
    ( 17/8˝ x 727/32˝ x 13/32˝)
    1 25 g (4.4 oz.) (including batteries)
    Power cord, Wireless remote control
    u nit, Batteries for remote control
    ( UM3 x 2)
    Replacement lamp unit
    C eiling mount br acket
    S erial adapter (DIN 8pin/Dsub 9pin)
    Unit: mm (inch)
    *1: The pr ojector uses a type of liquid crys ta l panel that typic all y consists of millions of pixels. This panel is built with very highprecision technology designed to provide one of the
    f inest possible images. Occasionally, a few pixels may remain turned on (bright) or turned off (dark). Please note that this is an intrinsic characteristic of the manufacturing
    t echnol ogy that aff ects all products using LCD technology.
    * 2: The pr ojectoruses a highv olt age mer cury lamp that contains high internal pressure. This lamp may break, emitting a large sound, or fail to illuminate, due to impact or
    extended use. The length of time that it takes for the lamp to break or fail to illuminate varies greatly depending on individual lamp characteristics and usage conditions.
    *3: In AI mode, with dynamic iris on
    *4: Shift r ange is limit ed during simult aneous horizont al and v ertical shifting.
    *5: Excluding protrusions
    EcologyConscious Design
    Panasonic strives to minimize environmental
    impact c aused by its pr oducts through careful
    consideration of design, production, delivery,
    process and product life cycle. The PTAX100U
    r eflects the following ecological considerations.
    • Leadfr ee solder is used to mount compo
    nents on the print ed circuit boards.
    • No hal ogenat ed flame retardants are used in
    the c abinet.
    • No polystyrene foam is used in the packing materials.
    • Leadfree glass is used for the lens.
    • The packing case and operating manual are made from recycled paper.
    • Lamp power switching further reduces power consumption.
    • St andby po wer consumption is a mere 0.08
    watts in the standby mode.
    Pr oject or Gl obal W eb Sitehttp://panasonic.c o.jp/pavc/global/pr ojector
    112(413/32) 121(43/4) 69(11/16)300(1125/32)395 (1517/32) 102.5 (41/3 2)  Panasonic Projector Systems Company
    Hea dqu arters3Panasonic  Way, 4B9
    Seca ucu s, NJ 07094
    888 411 1996Panasonic Cana da Inc .5770  Am bler  D rive
    M ississa ug a, O ntario
    Cana da L4W  2T3
    905 624 5010P lease c ontact P anasonic or yo urdea ler  for a  demon strat ion.Weig hts an ddime nsions shown  are appro ximate. Sp ecifications  are su bject to  cha nge  without no tice. 
    This produ ct may besubject to expor tcontro lregulation s. UHM is a  tradem ark of M atsushita ElectricInd ustria lCo ., Ltd .
    VGA  and XGA ar etrademarks of  Intern ationa lBu sin ess Ma chines Cor porat ion. HDM I, the  HDM Ilogo an dHighDe finition 
    Mult imedi aInterfac eare  tradem arks or reg istered tr ademarks of  HDMILi cen sing LLC .
    Allothe rtrademarks ar ethe  prop ertyof thei rresp ectivetrad emark owners.  Projectio nimag es simul ated .
    PTA X100 U106S EP     
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