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Panasonic Projector Pt Ax100U Specifications

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    High Definition 
    H ome Cinema Projector
    Get Cl oser 
    To Your 
    The awesome power of a large screen.
    The stunning detail of highdefinition.
    The beauty of bright,
    vivid images.
    Enjoy all of this,
    right in your living room...
    with the PT
    ABig Scr een Means 
    e F un, 
    e P o w er, 
    e Emotion
    Who w ould y ou lik e t o see up cl ose? A
    ood mo vie s t ar? Y our t eam’ s bes t f ootball
    er? Y our f av orit e guit aris t? Imagine the thrill of
    sitting in a fr ont r o w seat, seeing them perf orm liv e.
    s the kind of thrill y ou get with
    anasonic’ s PTAX100U home cinema pr oject or .
    The PTAX100U l ets y ou see the bigges t st a rs
    in lar
    gerthanlif e size, right in y our living r oom, any
    time y
    ou want. Fill a big scr een (up t o 200 inches
    diagonal) with P anasonic’ s r emarkabl y cl ear, vivid,
    highdefinition images, and y ou’ll disc o v er things
    ou’d ne v er see on a small scr een.
    Until y ou meet y our f av orit e s t ar s in r eal lif e,
    anasonic PTAX100U will get y ou cl oser t o them
    than y
    ou’v e e v er imagined.
    PTAX100UHigh Definition Home Cinema Pr oject or       
    You want t owat ch a big match or concert DVD on a large
    screen, but you don’t want to close the drapes or turn off the
    lights. Then the Panasonic PTAX100U is right for you. With
    2,000 lumens of brightnes s—brightestin its class*
    Panasonic’s Light Harmonizer, the PTAX100U produces bright,
    beautiful, easytosee images even in a welllit room.
    2,000Lumen Brightness—Brightest in its Class*1
    Panasonic specially developed an extremely powerful new lamp
    for the PTAX100U. Combined with the highperformance optical
    system, it delivers 2,000lumen brightness, brightest in its class.*
    Outstanding 2,000lumen brightness 
    and intelligent Light Harmonizer
    Images ar ecrisp, bright and easy t osee—e ven in a w elllit room.
    A1,000lumen c lass projector
    without Light HarmonizerThe PT AX100U with 
    Light Harmonizer         
    Front row center seats.
    The action is more thrilling than ever when you’re
    watching bright, highdefinition images on a big screen.
    Intelligent Light Harmonizer
    With the PTAX100U, images are crisp, vivid and easy to see
    even in the kind of bright lighting that makes images from other
    project orslook whitish, faded or lacking in detail. Panasonic’s
    Light Harmonizer technology makes home cinema more fun than
    ever. Now you can get together with friends to watch movies,
    sports and c oncert perf ormances in normal room lighting—and
    still enjoy clear, brilliant images with crisp detail.
    A builtin ambient light sensor (ALS) measures the room brightness, and the
    Light Harmonizer circuit adjusts the gamma curve according to both the mea
    sured brightness and the input signal*
    2. This maintains easy, comfortable view
    ing in all lighting conditions.
    Light Harmonizer
    Gamma cur ve
    *1: For LCD projectors with native resolution of 720p, as of August 31, 2006.
    *2: The Light Harmonizer is set to Auto at the factory. There’s also Manual mode if you want to finetune
    the picture yourself.
    PTAX100UHigh Definition Home Cinema Projector
    The awesome power of a large screen.
    The stunning detail of highdefinition.
    The beauty of bright, vivid images.
    Enjoy all of this, right in your living room...
    with the PTAX100U.           
    The PTAX100U is a highspecifications model developed espe
    cially for home theater use. It incorporates all of Panasonic’s
    highly acclaimed home cinema projector technologies. No com
    pr omises w eremade in its development or production. The
    result is a projector that provides exceptional viewing with all
    kinds of content. You can spend the afternoon cheering for your
    f av orit efootball team, then in the evening dim the lights and
    immerse yourself in a great movie. 
    Pure Color Filter
    The new Pure Color Filter was born from Panasonic’s tireless
    pursuit of optical technology that delivers true “Hollywood” pic tur
    equality .The lamp is adjus ted to pro
    duce a level of light that maximizes the
    performance of the LCD panels, which
    e xpands the c olor range and produces
    truer blacks. You will see the improve
    ment in movies especially—deeper, richer
    blacks, mor evibr ant c olor, and a more
    dynamic overall viewing experience.
    Pure Color Filter produces 
    deep, rich blacks and bright, vivid colors
    Holl ywood T uning —so you see movies with the color nuances the director intended.
    In developing the Pure Color Filter, Panasonic carefully determined the type of
    materials, number of filter layers, and filter thicknesses that would attain optimal
    ‘Hollywood tuning’—i.e., image characteristics best suited for movie viewing.       
    Best seat at the cinema. 
    Just dim the lights and enjoy your own private 
    home theater.
    Technolog ythat captures the artistic sensibility of a top 
    Hollywood colorist
    Panasonic worked with leading Hollywood colorist David Bernstein to achieve
    one of the most accura te image reproduction possible. This led to our devel
    oping new integrated circuitry and core image optimizers that allow the 
    PTAX100U to deliver true ‘Hollywood picture quality’—or images that faithful
    ly express the director’s artistic intent.
    P anasonic Hollywood Laborator y(PHL)— Where Hollywood 
    picture quality begins
    For the past decade, PHL has conducted research into digital cinema, DVD
    video compression, and digital conversion of film stock. Now it is working to
    create standards for nextgeneration optical media using Bluray Disc and pro
    jection technology based on HD image compression. PHL’s close relations with
    leading Hollywood studio
    technicians, directors,cine
    matographers and colorists
    played a key role in our
    developing the PT AX100U.
    Made by Panasonic, Tuned by Hollywood
    David Bernstein is a top Hollywood colorist
    whose expertise is evident in the telecine*
    process for numerous successful films.
    * Telecine process: How film is transferred to video.
    PTAX100UHigh Definition Home Cinema Projector
    The awesome power of a large screen.
    The stunning detail of highdefinition.
    The beauty of bright, vivid images.
    Enjoy all of this, right in your living room...
    with the PTAX100U.               
    Pack ed with imaging t echnol ogies ac claimed by pr of es sionals
    Dynamic Iris and Dynamic Gamma
    The Dynamic Iris helps pro vide the deeper, richer blacks needed
    or true image r epr oduction. This t echnol ogy adjus ts the lamp
    w er, iris and gamma curv e ac c or ding t o dat a obt ained fr om
    amebyfr ame his t ogr am anal ysis of the image brightnes s
    e v el. The adjus tments ar e made 60 times per sec ond. 
    The wide iris r
    ange, c ombined with his t ogr am anal ysis that
    ects as many as 3,000,000,000 brightnes s and darknes s l e v
    els, pr
    o vides bright er bright sc enes and deeper, richer blacks.
    The Dynamic Gamma boos
    ts the brightnes s l e v el of image
    ails that w ould otherwise be l os t in dark ar eas. Y ou see the
    kind of true, deep blacks y
    ou’v e seen bef or e onl y at the cinema. Dark scene:
    with iris
    closed Bright scene:
    with iris
    Without the Dynamic Iris
    Without the Dynamic Iris                 
    Smooth Screen Technology
    Smooth Screen technology,
    developed exclusively by
    Panasonic, effectively
    reduces the “chicken wire
    effect”—the black lines
    between pixels that mar
    picture quality. The high
    definition picture of the 
    PTAX100U is remarkably
    smooth and filmlik e, while
    r emaining amazingl ysharp
    and detailed. 
    Dynamic Sharpnes sContr ol
    Conventional projectors
    emphasize sharpness with
    out regardfor brightnes s
    differences. This can cause a
    halo or ring effect around
    object edges, r educing their
    Dynamic Sharpness Control
    sharpens onl ythe pix els in the image ar eas where there is a
    small change in brightness level. This greatly reduces noise
    amplification and delivers clear, naturallooking images.
    Cinema Color Management (CCM)
    CCM makes it possible to reproduce images that closely match
    the colorist’s intention. Before CCM was developed, correcting
    one c olor aff ected c ertain others. This proven technology now
    all ows individual correction of approximately 1,070,000,000 colors,
    and it also controls both contrast and brightness. With CCM,
    c ol or c orrection mor eclosely approximates the process used for
    motion pictur es.
    Seven Pictur eModes
    The ylet you select the picture characteristics that best match
    the source material at the touch of a button. 
    User Equalizing Function
    T he PTAX100U lets you decide how images look on your screen.
    In each of seven preset picture modes, you can adjust the high,
    mid and low gamma levels. That’s a total of 34,391 possible set
    ting combinations. Also, the control screens are more legible and
    easier to use
    than in previous
    models. This
    makes cus
    tomizing the
    pictur eeasier
    and giv es you
    better results.
    Up t othree
    sets of adjus t
    ment settings
    can be stored
    in memory .
    SceneAdaptive Resizing LSI
    Ane w image pr ocessing engine improves quality when resizing
    480P images or those from other sources with resolution lower
    than the PTAX100U’s native resolution. This lets you enjoy beau
    tiful images fr om your e xisting video tape and DVD library.
    SceneAdaptive MPEG Noise Reduction
    This ne wnoise reduction system detects the amount of change
    in the input signal from one scene to the next, and calculates
    the amount of noise to remove accordingly. It effectively blocks
    regular noise and minimizes mosquito noise.
    10Bit F ull Digital Proces sing
    This enabl es the PTAX100U to display 1,070,000,000 colors
    (1,024 s teps of gr adation) fr om video sour ces. Also, gamma c or
    r ection is applied separ ately to the red, green, and blue signals,
    allowing for ultrafine image quality adjustment with a high pre
    cision of 0.01%. 
    Progressive Cinema Scan (3/2 Pulldown) and HD IP
    This function det ects when the input signal is deriv ed from
    filmed mat erial. HD IP then all ows the PTAX100U t oconvert the
    signals and attain higher image quality than was possible with
    c onv entional models.
    Adv anc ed t echnol ogies in an el egant f orm.
    Styling that harmonizes with any int erior dec or .
    Color before
    adjustmentAdjusted color
    Recommended for dark roomsCinema 1 A calm, gentle ima ge setting for wa tching movies. Super vised
    by Da vid Bernstein, a leading Hollywood colorist.
    Cinema 2
    An ima ge setting emphasizing deep, rich color reproduction.
    Suitable for older film c lassics.
    tural An ima ge setting designed to faithfully reproduce the colors
    of the ima ge source.
    Suitable for video sources, such as music video c l ips and
    Recommended for bright roomsNormalA general ima ge setting suitable for a variety of ima ge
    sources, such as sports programs and video games.
    An ima ge setting designed for use in a brightly lit room.
    Vivid Cinema
    An ima ge setting designed for wa tching movies in a brightly
    lit room. Conventional 
    “chicken wire”
    effectPT AX100U:
    Smooth, thea ter 
    like ima ges
    Without Dynamic
    Sharpness ControlPTAX100U
    MPEG Noise Reduction OffPTAX100U                   
    The awesome power of a large screen.
    The stunning detail of highdefinition.
    The beauty of bright, vivid images.
    Enjoy all of this, right in your living room...
    with the PTAX100U.
    Attractiv estyling, fl exible installation
    L ScreenS
    SH  SWL(L W/L T)
    L(L W/L T) ScreenSH
    (41/32˝)  SW SH
    of SH63%
    of SH
    25% ofSW 2 5% ofSW Shift  range
    Scree n(st anda rd po sition)  Diagonallength Im age height (SH) Projection  size(16:9) Pr ojection d istance ( L)
    Image width (S W) Min .dis tance (L W) Ma x. distanc e(LT)1.01 m
    1.27 m1.52 m1.77 m2.03 m2.28 m2.54 m
    3.05 m
    3.81 m5.08 m0.50 m
    0.62 m0.75 m0.87 m1.00 m1.12 m1.24 m
    1.49 m
    1.87 m2.49 m0.89 m
    1.11 m1.33 m1.55 m1.77 m1.99 m2.21 m
    2.66 m
    3.32 m4.43 m1.2 m
    1.5 m1.8 m2.1 m2.4 m2.7 m3.1 m
    3.7 m
    4.6 m6.2 m2.4 m
    3.0 m3.7 m4.3 m4.9 m5.5 m6.2 m
    7.4 m
    9.3 m
    12.4 m  40˝
    200˝ 1´7˝
     8´2˝ 2´11˝
     14´6˝3´1 1˝
    15 ´1˝
     20´4˝ 7´10˝
     40´8˝ /
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