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Panasonic PC Software Package Wv Asm200 Series Operating Instructions

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Page 111

Save image data (copy) (ND_Viewer only)
Save selected image data (file name.n3r) in any folder on the PC.Step 1
Right-click the list and select [Copy] from the menu displayed. The "Save As" window will be displayed.
Step 2
Click the [Save] button after specifying a destination folder and the fi\
le name. The image data will be saved as a JPEG file.
Note: It is not possible to operate the viewer software while copy is in progr\
Print the downloaded image
Print the image...

Page 112

Alarm/event notification and management of logs
A pop-up window (notification window) will be displayed on the operati\
on window when an alarm or an error 
Alarm notification: Message provided from the sensor or the camera, etc.\
Event notification: Message notifies of an error occurrence such as a re\
corder error or a network errorImportant: It is necessary to configure the settings of a device to be used in or\
der to use the alarm/event notification 
When also using...

Page 113

n Alarm notification message
Notifies of an alarm occurrence.
n Event notification message
Notifies of an event occurrence.
Note: When an alarm/event occurred during the sub 
window such as the "Search" window is dis-
played, the buttons on the displayed message 
window are inoperable until the displayed sub 
window is closed.
"Alarm notification" window
When an alarm occurred, the "Alarm notification" window will be displayed. When an alarm occurred, the alarm 

Page 114

Event notification message window
The error notification message window provides notification of a device \
error or a network error occurrence. 
When an error occurred, the alarm buzzer will start sounding and the err\
or notification message window will be 
displayed. When the error notification message window is closed, the "De\
vice error log" panel or the "Network 
error log" panel will be displayed.
When an event notification is provided from the recorder during the even\

Page 115

Alarm mode of the live window
When the Live window is active and "ON" is selected for "Alarm camera di\
rect live window", the live window 
will be switched into the alarm mode and display live images from the ca\
mera in which the alarm occurred 
when receiving an alarm notification.
The live window will automatically be in the alarm mode when an alarm no\
tification is provided regardless of the 
current operation (sequence display, group display, minimized, full scr\

Page 116

When alarms occurred sequentially before the alarm is reset automaticall\
y, live images from the cameras 
will be displayed in from the upper left area in order. When the number \
of alarm occurrences exceeds the 
maximum number of areas ("Number of alarm camera direct live window"),\
 live images of the older alarm 
will be canceled and live images of newer alarm will be displayed in ord\
er (live images displayed in the 
upper left area will be the first to be canceled)....

Page 117

When "25-screen" is selected for the "Number of alarm camera 
direct live window" setting on the [Alarm] tab
Live images will be displayed as follows. When the number of alarm occur\
rences exceeds 25, live images of the older alarm will be canceled and l\
images of newer alarm will be displayed in order (live images displayed\
the upper left area will be the first to be canceled).76 8 9 10 21 3 4 5
1211 13 14 15
1716 18 19 20
2221 23 24 25
When "36-screen" is...

Page 118

Information display area
When the live window is in the alarm mode, alarm information will be dis\
played in the information display area.Note: When the live window is in the alarm mode, the group information display\
 area will be hidden and the cam-
era information display area will be displayed regardless of the setting\
When the live window returns to the normal mode from the alarm mode, the\
 group information display area 
and the camera information display area will be...

Page 119

Emergency recording input alarm
In the state of emergency, emergency recording will sometimes be perform\
ed manually using the external 
In this case, the emergency recording input alarm will be notified. An e\
mergency recording input alarm usually 
contains information of multiple channels, and they will be filed as log\
s in the "Alarm log" panel. However, only 
the information of the biggest channel number will be displayed in the "Alarm notification" window.

Page 120

"Alarm log" panel
When an alarm occurred, the description of the alarm will be filed as a \
log in the "Alarm log" panel.
Up to 1000 logs will be displayed in the alarm log panel.
n [Buzzer stop] button
The buzzer sounding to announce an alarm or error 
will be stopped.
n Alarm log list
Descriptions of the notified alarms will be displayed in 
list form. Up to 1000 descriptions will be displayed.
n [Play] icon
Recorded images relating to a log can be played 
when this icon is...
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