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Panasonic Microwave Oven Nn Sd681_nn Sd654 Operating Instructions

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Page 21

sensor cook chart    (continue\f)  
\b3. pasta2 Áb 8 oz.
(56 Áb 225 g)Place pasta with hot tap water in a microwave safe
casserole dish. Cover with lid or vented plastic
\b4. fish fillet4 Áb Áf6 oz.
(ÁfÁf0 Áb 450 g)Arrange in a single layer. Cover with lid or vented
plastic wrap.
\b3. pasta2 Áb 8 oz.
(55 Áb 220 g)
Place 2 oz. pasta with 3 cups hot tap water in a
microwave safe 2 qt casserole, salt and oil, if
desired, covered with lid or...

Page 22

microwave recipes
B\bsic Om\fl\ftÁf tablespoon butter or margarine
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milksalt and ground black pepper, if
heat butter in a microwave safe 9Ábinch pie
plate, 20 seconds at PÁf0, or until melted.
Turn the plate to coat the bottom with butÁb
Meanwhile, combine the remaining 
ingredients in a separate bowl, beat togethÁb
er and pour into the pie plate. 
Cook, covered with vented plastic wrap,
using OMELET selection. Let stand 2 minÁb
utes. With a spatula, loosen the...

Page 23

timer feature
1. When each stage finishes•b a two-beepsignal sounds. At the end of the pro-gram•b the oven will beep five times.
2. If the oven door is opened during Stand Time•b Kitchen Timer or Delay
Time•b the time on the display will con-tinue to count down.
3. Stand time and Delay Start cannot be programmed before any automaticFunction. This is to prevent the starting
temperature of food from rising before
defrosting or cooking begins. A changein starting temperature could causeinaccurate...

Page 24

microwave Shortcuts
fOODpOwer TIme DIrecTIOnS
(in mins.)
To separate refrigerated 
PÁf0 30 sec.  Remove wrapper and place in microwave  
bacon ,(hIGh)safe dish. After heating, use a plastic
Áf pound (450 g) spatula to separate slices.
To soften  brown Sugar
PÁf0 20 Áb 30 sec. Place brown sugar in microwave safe dish 
Áf cup (250 ml)(hIGh)with a slice of bread. Cover with lid or 
plastic wrap. 
To soften refrigerated  butter,P3 Áf Remove wrapper and place butter in a  Áf stick, Áf/4pound (ÁfÁf0...

Page 25

microwave Shortcuts(continue\f)
fOODpOwer TIme DIrecTIOnS
(in mins.)
To cook baked  potato,  Pierce each potato with a fork 6 times
(6 Áb 8 oz. each) spacing around surface. Place potato or
(Áf70 Áb 220 g)    potatoes around the edge of paperÁbtowelÁb
P83Áf/2Áb 4 lined glass tray  (Turntable), at least Áf inch  (2.5 cm) apart. Do not cover. Let stand 5 
P86 Áb 7 minutes to complete cooking.
To steam  Hand Towels Áb 4PÁf0 20 Áb 30 sec. Soak in water, then wring out excess.(hIGh)Place on a...

Page 26

food characteristicscooking Techniques
bone and fatBoth bone and fat affect cookÁb
ing. Bones may cause irreguÁb
lar cooking. Meat next to the
tips of bones may overcook
while meat positioned under a large bone,
such as a ham bone, may be underÁb
cooked. Large amounts of fat absorb
microwave energy and the meat next to
these areas may overcook.
DensityPorous, airy foods such as
breads, cakes or rolls take
less time to cook than
heavy, dense foods such as
potatoes and roasts. When
reheating donuts or...

Page 27

cooking Techniques(continue\f)
coveringAs with conventional cooking, moisture
evaporates during microwave cooking.
Casserole lids or plastic wrap are used for a
tighter seal. When using plastic wrap, vent
the plastic wrap by folding back part of the
plastic wrap from the edge of the dish to
allow steam to escape. Loosen or remove
plastic wrap as recipe directs for stand time.
When removing plastic wrap covers, as well
as any glass lids, be careful to remove them
away from you to avoid steam burns....

Page 28

care and cleaning of your Microwave oven
Do not remove•b wipe with a
damp cloth.
inside of the oven:
Wipe with a damp cloth
after using. Mild detergent
may be used if needed.
Do not use harsh deter-
gents or abrasives. oven door:
Wipe with a soft dry
cloth when steam
accumulates inside or
around the outside of
the oven door. During
cooking•b especially
under high humidity
conditions•b steam is
given off from the
food. (Some steam
will condense on cool-
er surfaces•b such as
the oven door. This...

Page 29

these things are normal:
The oven causes Some radio and TV interference might occur when you cook 
interference with with the microwave oven. This interference is similar to the 
my TV.interference caused by small appliances such as mixers•b
vacuums•b blow dryers•b etc. It does not indicate a problem with
your oven.
Steam accumulates During cooking•b steam and warm air are given off from the 
on the oven door and food. Most of the steam and warm air are removed from the 
warm air comes from  oven by...

Page 30

limited Warranty & customer services directory(for u.s.a and Puerto rico only) 
Panasonic consumer Microwave oven
limited Warranty
limited Warranty coverage (for usa and Puerto rico only)
If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship•b Panasonic Corporation of North
America  (referred to as “the warrantor”) will•b for the length of the period indicated on the chart below•b which starts with the
date of original purchase (“warranty period”)•b at its option...
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