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Panasonic Memory Card Portable Recorder AG-HPG20P AG-HPG20E Operating Instructions

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    Repairing and connecting clips
    Repairing defective clips
    The defective clip indicator (yellow X) appears in order to indicate that there is a problem in the clip such as the power having been suddenly cut off while it was being recorded. You can repair problem clips by proceeding as follows.
    1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
     Select the clip to be repaired.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     Using ,  and , select “OPERATION” – “REPAIR CLIP”, and press .
    5 Select “YES”, and press .
    It is not possible to repair clips with some types of damage. These kinds of clips are identified by the red X. 
    Connecting incomplete clips
    In some cases, clips recorded on a multiple number of P2 cards may not be recognized as a single continuous clip and may be recognized as an incomplete clip (! indicator) instead. At times like this you can use the connecting function to restore the “incomplete” clip to a continuous (originally connected) clip.
    1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
     Select the incomplete clip to be connected.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     Using ,  and , select  “OPERATION” – “RE-CONNECTION”, and press .
    5 Select “YES”, and press .
    A clip is recognized as incomplete when:A clip recorded on a multiple number of P2 cards has been copied separately from one card and then from another or other cards.A clip recorded on a multiple number of cards has first been copied separately from one card and then from another or other cards onto a hard drive and then written back onto the P2 cards.A long clip lasting more than 5 minutes in the AVC-Intra100 or DVCPRO HD format (10 or so minutes in the AVC-Intra50 or DVCPRO50 format, or 20 or so minutes in the DVCPRO or DV format) has first been copied to a hard drive and then written back onto the P2 cards. 
    Normally, thumbnails with the incomplete clip indicator are displayed side by side.If only parts of incomplete clips separated into 3 or more have been connected, the incomplete clip indicators will remain on the screen until all the clips which make up the original clip are connected. 
    Clip management (continued)
    Copying clips
    Clips can be copied onto the P2 card in the other P2 card slot.While clips are being copied, do not turn off the power or eject the card. Otherwise, defective clips will be produced. If defective clips are produced, delete them, and copy the original clips again.Copy incomplete clips after having connected them.
    1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
     Select the clip to be copied.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     Using ,  and , select “OPERATION” – “COPY” – “SLOT n” (where “n” is the 
    number of the P card slot into which the 
    copy destination P card was inserted), and 
    press .
    5 Select “YES”, and press .Clip copying now starts.
    To stop the copying process at any time, press  and select [YES] to cancel the copying. The partially copied clip at the copy destination will be deleted.If there is a clip with the same GLOBAL CLIP ID--one which, for instance, was previously copied to the copy destination--“OVER WRITE” will appear. 
    To overwrite the existing clip, select “YES” or to cancel the overwriting, select “NO”, and press . (When you copy some portion of a clip which has been recorded on a multiple number of P2 cards, “OVER WRITE” also appears when copying the remaining portion of the clip.) 
    6 When the completion message has appeared, press “OK” ().
    Clips cannot be copied when any of the following error messages are displayed.“LACK OF REC CAPACITY!” Clips will not be copied because there is not enough space left on the destination P2 card.“UNKNOWN CONTENTS FORMAT!” Clips will not be copied because the selected clips include defective clips.“NO COPY TO SAME CARD!” Clips will not be copied because an attempt is being made to copy clips to the same card.“TOO MANY CLIPS!” Clips will not be copied because too many clips have been selected.You can extract and copy a portion or subset of a clip. If you start copying while selecting a text memo at the bottom of the text memo screen, the block between the selected text memo position and the next text memo is copied. If there is no text memo after the selected text memo, the block from the text memo position to the end of the clip will be copied. 
    Clips displayed by the X defective clip indicator cannot be copied.It may not be possible to copy clips for which the 
    ? unknown clip indicator is displayed. 
    Displaying the clip information
    You can display detailed information about clips on the screen, and check it.
    1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
     With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to the target clip.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     Using  and , select “PROPERTY”, and press .
    5 Select “CLIP PROPERTY” on the sub-menu displayed, and press .
    Information on the target clip now appears on the screen.
    1)  Information added to clips (Page )
          The indicators or numbers of text memos or 
    voice memos, which have been added into clips, are displayed. In addition, when a P2 card on which clips have been recorded has been write-protected, the  mark is displayed.
    V Voice memo indicator This is displayed on clips to which voice memos have been added. It appears only in the clip property mode.Voice memos cannot be recorded or played back using this unit. 
    ) Clip number
    )  Thumbnail
    • ) 
    Clip information
    The following information is displayed.
    CLIP NAME:The filename of the clip as recorded on the P2 card
    START TC:Time code when recording was started
    START UB:User’s bit when recording was started
    DATE:Date on which the clip was recorded
    TIME:Time at which the clip was recorded
    DURATION:Length of the clip
    V_FORMAT:Recording format of the clip
    FRAME RATE:Playback frame rate
    REC RATE:Recording frame rate (displayed for clips specially recorded by the camera recorder (i.e. VFR recording))
    When  or  is pressed, the information of the previous or next clip is displayed.
    5)  Clip meta-data
    Items for referencing the detailed information on the clips (clip meta-data) are displayed.
    (Continued on the next page) 
    Clip management (continued)
    6 If necessary, reference the clip meta-data contents.
    When the clip meta-data item is selected using  and , and then  is pressed, the following information is displayed.
    GLOBAL CLIP ID:A unique number which is not assigned to any other clips
    USER CLIP NAME:Clip name which can be assigned by the userNormally, the GLOBAL CLIP ID is provided as the clip name.
    VIDEO:Video signal system, etc. (frame rate, pull-down, aspect ratio)
    AUDIO:Audio channel system, etc. (sampling rate, bit rate)
    ACCESS:Last update date, etc. (name of the person who created the clip and date on which it was created, date on which the clip was last updated and name of the person who last updated the clip)
    DEVICE:Serial number of device used to record the clip, etc. (name of the device manufacturer, serial number, model number)
    SHOOT:Recording start and end dates, etc.(name of person who shot the clip, date on which shooting started, date on which shooting ended, shooting location information, altitude, longitude, latitude, shooting location information source, shooting location)
    SCENARIO:Program name, scene number, etc.(program name, scene number, take number)
    NEWS:Reporter, news-gathering object, etc.(reporter, purpose of news gathering, object of news gathering)
    MEMO:Text memo number, recording position, name, text content
    •  The recording position is indicated 
    by the number of frames from the beginning. On a thumbnail text memo display, this recording position is indicated as a time code instead.
    •  Texts consisting of up to 1000 
    characters can be attached, but only the first 100 characters will actually be displayed.
    •    or  is used to move from one text memo number to another.
    THUMBNAIL:Information on the thumbnail imagesThe frame positions and sizes (offset value from the beginning of the clip, height and width) of the thumbnail source images are displayed.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK], and select “EXIT” to exit.
    Displaying the clip information (continued) 
    Editing the clip information
    You can edit the detailed clip information (clip meta-data).
    1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
     With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to the target clip.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     Using ,  and , select “PROPERTY” – “CLIP PROPERTY”, and press .The clip information is displayed.
    5 Using  and , select the item to be edited, and press .
    6 The window with the items to be edited now appears so select an item using  and , and then press .
     The soft keyboard screen now appears. With cross cursor operation, select characters to be input, and while entering them using , edit the information.
    060A2B340101010501010D4313000000C2A90ADE461505F000804582000000021 2 3 4 5 6 7 890 SP BSq we rt yu io p-Capsa s df ghj k l. _OKEXITz x c vb nm
    USER CLIP NAME: 05F00080458200000002
     Select “OK” with cross cursor operation, and press  to quit editing.To edit another item, repeat steps 6 to 8.
     Using  and , select “OK” to exit the item display.
    10    Press [MENU/MODE CHK], and select “EXIT” to exit the clip information screen.
    You can edit the following information.
    USER CLIP NAMEThis displays the name of the clip which has been set by the user; the global clip ID is set as the default value.
    ACCESSCREATORName of the person who did the recording
    SHOOTSHOOTERName of the person who did the shooting
    LOCATIONALTITUDEAltitude of the shooting location 
    LONGITUDELongitude of the shooting location 
    LATITUDELatitude of the shooting location 
    PLACE NAMEPlace name
    SCENE NO.Scene number
    TAKE NO.Take number
    NEWSREPORTERName of the reporter
    PURPOSEPurpose of the news gathering
    OBJECTObject of the news gathering
    MEMOPERSONName of the person who recorded the text memo which was added to the clip
    TEXTContent of the text memo
    “LONGITUDE” and “LATITUDE” cannot be deleted separately. To delete, set “ALTITUDE” to blank.To modify the meta-data of clips displayed by the incomplete clip indicator !, insert the P2 card on which the remaining clips were recorded.Attached memo items of 100 characters or more cannot be modified.When editing “LONGITUDE” or “LATITUDE”,  or  is sometimes used to move to the item. 
    Adding the meta-data to clips
    If the meta-data upload file which contains the name of shooter or reporter, shooting location or text memo information is saved on the SD card, it can be loaded and recorded as clip meta-data.
    Create the meta-data upload file on a PC
    Save it on a SD card
    Load the meta-data upload file onto this unit
    When images are recorded, the meta-data is added to the clip.
    Preparation of the meta-data upload file
    You can create the meta-data upload file on a PC using the P2 viewer (the latest updated version). You can also create meta-data upload files using the P2 Contents Management System (P2CMS) software, on either a Windows or Macintosh computer.The P2 viewer is an application to operate clips recorded on the P2 card. Distributed as free software, this is used on a Windows PC.
    Install the P2 viewer or P2 Contents Management System (P2CMS) software (the latest updated version) to PC, create the meta-data upload file and write it onto the SD card.
    P2 viewer must be the latest updated version. For details on creating the meta-data upload file, refer to Help section of the P2 viewer . For SD cards, refer to page 33. 
    Clip management (continued) 
    Setting to add meta-data
    Make the setting to load the meta-data upload file onto this unit
    ■	 Select	the	method	to	record	USER	CLIP	NAME
      Set the recording method of USER CLIP NAME.
     1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
       Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
       With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to “META DATA”–“USER CLIP NAME”.
         Move the cursor to “TYPE1” or “TYPE” and press .
    Recording methodUSER CLIP NAME to be recorded
    Use clip meta-dataTYPE1Loaded meta-data setting value
    TYPE2Loaded meta-data setting value + COUNT value
    Not use clip meta-data*TYPE1The same as GLOBAL CLIP ID
    TYPE2The same as CLIP NAME
        * When the meta-data upload file has been loaded, but “META DATA”–“RECORD” is “OFF”
     5 Press [MENU/MODE CHK] to end the procedure.
    (Continued on the next page) 
    Adding the meta-data to clips (continued)
    COUNT value
    COUNT value is displayed in 4-digit number. COUNT value is added by 1 increment every time a new clip is generated by P2 card recording after the recording method of “USER CLIP NAME” is set to “TYPE2” and the clip meta-data is loaded.
    ■	 Resetting	the	COUNT	value
     You can reset the COUNT value according to the following operation.
     1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
       Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
         With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to “META DATA”–“PROPERTY”–“USER CLIP NAME” and press .
    Clip management (continued) 
     With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to “COUNT RESET” and press .
      The COUNT value is reset to 1.
    5 Press [MENU/MODE CHK] or [EXIT/] to end the procedure.(Continued on the next page) 
    Adding the meta-data to clips (continued)
    How the COUNT value of USER CLIP NAME is added when the data exceeds  GB
    In the following cases, 1 shot is recorded as multiple clips and the COUNT value is added by 1 increment and recorded.When a P2 card with the capacity of over 8 GB is used and the continuous recording at a time exceeds a certain period of time For further details, refer to “Dividing clips over 4 GB in size” (Page 31).When 1 recording straddles 2 cards and is recorded on both cards Furthermore, when performing thumbnail display and property display using the P2 device, Clip 1’ s thumbnail and COUNT value are displayed.
    Loading the meta-data setting value
    You can load the meta-data setting value from the SD card according to the following operation.
    1 Insert the SD card containing the meta-data upload file into this unit.
     Display the thumbnail display screen.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
     With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to “META DATA”–“LOAD” and press .The file name of the meta-data upload file in the SD card is displayed.
    5    With cross cursor operation, move the cursor to the file to be loaded and press .
    6 Move the cursor to “YES” and press .The meta-data is loaded.
     Press [MENU/MODE CHK] to end the procedure.
    Clip management (continued) 
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