Panasonic Kx T1720 Operating Instructions Manual
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nllitfifiiltl [RrEi][FGtuJuuJ [tgJuJl]L!Panasonic Operoting Instructions TONE REMOTE CONTROL AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE ANSWERING SYSTEM Mode,No KX-T1720 E EASA-eHoNE ig Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Telephone Answering System. j:l tIiO!tano ,o [.q{ Contents Please read belore use. Location of Controls. lnitial Preparation. . .ConnectionsBasic Operation How to Record OutgoingMessage (OGM) Setting Prior lo LeavingListening to MessagesOtherFJature ..L.... :.. : :.- Detailed Operation How to Adjust TimeHow lo Operale f romRemote PhoneGeneral Information Liquid Crystal DisplayAnnouncements bythe Unit Cassette Tapes . 13Maintenance 14Others ........ 14Troubleshooting Guide ...... .. 15lmportant Information ........ i6Accessory Order Information 17Tarjeta de ReferenciaRapida Servicenter DirectoryWarranty Accessories 11 2 34 8 12 12 18 21 22 La tarjeta de referencia rdpida en espafior puede encontrarse en ras p6ginas18-20.(Spanish quick reference card can be found on pages 1g_20.) AC Adaptor(KX-A1 1) 1Outgoing MessageTape........ 1Incoming MessageTape........ 1TelephoneCord (4-wired) ...... 1TelephoneCord (2-wired) ...... 1
CPC Switch fime/Day Stamp Switch Announce Button Fast Forward Button Rewind Button Line Selector. Power Switch Microphone LINE 1 Button LINE 2 Button Location of ControlsConnections Connect as shown.oUSE Panasonic AC ADAPTOR, KX-A1 l..While operating the unit, the cabinet may feel warm, thisis a normal condition. To Power Outlet(AC 1 20 V, 60 Hz) I This unit may not be connected to a coin operated line. lf you are on a party line,check with your local telephone company. OGM Tape ICM Tape OGM-StarV Stop Button Record Button ng Selector Time Selector Control Playback/Pause Button Liquid CrystalDisplay Initial Preparation 6 St tn Line Selector. rLINE 1 .... Theunitwiflanswer) I a call on Line 1 onty. IlL|NE2.... Theunitwill answerl ,I a call on Line 2 onty. | ]I AUTO . . . . The unil will answer I I on Line 1 and I Line 2. ).The selected lines indicator lightsup. (When you set to AUTO, bothline indicators light up.)oThe line indicator receiving a callflashes. 1 2 3 4 5 Connect rno*n on page 2. Set for the correct time. See page 7. Insert the tapes. Push the Power Switch on.(Power indicator will light.) Set the CPC Switch to A. I Usually set to A. | (No call waiting service) I Set to 8 when you have call I waiting service. Or if some I Incoming messages are L interrupted. 7 Pusfr the REW button to reset the ICM tape. aslen the cord to the holder I When you connect to the 2 singlelines: Line 1 (single line) .Connect 2-wired cord to L1 OR L1/L2 and 4-wired cord to L2. ModularJack (RJ1 1C) I When you connect two single line telephones instead of a 2-line telephone to each line:
How to Record Outgoing Message (OGM) The purpose of the Outgoing message is to inform the calling party that you cannotanswer, but want to record the callers message. Setting Prior to Leaving The unit will automatically set to the Answer mode by simply pushing the Power Switch.When the telephone rings, the unit will play back the OGM, then it will record the Callersmessages and the day and time ol the gessage will be recorded on the ICM tape. @o12.o oEoq,f.o3 tro E oCLo .9lt,tuo II I rFlE| !l | | , whire hording ir,h.h - push the fl until a beep sound is heard. .The In Use indicator will liqht..The Display will showO+1+2+ 3... 2 Speat< clearly and loudty to iif . rSpeak for up to 30 seconds fromabout 8 inches away from MlC.oWhile recording, do not pause lorover 2 seconds.^l!5 When finished, l| !turh -- .Wait until the In Use indicator goes out..A series of short beeps will be heardto advance the tape followed by along beep signaling that the, unit is atthe beginnidg of the tape. Sample of Outgoing Message .Set Recording Time Selector to1 lrlNUTE or VOX. Hello, this is (the PanasonicCompany). We cannot answer youl call at this time. l{ you leave yourname and phone number, we willreturn your call as soon as possibleSpeak clearly after you hear thebeeo.(You have 1 minute to leave yourmessage.)lf End of tape is announced,message will not be recorded.Should this happen please callback tomorrow.Note:When the ICM tape is full, the unitcannot record any more messages.This is indicated to the caller bythe announcement End of tape.lf you wish to inform the caller of thispossibility, add the sentences(printed in bold-face above) to yourOGM recording.oSet Recording Time Selector to..ANNOUNCE Hello, this is (the PanasonicCompany). We are nol able toanswer your call at this time. Pleasecall us again tomorrow, after 9 AM.Thank you for calling. I Select each selector Recording Time SelectorreC TIME1 MINANrcUrcE...VOX ltr. .+(Select)l MIN:rThe unit will record up to 1 minute.VOX:rThe unit will record for as lono as thecaller speaks. ANNOUNCE:rThe unit will play back the Outgoingmessage and will not record anylncoming messages. tIl-2: (Select) .The unit will answer a telephone call on the second ring.4:.The unit will answer a telephone call on the fourth ring.AUTO:oThe unit will answer on the secondring if any Incoming messages have been recorded.oThe unit will answer on lhe fourthring when no Incoming messageshave been recorded. See Toll Saver on page 8. After reviewing the Outgoing or Incoming message lhe unit will automatically reset itself to the Answer mode and will beready to answer the next call. I Before leaving home (or office) confirm that the Answer indicator light is on and the Line Selector is set to the desired line. I lf you use a new ICM tape orrecord fulure messages f rom thebeginning of the tape, push the REWbutton. I lf you do not want to set lhe unit to theAnswer mode, lurn the Power Switch ofl. 4r1 fiNr tlPvsh s-iiZ-*.Adjust the volume control to confirm..Wait until the In Use indicator qoes out. , III lf you want to record again, repeat from the steD 1. Note: .lf you pause for over 2 seconds while recording, the unit will sound 6 beeps andannounce Please record your outgoing message again.lf this happens, wait until the In Use indicator goes out and start with the step 1over.oThe unit will automatically change to the Answer mode after7 seconds from fvhen the In Use indicator goes out.-J- After reviewing.(The Liquid Crystal Display will show0.) To record future messages afterthe last message. Leave the unit as it is. To record future messages from the beginning of the tape. Push the REW button.
Listening to MessagesOther Features when an Incoming message has been recorded, the Liquid crystal Display will show thenumber ol calls and the Answer indicator will flash.In the case of a power interruption, the Liquid Crystal Display will show - - after theoower is restored.@otoo o!togt:3.0= .co (g {,CLo(, o$gl fil r-^ r ;y l*.*i Auto-Logic (One Touch Operation)The unit will announce the number ofreceived messages and the ICM tapewill automatically rewind and beginlo play back. At the end of all themessages End of final messagewill be heard. 7 seconds after End of final message is announced theunit will reset back to the Answermode..The unit will announce 1 or 2. according to the Line 1 or Line 2,before recording the Incomingmessage and the day and timeafter the recording. I Future fncoming messages willbe recorded after the lastmessage.To record from the beginning ofthe tape, push the REW button. I During the Pause mode, the unit willnot automatically change to theAnswer mode. While an Incoming message is beingrecorded; 1 Rdlust the Volume Control. To talk to the caller directly duringrecording Incoming message, confirmwhich line indicator is flashing and lifi thehandset to talk..The ICM tape will stop after recordingthe message recorded day and time. oEven when the handset of anothertelephone that is connected on thesame line is lilted, the ICM tape willstop recording.olf the tape will not stop, depress thehook switch for about 1 second. Many States have regulations on themanner in which Two-Way TelephoneConversations may be recorded.Consult your public utility agency. I To record a conversation onLine 1 1 Wnit having a conversation, S ffuntilabeepsoundisft.n heard. . oA beep will sound every 15seconos. 2 when finished, S Hagain.turh I To record a conversation onLine 2 While having a conversation, SU untila beep sound is heard. .A beep will sound every1 5 seconds. When finished,S E nn.hri.Use the handset, even if yourtelephone is equipped with aspeakerphone. Recording may notbe done in the hands-free mode. You may record a confidentical message any time at home on the ICM tape. It can be heard by people who know thecode number.E1 H Hand E simultaneously until a beep sound is heard. Speak into tn ff. EWhen finished, lt tr .Push oThe unit will be ready to answer thenext call. When the messages are received, avoice synthesized annoii-nbement of theday and time will be recorded on the ICMIape. Set the Time/Day Stamp Switch to ON. .When you record the Two-wayTelephone Conversation or MessageMemo, the day and time will be stampedas well as the incoming message. lf a call is received on one of the 2lines while recording the ICM or OGMfrom a remote phone, npise will be occasionally heard and recorded on the taoe.This is normal. 2 3 2 .To stop the tape temporarily, push the Pause button. (The In Useindicator will f lash.) To restart, pushthe button again. Tld I to rewind the tape. rE;l 1s 12s1 forward the tape. .lagtusi r!. ltrPvsh
Other Featufes rcont.r How to Adiust Time How to Operate from Remote Phone You can listen to the received Incoming messages f rom a remote localion with a tone telephone. Example: 86(on the bottom of the unit) R€MOTE COOEscrewdriverPUSH CoDt N0. {2dbils)OURITIG IHE OGM .The unit will not pick any calls. .Code No. is lwo digits..Do not use No. 7 as code No. I The Quick Reference Card (spare) fortone remote control can be found onpage 16. lf you forgot to set or want to cancel theAnswer mode: I Toset DIAI THE PHONE WAIT FOR OGM WILLNO.TOWHICH l5RINGS BEHEAROTHE UNIT ISCONNECTEO .The unit will play back the Outgoingmessage and then you may hang up the F Press the Function and Set buttons with apointed objecl such as a ball point pen. l-1 nn .serectedmode,P t I L .. .U U flashes.lbur Minute 1 E .Hour digits will flash.R.[tcTtoI @ to adjust the Hour. S€T E .Minute digits will flashFuricTroil to adiust the Minute 5 E o will flash.FUitcIroil El to adjust the Day. sEr .Day will be announced. lol,ri,H.* to complete acljustmenl I 1 up To cancel r--E--lI EEEI I I lt II r--t I OIAL THT PHONENO, TO WHICHTHE UNIT ISCONNECTED 11 |.j;l\l- r_:aJ2 2 3 4ESETselectable Play back the tape to the messageyou want to save. .The unit will announce the day and time. I Toconfirm. f!. r+ r@l\IftrshoThe unit will announce the day and time.j\I 2S lJ*l ,whirehordingh3t it, push the l-=;] button. .The unit will go into the Answermode and future Incomingmessages will be recorded atter lhemessages you have saved. @ n , while holding it, push the f?;-l or T.*;l until a beeo sound is heard. .The messages are erased whilerewinding or fast for\,varding..The cassette can be erased even ifthe record-orevention tabs have 6 7 Set the Ring Selector to AUTOI lf you calllrom a remote location and theunit does not pick up on the third ring,hang up. iThis means no calls have been recordedand you will not be required to retrieveand pay toll charges. .Pick-up on At least one messagethe second has been recorded.ring: rlf does not No messages havepick- up been recorded.on the so hang up.third ring: I After you have played back all themessages from a remote phone; .Pick-up on At least one newthe second message has beenring in the call: The unit will announce. the number of thenewly recordedmessages. o lf no pick-up occurs on the thirdring, no messages have beenrecoroeo. .When completing the adiustment,push the ,*E* according to the timesignal to set the 0 second.oLightlydepressing the $ {orwardsone digit..Holding down of the E fasttorwards digits..The programmed real time can bestored up to about 4 hours during apower failure..The accuracy of the clock will beapproximately +45 seconds amonth at 0to 40C of roomtemoerature. l rl I{ been
How to Operate from Remote Phon€ (cont.) How to Operate from Remote Phone (conr ) 0rAL THE PH0NE PUSH C00E ilo. (2 digils)N0. T0 wHlcH OURTNG THE ocMTHE UNIT ISCONNECTEO oThe unit will announce the numberof the received messages. rThe unit will rewind the tape withvoice even at tape endand play back all the received Incomingmessages automatically from thebeginning of the tape. oEnd of final message will beannounced after the last message. olf End of tape is announced, lheICM tape is full. Reset the ICMtape. See Remote Reset. Hang up. ,.Future lncoming messages will be recorded after the last message. I To rewind the taPe; I The tape will skip lonrvard or rewind forapproximately 1 5 secondscorresponding to playback time. When you have already heard themessages from a remote phone, you canskip them and listen only to the newlyrecoroeo messages. To record Incoming messages from the beginning of the tape. .Af1er the received messages areplayed back or while they are playing; ra Feil oTheunitwill rewindtothe t{ LiJ beginning of the rape. I Afteryou have used the MemoryPlayback; { 3. t.ll. r lrt .The unit will rewind to thebeginning ot the newly recordedmessages and a beep will beheard.-Er-2 Li u asain to go to thetushbeginning of the ICM tape. To cancel: Push the[] after a beepis heard. To monitor a conversation or sound f rom a room where the unit is installed. Aller hearing all messages, you can leave your index message on the tape The day and time will be stamped automatically at the end of your message. End of final message will be announced after all the recorded messages have been played back. 1 Strt to tlk right after Marker Message is announced. 2 wnn finished, hang up. IEI To skip forward the taoe; .l ttj H [:{ Errgtrl 2 NO. TO WHICHTHE UNIT ISCONNECTEO o f!. tzHl.- \y t4ltoii lEil l/\lOIAL THE PHONENO, TO WHICHTHE UNIT ISCONNECTEO olAL THE PHoNE PUSH COoE N0. (2 di9irs)OURING THE OGM right after you hear theannouncement o{ thenumber of the receivedmessages.oThe unil will play back the newmessages. rEven during the playback of thepreviously heard messages, you can skio them 5u orsl;nq [i1tll4l PUSH C00E N0. (2 drq(s)OURING THE OGM 2 af l,lll right after you hear theL r L5 announcementoflhetosn number of the recetveomessages. .You can listen lor 30 seconds.oTo listen turlher, push the ffi againwithin 10 seconds of hearing one beep End offinal message . Marker 1 Message receivedmessagesPAUSEyour MarkerMessage 10 I{
How to Operate from Remote Phone (cont.)Liquid Crystal Display lf you or a friend do not want lo hear theOutgoing message, the machine can beswitched promptly to the Incomingmessage mode. t I lDIAL THE PHoNE PUSH C0DE NO. (2 digirs)N0. T0 WHICH 0URING TH€ OcMTHE UNIT ISCONI.IECTED O -L l*t riqht after vou hear thet ;i: LJ-J ainouncementofrhenumber of the receivedmessages. . .Short beeps will be heardcontinuously untilthe OGM tapehas reset and lhen a long beep willbe heard. d.1 Speak clearly and loudly afteryou hear the long beep. { wnen finished, S Eto!n oThe new Qutgoing message will beplayed back. So you can check oramend it. fl you pause for over 2 seconds whilerecording, the unit will sound 6 beepsand announce Please record yourOutgoing message again. lf thishappens, repeat from step 2. 2 Speak clearly and loudly afteryou hear the long beep to record the Incoming messsage. I You can leave your message on thetape by using the OGM Skipprocedure even if you have set theRecording time selector to theANNOUNCE position. At this time, you have 1 minute toleave your message. .ln some areas, a remote tone ohonemay nol function due to telephone lineconditions such as line noise. echo. etc oThe unit may not respond if a pushtone telephone produces tones thatare too short to activate. ml | .-r |OIAL THE PHONENO. TO WHICHTHE UNIT ISCONNECTEO PUSH X DURINGTHE OGM Announcements by the Unit I II DisplayTypeWhen the display shows ^ tE : I tr (ifii).Whenyou set the Power Switch to OFF. *B ; s (Iffi:,) .While you are recording or playing back theOutgoing message.example: Lr 5 means 25 seconds elapsed AEEFIFI,-lttrlMessage\Counler / Recording Time Selector is set to 1 MIN or VOXThe display will show the number of recordedmessa9es. q /Ca| \ ffr \counter/ Recording Time Selector: ANNOUNCEThe display shows the number of calls received. f; (eot ) oWhen the OGM taoe is broken or not inserted..When there is more than a 2-second pause in therecording ol the OGM. oAfter plugging the AC Adaptor into the unit at theinitial use.eWhen power is restored after a power interruption. I I Announcement TypeWhen the announcement is said Monday seven oclock AM Sunday twelve oclock PM Wednesday six fifteen PM lDlsplay showslAu i : n L1 .when you push the ,lE: nE Announcebutton , E: l5 Number of messagesreceived twelve(1 2 messages arerecorded.) .When you push the playback button..When you push your Code No. on a remote phone toplay back the recorded message.
Cassette Tapes oFor optimum sound quality andperformance, we recommend you toreplace the OGM and the ICMcassette tapes every six months andto re-record the outgoing messageevery three months supposing that theunit answers calls about ten times everyday. oNever place a cassette lape near amagnetic source, such as a magnel or aTV set, because this will alfect the tapequality. oShould the lncoming Message cassettetape break or become worn, replace ilwith a high quality NORMAL tape.Use Panasonic (C-30, C-60, C-90),TDK or MAXELL cassette tape. Metal orchrome tape cannot be used. .Slack in the tape can be tightened byrotating the tape reel with a pencil, asshown: .Do nol use C-1 20 tape to prevent thetape from sticking. oA sensing foil (silver) is attached to theendlesstape. lfthe sensing foil does the sensing switch, the endless tape will not stop automatically, and it isprobably worn or cracked. Replace it with a new Panasonic endless cassettetape (KX-C030).oObserve carefully that the tape andcapstan are located as shown below,and insert the endless tape into themachine. The following endless cassette tapes canalso be used with this unit:.KX-Co10 oKX-C020 Correct Capstan Tape XffiTx w -13- MaintenanceOthers Because the head and capstanassemblies are in contact with the taoe.dirt and residue from the tape can easilyadhere lo these parts, causing distortion.These parts should be cleanedperiodically in the manner describedbelow: oClean the head surfaces, sensingswitch, pressure rollers andcapstans with a cotton swab.ll these surfaces are extremely dirty,dampen the cotton swab with alcohol. Notes:.Do not bring magnetic or metal obiects, such as a screwdriver, near the head assemblies, as such ob.lects couldmagnetize the heads..Do not oil any part of the unit. Pressure roller Sensing Switch .lf there is trouble, disconnect the unitfrom the teleDhone line. When thetelephone is connected to the EASA- PHONE, disconnect the telephone lrom the EASA-PHONE and plug the telephone directly into the telephoneline. lf the telephone operates properly, do not reconnect the unit to the line until the trouble has been repaired by an authorized Panasonic Factory ServiceCenter. lf the telephone does not operate when the unit is disconnected,chances are that the trouble is in the telephone system, and not in the unit.. Do not use benzine, thinner, or similarsolvents. Do not use abrasive oowdertoclean the cabinet. Wipe itwith a softcloth. .Keep the unit away from heating appliances and electrical noisegenerating devices such as lluorescentlamDs. motors and television. Thesenoise sources can interfere with theperformance of the EASA-PHONE. .This unit and the cassette tapes shouldbe kept free ol dust, moisture, hightemperature and vibration, and shouldnot be exposed to direct sunlight. .Never attempl to insert wires, pins, etc.into the vents or other holes of this unit.
Troubleshooting Guide Problem rThe unlt will not workwhen I push any buttons.ol cannot remove thecassette from the unit. The unit has been set tooperale as an answeringmachine, but no incomingmessages are recorded. The unit does not function.However, a beep sounds6 times and the answerSndicator flashes on and offquickly. I have played back all therecorded messages and Iwanl to record the nexiphone call after the lastrecorded message. I push the button of aremote phone, but the unitdoes not respond. Some incoming messageshave not been recorded upto its end. Cause & Remedy Unplug the AC adaptor and plug it in again. The OGM cassette might be broken. Replace itwith a new one. (Refer to the endless cassettetape on page 13.) Clean the heads. (See Maintenance instructionon page 14.) .Wait for 7 seconds. The unit will be ready torecord the next phone call.o In case of remote operation, just hang up. .Make sure that you are using your owncode number.. Record the outgoing message in a quietptace. Set the CPC Switch to the 8. See page I. oThe OGM cassette is broken (cut, worn out ortwisted). Replace the cassette with a newone.oThe OGM is recorded improperly. Record anew OGM.oThe recording time selector is set to..ANNOUNCE, @I Message or the Incoming II Message tape is played I back, the sound level is I low, even if the Volume I w lmportant Informations WARNINGlf you are required from the TelephoneCompany, inform the followings.oFCC Registration No. . . .ACJ96N.1 9677-AN.NoRingerEquivalence.... .... 0.48.The particular line to which the equipment isconnecreo In the event terminal equipment causes harmto the telephone network, lhe telephonecompany should notify the customer, ifpossible, that service may be stopped.However, where prior notice is impractical, thecompany may temporarily cease serviceprovidihg that they: (a) Promptly notify the cuslomer.(b) Give the customer an opportunity locorrect the problem with their equapment.(c) Inlorm the customer of the right to bring a complaint to the Federal CommunicationCommission pursuanl lo procedures setoul in F.C.C. Rules and RegulataonsSubpart E of Part 68. The Telephone Company may make changesin its communications facilities, equipment,operations or procedures. where such actionas reasonably required in the operation of itsbusiness and is not inconsistent with the rulesand regulations in F.C.C. Part 68. ll suchchanges can be reasonably expected torender any customer terminal equipmentincompatible with telephone companycommunications facilities, or requiremodification or alleration of such terminalequipment, or otherwise materially affect itsuse or performance. the customer shall begiven adequate notice in writing, to allow thecuslomer an opportunity to maintainuninterruDted service. TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCKHAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THISPRODUCT TO RAIN OR ANY TYPE OFMOISTURE. This eauipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for a Class Bcomputing device in accordance wilh thesp€cifications set forth in Subpart J of Part15 ol the F.c.c. Rules. ll this equipmenldoes cause interference to radio ortelevision reception which can bedetermined by turning the equipment onand oft, use the equipmenl in anotherlocation and/or utilize an electrical outletdifferent trom that used by the receiver. - 16-