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Panasonic GT50 Tv User Manual

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Page 61

Home network DLNA
Connect to network
Network connections  (1)
Contact your Broadband service provider If you dont have Internet service from your  local provider, please  order a high-
speed Internet service at no less than  the connection speed below. If you already
have this service,  make  sure  that the connection speed exceeds the following:
Required speed (effective): at least 1.5 Mbps  for SD and 6 Mbps  for HD  picture
quality, respectively.
Dial-up Internet service cannot  be used for VIERA...

Page 62

Home network DLNA
Connect to network
Network connections  (2)
Connecting to the Internet
A.  Wireless connection
If you are  using the network  for connecting various pieces of equipment and want
to connect  the TV, you could also use a Wireless LAN  and Access point to connect
the TV to the Internet.
(Built -in  Wireless  LAN)
point - Hub, Router
- Modem
- DLNA Certified  media  server
(for example, PC, etc.)
*To use only DLNA features, you can operate the features without Broadband...

Page 63

Home network DLNA
Connect to network
Network connections  (3)
B.  Wired connection (Directly connected)
If you are  not using the network  for connecting anything else but the TV, you can
just connect  the TV directly to the Cable/DSL Ethernet modem with LAN  cable.

Page 64

Home network DLNA
Connect to network
Network connections  (4)
C. Wired connection (Using Router)
If you are  using the network  for connecting various pieces of equipment and want
to connect  the TV, you should  use a router to connect  the TV to the Internet with
LAN  straight cable.
ETHERNETLAN  cable- Hub, Router
- Modem
- DLNA Certified  media  server
(for example, PC, etc.)
*To use only DLNA features, you can operate the features without Broadband
network  environment.
You can just connect  the...

Page 65

Home network DLNA
Network settings
Setting menu
This menu  is used for connecting to a Broadband environment.
1.Display the Menu and  select Network
 MENU Menu > Network
Select  Network  using 
/ from menu  bar  and press  
2.Select the options and  set
(Connection test /Network connection /Wireless network settings /
IP address/DNS  settings /Network link/ Software  update /
New  software notice /Wake  on LAN /Network status )

Page 66

Home network DLNA
Network settings
Connection  test
Connection test
Check that the all  Network settings, and then  start  Connection test
Select  Connection test  using / and press  
(It takes a while to cancel the test.)
Displayed Connection test screen
Check mark appears at front  of each check items box when check has
been finished  successfully.
Complete Connection test
 Completion screen  is displayed.
 Follow the directions on screen  to complete the setting.
If you perform  the...

Page 67

Home network DLNA
Network settings
Network connection
Network connection
Select Network connection  using /
Select Network type (Ethernet cable/Wireless (WiFi) ) with /

Page 68

Home network DLNA
Network settings
Wireless network settings
Wireless network settings
Select Wireless network settings  with / and press  
Display Wireless networks  and select access point.
Or select connection method  (below) with color key and follow the
directions on screen  to complete the setting.
WPS  (push  button):
You can connect  to the access point by pressing a connection button.
Set  the PIN code that is displayed on the TV on the access point.
Manual  settings:
Manually  set...

Page 69

Home network DLNA
Network settings
IP  address/DNS settings
IP address/DNS  settings
Select IP address/DNS  settings  using / and press  
Displayed IP address/DNS  settings
Select IP setting mode  / DNS setting mode  using / and select
Automatic  with 
Each IP  address is acquired automatically
If you are  using a Broadband router, IP  automatic acquisition in DHCP can be
used under normal circumstances. If you are  not sure, check with the person
who installed the equipment,  or check the instructions...

Page 70

Home network DLNA
Network settings
Proxy settings
Proxy settings
Set  only if specified  by the provider. It is not required for normal household use.
Select  IP address/DNS  settings  using / and press  
Select Proxy setting  using / and press  
Select the item and press  
Enter address or port number and press  
Proxy address
This is the address of the relay server that is connected to the target server instead
of the browser and sends data  to the browser. Setting is only required if specified
by the...
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