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Panasonic Digital Camera Dmc Gf6 Owners Manual For Advanced Features

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Page 181

7Touch [OK].
•Confirmation screen is displayed. It is executed when [Yes] 
is selected.
•Motion pictures can also be created from [Stop Motion 
Video] in the [Playback] menu. (P214)
∫Adding pictures to the Stop Motion Animation group
Selecting [Additional] in step 2 will display group pictures recorded with [Stop Motion 
Animation]. Select a set of group pictures, touch [Set], and then select [Yes] on the 
confirmation screen.
Automatic recording may not take place at set intervals...

Page 182

•Refer to P95 for details.
•Refer to P132 –  P137 for details.
Applicable modes: 
When Red-Eye Reduction ([ ], [ ]) is selected, Red-Eye Removal is performed 
whenever the flash is used. The camera autom atically detects red-eye and corrects the 
Settings: [ON]/[OFF]
[ ] is displayed on the icon when it is set to [ON].
Not available in these cases:
Under certain circumstances, red-eye cannot be corrected.
[Panorama Settings]
[Red-Eye Removal] 

Page 183

Applicable modes: 
It will select optimal ISO sensitivity with set value as limit depending on the brightness of 
the subject.
Settings: [200]/[400]/[800]/[1600]/[3200]/[6400]/[12800]/[OFF]
It will work when the [Sensitivity] is set to [AUTO] or [ ].
Not available in these cases:
[ISO Limit Set] is disabled in the following cases:–[Clear Nightscape]/[Cool Night Sky]/[Warm Glowing Nightscape] (Scene Guide Mode)
–When recording motion pictures
Applicable modes: 
You can adjust the ISO...

Page 184

Applicable modes: 
The camera automatically removes noise that appears when the shutter speed becomes 
slower to take pictures of night scenery  etc. so you can take beautiful pictures.
Settings: [ON]/[OFF]
If you set [ON], the countdown screen is displayed when the shutter button is pressed. Do not 
move the camera at this time. After the countdown is finished, [Long shutter noise reduction 
ongoing] is displayed for the same time as the selected shutter speed for signal processing.

Page 185

•Refer to P125 for details.
•Refer to P128 for details.
Applicable modes: 
Set this when you want to correct the color reproduction of the recorded pictures on a PC, 
printer etc.
Depending on the color space setting, the file name of the recorded picture changes as shown.
•Set to sRGB if you are not very familiar with AdobeRGB.•The setting is fixed to [sRGB] in the following case.–When recording motion pictures
•Refer to P122 for details.
[Ex. Tele Conv.]
[Digital Zoom]
[Color Space]...

Page 186

Applicable modes: 
Face Recognition is a function which finds a face resembling a registered face and 
prioritizes focus and exposure automatically. Even if the person is located towards the 
back or on the end of a line in a group photo, the camera can still take a clear picture.
Settings: [ON]/[OFF]/[MEMORY]
The following functions will also work with the Face 
Recognition function.
In Recording Mode
–Display of corresponding name when camera detects a 
registered face¢ (if name has...

Page 187

•[Face Recog.] only works when the AF Mode is set to [š].•During the Burst Mode, [Face Recog.] picture information can be attached to only the first 
•Similarity in facial features can result in one person being recognized as another.•Face Recognition may take more time to select and recognize distinctive facial features than 
regular Face Detection.
•Even when face recognition information has been  registered, pictures taken with [Name] set to 
[OFF] will not be categorized by...

Page 188

You can register information such as names and birthdays for face images of up to 6 
Registration can be facilitated by taking multiple face images of each person (up to 3 
1Touch [MEMORY].2Touch [New].
•[New] will not display if there are 6 people already 
registered. Delete a person already registered to register a 
new person.
3Take the picture adjusting the face with the guide.
•Confirmation screen is displayed. It is executed when [Yes] 
is selected....

Page 189

4Set the item.•You can register up to 3 face images.
•Exit the menu after it is set.
ItemDescription of settings
It is possible to register names.
1 Touch [SET].
2 Enter the name.
For details on how to enter characters, refer to “Entering Text” 
section on  P56.
It is possible to register the birthday.
1Touch [SET].
2 Set the Year/Month/Day by touching [ ]/[ ] for each item, 
and touch [Set].
[Add Images]
To add additional face images.
Add Images)
1 Touch [Add].
2 Perform...

Page 190

You can modify the pictures or information of an already registered person. You can also 
delete the information of the registered person.
1Touch [MEMORY].
2Touch the face image to edit or delete.3Set the item.
Exit the menu after it is set.
Change or delete the information for a registered person
ItemDescription of settings
[Info Edit]Changing the information of  an already registered person.
Perform step 4 in “Face Settings”.
The focus and exposure are preferentially adjusted...
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